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The new fur child


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In the middle of having a beast of a cold, re-arranging the entire livingroom and having to fight off a flare of Bechterew...we picked up a new doggie last night.

Scruffy old chap, can barely walk from being worn out, heart condition, stinks to high heaven. He accidently peed and pooped outside a few times, most is indoors. Hurray for sprays with desinfectant.

I got an old children's buggy and sew a piece of strong fabric at the front to close it. Cos he can't even walk to the street behind us with the little grass patch.

Slept 4 hours last night and just got back from a walk at the heathland (heather and woods). Little Toto is quickly adapting to being driven around in his vehicle and go for small walks inbetween.

Me is going back to bed. I'm too old to go to airports in the middle of the night and get back around the time I normally wake up :grinning-smiley-044:


This is him 3 days ago still in the shelter in Spain. As soon as we have a pic of him and his chauffeur, we'll post it



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Well it looks like he is getting prime treatment at your home. Can you give him doggy vitamins? Sounds like lots of TLC and once he gets used to the fact that he can go outside and realizes it he will probably be better about it ( hopefully). Toto was probably really stressed out and it looks like his exaustion has taken quite a toll for now. I hope he recuperates and responds to all that TLC soon and realizes he now has a loving home with loving people to be with soon. He has been through the mill it sounds like! If you can get it CoQ10 is excellent for the heart whether it is human or dog and might help him out that way.

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