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Help!!!! with canning


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I made started a small batch of picked okra this morning and had some heating problems, so I am afraid it might have messed up this time.... For the life of me I cant remember if the little bubble on the lid goes down as it cools or if its like that when you take them out.. If it is wrong is it ok just to put them in the fridge until we eat (like I said small batch)....I dont know what to do I have never had a problem during my water baths before, I am not even sure it was affected this time. I have an electric stove and what trying to get it back to temp quick and the paint started smoking because of the way the pan is bigger and held in the heat. I am always so careful but my husband wanted these so bad because I haven't been up to making these or pickled eggs for him for awhile (I have bad stomach problems) and I am afraid I am going to have to do this all over again in the next week if its not ok..

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never mind as I was typing the last post it formed a vacuum seal, although if anyone knows if something like that ever happens again can I reprocess it? oh and if anyone has a good pickled egg recipe that can sit on shelf until opened that would be great to so I can make a bunch for him all at once...

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*WHEW*! Glad your okra "pinged"! They can seem stubborn sometimes! ;)


No, I'm sorry, but we can't pickle eggs. Only the commercial canneries can do that. It's just not safe.


(And I've never been able to bring myself to buy the commercially canned ones, either... it just doesn't seem *RIGHT*.)



I can pickled beets and then as I open jars, I boil the eggs and pickle them in the refrigerator.










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Thanks so much cat, unfortunately he does not like me to use beets so that wont work and I thought I couldn't can them for the shelf but I figured this place would be safe to ask, especially since the other groups that I have joined think its safe to can butter and cheese when you guys say no... I like to be safe. Again thanks so much for the help.



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never mind as I was typing the last post it formed a vacuum seal, although if anyone knows if something like that ever happens again can I reprocess it? oh and if anyone has a good pickled egg recipe that can sit on shelf until opened that would be great to so I can make a bunch for him all at once...

I'm pretty sure that you CANNOT safely can pickled eggs. I believe I inquired about it once myself. Better safe than sorry.

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... the other groups that I have joined think its safe to can butter and cheese when you guys say no...





I'm so glad you know enough to try to be safe. Dairy products are just TOO RISKY to can.


I can't understand why anyone would risk their family's health over a little cheese or butter.








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