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Wow! Where is the time going?


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Hey everyone!


I'll tell you what, I've been going through Mrs. S withdrawal! It's been a while since I've been able to be on the site reliably, and I have missed those of you who I got used to having as a daily part of my life and routine! I hope you are all doing really well.


I have been making arrangements to go back to school for nursing. :) It's exciting but it's also REALLY scary!!!!!! :unsure: Things are so different now, especially since I have two little ones and a DH that I will be taking care of on top of my studies...part of me feels like such an idiot for thinking I can do this, and the other part of me is thrilled! :) EEK...


I just have been thinking of y'all and wanted to say that I hope you are doing well. Hopefully I'll start being able to manage my time in such a way that I can make it back to Mrs. S every day or two...take care of yourselves and know that you are missed!

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It's really good to hear from you! I'm so proud of you for going back to school! I know from experience how hard it can be (since I graduated in December!) having young kiddos and trying to go back to school. But the good news is, YOU CAN DO IT!! It has it challenges, but also most definite rewards. Before you know it, it will be over and you'll have completed your coursework. I wish you the best and hope that you have time to stop by and say hi once in a while!



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Oh, G&V -- I will have to talk with you about your experience. Do you mind if I PM you and ask your advice on how you managed your time?? I would be so appreciative of any insights you can offer!!!

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Time management is the key to studying when life is already happening. My method was to ensure that I set myself study times that nothing interupted. DH was home a lot even though he was working (pastoring a church) so he picked up a lot of the slack, Kids had their chores, and the other important item - set yourself some 'play' time. You need to give yourself permission to take a break. I hope you have a marvelous time studying - it is worth it! I graduated at 49 and I am now tackling post grad studies while working fulltime.

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Aw TM, brave move to cram all of this into one life. Good on you and I'm proud of you being so looking towards the future.

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:welcome: back.


Congratulations on your new venture, may it be all you hope for and more.


My projects caused me to have to do a tremendous amount of studying 'how to'. A friend gave me a current college accounting book to augment my 1987 version, and I'm going through the course again. DH says he "can't believe how I can read that stuff without falling asleep". LOL, just like I can't see how he can keep track of all the stuff that he's an expert at. Boggles my mind sometimes.


Good luck and have fun.

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my 2 cents worth..................................


Sounds like this might be a good thread area all by itself?


Managing time , money, school and STILL keeping family together might be something you all will need support with as you forge ahead to make a better life (?). <--- can't say what I am thinking - but you get the idea.


I mean if there was a place here JUST for the few that are doing this (or just finished and can add advice) then you could all post ideas and help for each other. Also if support for when times just are overwelming.

Ya know?

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