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Neti pot?


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Does anyone use a neti pot? I'm thinking about trying it for my allergies, but I don't know anyone in real life who uses one. Looking for others' experiences, tips, words of warning, etc. And just what exactly does it feel like? Is it like when I get water up my nose at the pool?

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Thanks for the info! I saw someone buying that sinus rinse at Kaiser the other day - I'm headed there for an appointment this afternoon so I'll pick one up and try it.


Wonder what the chances are of getting my two year old to try it? :laughkick: She's on her very first round of antibiotics ever, for a sinus infection, poor thing.

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Neti pots do work. I also have developed some allergies, and I have gotten real relief with them. But I've gotten much more from an herbal antihistamine called D-Hist. It's made of quercitin, stinging nettle, and bromelain, if I recall right. No side effects like drowsiness, and it works right away. Down side is you have to take it three times a day for maximum relief. But for me, it's been the most effective thing ever. I'm completely clear, no itchy watery eyes, and especially no stuffy nose. And it's so awesome to find my sense of smell has returned! I can ride my horse in the woods and smell wild roses, the wild honeysuckle, and the woodsy humus underfoot, and it's heaven. :)



I hope you find some relief.

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Neti pots do work. I also have developed some allergies, and I have gotten real relief with them. But I've gotten much more from an herbal antihistamine called D-Hist. It's made of quercitin, stinging nettle, and bromelain, if I recall right. No side effects like drowsiness, and it works right away. Down side is you have to take it three times a day for maximum relief. But for me, it's been the most effective thing ever. I'm completely clear, no itchy watery eyes, and especially no stuffy nose. And it's so awesome to find my sense of smell has returned! I can ride my horse in the woods and smell wild roses, the wild honeysuckle, and the woodsy humus underfoot, and it's heaven. :)



I hope you find some relief.


Thanks Horseyrider! I picked up a sinus rinse at the store and, if I can get up my courage, I'll try it tonight. :happy0203: I'm leery of the herbal allergy remedies - I know they work for a lot of people, but the one summer I tried to avoid regular medicine was the summer I developed asthma. I've stuck pretty strictly to my prescriptions since then!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Neti pots are the best!! It is so hard to convince the timid and unbelieving, but I have really really severe allergies and this is awesome! If you can't get it to work right the first time, keep trying because with this thing practice does make perfect. And Furbabymom.... I know what you mean, but at least the neti pot can't hurt! And now studies are showing that using a neti pot regularly to avoid virus and other upper respiratory infection work just like hand washing does.....it washes the "bug" off before you can get infected by it. :cheer:

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