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What is one of your most favorite things to do?

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I was thinking, and what I have discovered is the heat may have reached my brain!

'Cause, I want to talk about fall, which thankfully, isn't that far off. I love autumn ~ the colors, the smells, crisp feel in the air ~ I even like the fact that my family starts expecting cooked meals again as the temps cool down. (Nah, they don't always get homecooking, but ususally, I break down and cook.)

I enjoy being out in the heart of creation during the fall, but my favorite activity is to wait until one of those cool showers comes along, open up all the doors and windows, light all my favorite candles and wrap up in a quilt my greataunt made and read a good book (or the Good Book). A little spiced tea and I am in heaven! My troubles and stress seem to evaporate into the folds of the quilt and I am renewed and refreshed once again.

What about you? Got a favorite time of the year? *sure you do~* *speak*

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I have four favourite times in the year, all connected to the seasons. I love the few days when the season is just turning into the next one; there is a great sense of optimism and expectation, which goes hand in hand with a gradual change in the light which is barely pereceptible to begin with. My favourite change over is almost about to happen here - late summer into autumn. In most calendars in this country Autumn doesn't start until September, but in my life I come into line with the ancient peoples when August is the start of autumn, when the crops were starting to ripen, much abundance and preparation for winter. It's time to start thinking about airing the blankets that have been stored over the summer, and chopping wood for the fire, bottling fruit and picking wild fruit from the hedgerows. The wild ducks and gees will be seen shortly, which is ver evocative. It is a wonderful sight, and much more thrilling than the usual helicopters and hot air balloons that we usually see around here! Because my seasons are out of step by about a month with most people, they find it very difficult to deal with. I go by nature and the weather, rather than a date on a paper calendar, or what is said on T.V. I love autumn the best, I think. Said enough!

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Let me see here, you ask for favorite thing to do.

I have to say it would be when all of our kids and grandkids get together, and it has been 4 years since that has happened.

I love to have the kids come who can and when they can come. We will be taking care of 2 of our grandsons from the 13th of this month until the 1st of Sept. So, we will have fun doing things with them. smile.gif

I love to work on genealogy, to see who my ancestors were, where they came from, and what they did.

Travel, I love to travel, even though we don't get to do much of that. I like to visit places that tell of history.

I love to watch the birds in our yard. We have many feeders and many kinds of birds.

See, I can't narrow it down to just one. smile.gif

As for which season I like best, I like them all for different reasons. Then, they all have drawbacks too. Winter, with ice and snow, Spring, flooding in some places, Summer, tornado watches and such, Fall, the only drawback there is you know that Summer is over and Winter is coming.



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Fall is my favorite time of year! The leaves changing, the corn and soybeans turning their golden colors just before harvest. The crisp clear days where you can see forever and are sure these days will last forever! Having family and friends over for bonfires and weinie roasts until it cools off enough to send us to the house or wrap up in blankets. Getting all my gardens put to bed for winter and knowing next spring a million little flowers will come again.

The only problem I have with fall is the gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach when I know what's coming next.......WINTER!!! frown.gif



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Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons here, mostly because they are the only times I am comfortable to be outside.

I love the Tulips and the green leaves budding and the Peonies in the spring here. When all life is waking from it's long sleep and bursting out in all colors smile.gif

Fall I love for the crisp dry weather and the lovely leaves. My kids sure love jumping in the leaf piles LOL. One of my favorite things is to have a big bonfire and gather with my family and friends for a cookout before the weather gets too cold. Making Smores! smile.gif



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Well, I too am longing for Fall. I have health problems and the heat aggregates everything so I am just wiped out all the time. But, I have always loved fall. We live here in beautifl Maine and the foiliage is so pretty. I like to sit on the porch with a nice cup of tea and just enjoy the beauty, read and relax. Winter also has its pleasures with watching the snow sitting in front of a cozy fire. Then about February I am longing for Spring. I know I couldn't live anwhere that didn't have the changes of seasons.

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I'm with you there, Dee!

As I posted, fall is my favorite and I love from the end of summer through the Christmas season. The time around Thanksgiving has always been such a special rewarding time for both me and my family. However, once Christmas is over, I start looking for spring!

You know there is that old saying ~

30 days has September, April, June and November; all the rest have 31 except January which has eightyyyyy! smile.gif

My birthday is even in January and I still find myself wishing the days of January and February away! One redeeming quality *seed catalogs* and sitting by the fire dreaming of those spring gardens!

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I agree with you totally!

