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More prayers please

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I want to fill you all in on some of the things that have been going on here at our house. I know some already know some of it and others have been left in the dark due to things that I did not want to put in the public forum at the time.


Many of you will remember a few years ago there was a problem between our # 2 DS and his wife. She had acted and said things that made our son fear for our grandsons lives, this was while they were living in TX. Old Pine and I took a quick trip and helped him with bringing the boys up here. But, she said she would change, and for a while seemed to have changed but, things have not worked out, the change did NOT last.


Things again took place that our son could not and will not put up with. He is going to be getting a divorce from her and he is in hopes to get custody of the boys. From the way it sounds right now he has a very good chance of getting complete custody, but in time he is willing to let it be a joint custody. With him having the boys most of the time, and she will only get them when and if she is doing better.


I did not post this when it happened, as I was very upset and probably would have said a lot of things that would not have been good for anyone in her family to have seen. I am not going to go into detail, but just know that the boys are much better off with their dad and us than with the mother.


On Thursday, our son and two grandsons joined us in our home. Our one grandson will be enrolled in the school here on Monday or Tuesday.


Monday will be a busy day. DS has to be in court getting a restraining order; and Old Pine is having a spot removed at the clinic. So not sure there will be a chance to get DGS inrolled. I, will be watching our two grandsons, unless they need me in court or something.


Right now, the two little boys have been playing with the neighbor children. One is our older grandsons age and the other is just a year younger, so just a year older than the youngest grandson. We are in hopes that the older one age 6, will be put in the same room as the neighbor child. At least he will know one child this way.


Please pray that things will work out for our son and that he will get the custody of the boys. All prayers are very much appreciated.


I want to thank each one of you who have been praying about this for the past week. Any and all information you have PM'd me has been taken into concideration.


A very special thank you goes to Reci and Cappy. (((((HUGS)))))


Fran, you are such a good friend and listener too, thank you so much too. (((((Fran)))))




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Awww Snow, why didnt you pm me? You know that your are one of the special people in my heart, we have shared and been thru so much together in the past five years. Please know that your family's in my prayers and I care so much about you all. T.

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