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Taste of Spring-Species / Bloom Time / Taste

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Taste of Spring

Species / Bloom Time / Taste




ANISE - July/Sept - Strong, licorice, sweet & tasty

APPLE - May - Slightly floral, sour

BASIL - July/Frost - Spicy, sweet

BERGAMOT - July - Perfumy, tealike, aromatic

BORAGE - June/July - Slight cucumber taste

BURNET - July - Strong green, hint of cucumber

CALENDULA - June/August - Slightly green, tangy, peppery

CHERVIL - May/June - parsley-like with hint of tarragon, citrus

CHIVE - May/June - onion, strong

CHIVE, GARLIC - August/Sept - onion-garlic, strong

CHRYSANTHEMUM - Sept/Oct - each variety different, some mild, some strong, bitter

CORIANDER - June/Frost - like leaf, but more fragrant

(ENGLISH) DAISY - April/Sept - mild

DANDELION - May/July - like leaves, bitter

DAYLILY - June/July - cooked, like asparagus/zucchini cross

DILL - June/Frost - like leaves, but stronger

ELDERBERRY - May/June - floral, mild

FENNEL - July/August - licorice, milder than leaves, sweet

GLADIOLUS - Bulb (6-8 wks after planting) - best used as container or garnish

GRAPE HYACINTH - April/May - grapey, bitter after-taste, slight sour

HOLLYHOCK - July/Sept - little taste, slightly bitter

HONEYSUCKLE - May/July - honey sweet, perfumy

LAVENDER - June/July - very perfumy

LEMON - Varies - citrus, very perfumed, slight bitter but some varieties sweeter

LEMON BALM - July/August - very sweet and lemony

LILAC - April/May - perfumy, slightly bitter

LOVAGE - August - mild celery

AFRICAN MARIGOLD - May/Sept - variable, some intense and bitter

SIGNET MARIGOLD - May/Sept - citrusy and milder than African variety

MARJORAM - June/August - like leaves, spicy, sweet

OREGANO - June/August - like leaves, spicy, pungent

MINT - July/Sept - minty, milder than leaves

MUSTARD - April/May - hot, mustardy

NASTURTIUM - July/August - like watercress

ORANGE - Varies - perfumy, citrusy, orangelike skin

(GARDEN) PEA - May/June - raw peas

PINK - June/July - little flavor, clove & cottage pinks are spicier

PLUM - April/May - mild, like flower nectar

RED CLOVER - June/Sept - hay, green

ROCKET - May/Frost - like leaves, nutty, smoky

ROSE - May/Sept - perfumy, sweet to bitter

ROSEMARY - Varies - mild, flowery, delicate

(GARDEN) SAGE - May/July - flowery sage, slightly musky

(PINEAPPLE) SAGE - Sept - flowery pineapple, slight sage muskiness

(SUMMER) SAVORY - July/August - mildly peppery, sweet, herby

(WINTER) SAVORY - July/August - mildly peppery, herby, spicy

SCARLET RUNNER BEAN - July/August - like raw bean, mild

SCENTED GERANIUM - throughout year - varies, slightly sour or bitter

SQUASH - July/August - like vegetable, raw squash

SWEET WOODRUFF - May - sweet, grassy, vanilla

THYME - July/August - like leaves but milder

TULIP - April/May - slightly bitter or sweet

VIOLET (PANSY) - April/July - Mild, leafy green, some varieties sweet

YUCCA - July - slightly bitter with hint of artichoke




Edible flowers aren't new -- the ancient Romans ate violets, roses and pot marigolds, while the Chinese have long incorporated steamed or dried daylilies and tigerlilies into their cuisine


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Are you pullin my leg.......you can eat roses...marigolds...chrysantemums....grape hyacinths (ya mean muscari?).......holly hock..tulip??????????

How the heck do ya do that....what parts...just the petals?


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