At one time, I thought how nice it would be to live close to the ocean and enjoy temps that are comfortable year round. Not now though, as I would miss the seasonal changes and it isn't just the "color" it is the smell and the feel of the different seasons.

To live in an area that didn't change, would be boring.

{Ummm, will I still feel that way about mid January when we are in the middle of an ice storm???}

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My fav is fall! The beautiful reds/golds/burnt oranges against the blue sky or reflecting on the water. Sunday afternoon rides out to the country-stopping on small town commons looking at the colors against the white church steeples.

The sweet crisp air.

Taking a hay ride out to pick apples with my family. The smell of apple pies cooking.

Fresh apple cider from the farm.

Climbing under a down blankie reading.

Yup....nothing like fall!



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Oh wow...favorite things to do...hmmmmmmmm...

I love solitude. I love the sound of the ocean rushing to shore and I love the peacefulness of a mountain top.

I love to read and I love, love, love to listen to music. I've always loved cooking and I love people gathering together to enjoy what I've prepared for them.

I long to once again see the fall leaves in brilliant color. I love the first snow, and I love the buds of spring.

This was a good topic Danny Lou...it causes you to pause and think about those things that bring you pleasure.




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My favorite time of year would be spring! I just love the coolness of the mornings and daytime. The trees budding, flowers blooming and all the birds singing in the trees. smile.gif

I like summer only because we have a swimming pool to cool down in. Otherwise, I don't care too much for it. It's too hot where I live.

Winter is kind of nice because it is cool and I love to snuggle with a warm blanket, drink hot tea and read or watch movies. I also like that we MIGHT get a LITTLE snow and rain.

Fall....aaaaawwwwww.....the cool evenings and cooler daytime. I am so ready! I love to go to Oak Glen where they have apple orchards during this time of year. I enjoy being outside and taking drives partly up the mountain to see leaves changing.

I am getting excited for fall already! smile.gif But, I better hold on...we still have two months or more of hot weather!

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I love the Fall. There is something about the smells of Fall with burning leaves in back yard pits and fireplace smoke from chimneys wafting over the valley that makes me feel a comfort in this season. Its the time to go on hayrides up at the apple farm where we pick our apples off the trees by the bushels to lay in storage for those Thanksgiving and Christmas pies and desserts. Its the time when we rake up the leaves in the yard and jump in the piles having alot of fun.I love to rub the frost off the windows on late fall mornings. Its the time when smells of my baking fill the kitchen and house with mouthwatering delights. Its a time for family and togetherness.

Then Winter is my favorite time because I love the first snowfall of the season. My constitution is to walk in the woods behind my home while its snowing and just enjoy the serenity of the moment every year. Many times I have spotted the forest critters under the big pines snuggling together to keep warm perhaps. At times like that I always wish I had brought my camera with me but I never remember. Our holidays are simple, not commercial. Home made gifts are appreciated and cherished more because they come from the heart. We always remember those who don't have alot and we give to different organizations who provide toys for children and foodbaskets for families.

During this time we get the two seat cutter we bought years ago and hook it up to a borrowed horse and we sleigh ride along the country roads under heavy blankets. Sam loves riding in the cutter and he snuggles between us his little doggie face peeking up from the covers.

By January the excitement of winter starts to disappear so its time for another walk in the woods, this time under starry skys. The crisp cold air is invigorating and the sky is lovely. We have fun identifying the constellations and just walking hand and hand through the wood.

Valentines Day gives us renewed hope of perhaps an early Spring until the Chinooks blow over the mountains whistling their fast and furious tune of mockery. No Spring yet!

When Spring finally gets here we look for the signs. Geese coming back from their winter homes in the South perhaps bringing a new addition to their summer homes. The blossoms of the tulips in the yard, grass growing lush green, a new fresh smell to the air, then


When everything comes alive!

I am longwinded so I will wind this up. I am also very tired because I was up late last night.

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Reci, you are not longwinded. You are awesome! I love reading your descriptions of where you live and how it touches your life!

(((Reci))) Thank you for sharing!!!

[This message has been edited by Danny Lou (edited August 16, 2002).]

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  • 3 weeks later...

My absolutely favorite thing to do is in the fall (right now really) curl up on my bed surrounded by only quilts and pillows and read. It has to be the right temperature--kind of cool for most people--and the sheets and quilts have to be fluffy and bright--absolutely no 'bally' flannel or blankets and I read for hours and hours and hours...Of course, I rarely get to do it.But I enjoy it when I do!


PS No one must ring the doorbell or phone either. There must be a sense of solitude.(Gee...can't tell I'm in a family of 5 huh?)

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