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Stove Top bread?


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Alot of folks get those Coleman ovens but the ones made more recently are cheaply made.

One of the things one can do is use a large dutch oven and its lid.

each coal in a campfire, or fire is 10 F. So you need 350 F degrees to bake bread. You would need to keep that consistent for the time of the baking once the dutch oven warms up.

Use cornmeal in a layer on the bottom of the dutch oven . If you can heap more coals on the lid and around it, that would ensure baking.


Another method if using a bread pan in the dutch oven would be to put the meat drip pan under the bread pan and rest the bread pan on top of it.. I can't think what they are really called. I do know I have seen them listed with cast iron pans on amazon.com.


with the cornmeal method , once the bread is baked and cooled just brush the bottom to get rid of the loose cornmeal. It should keep the bottom from being burned if your temperature was right.


If you were stationary and had access to clayey soil, you can make a bread oven for outside baking. You only have to build it, start a fire inside then scrape out the coals when its good and hot , put the loaf inside to bake and close up the entrance well to seal it shut. There is a chimney on top for it to vent usually.


the other option is to make camp breads and wrap them around a green stick over the campfire or to make fry bread. There are posts already on all these methods. Maybe someone can bring up some links here for you to look at.


if you are interested in clay oven construction check youtube or instructables.com outdoor section.

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I prefer to make my cornbread on the stovetop.

It can either be made in a skillet like regular cornbread or on the griddle

like pancakes. With my wood heating stove I baked my biscuits on top, they

do need to be turned, but basically anything you fix on a gas/electric stove

top you can do on a wood stove- might take longer but it tastes better!For a

quick meal I wrapped potatoes, fish, steaks, in several layers of foil and put

them inside my wood stove on the coals-this is extremely quick cooking.

I have also put a roast in my cast iron skillet-wrapped it in foil and done

the same thing. In the foil packs it is best to add moisture such as an onion

slice, or apple.

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Thank you for the responses...



I did a google search and found a method for using metal coffee cans in a camp fire - placing a smaller one in a larger one and surrounding it with coals. Now I just have to get the hang of making bread. : ) Anything having to be rolled out (like biscuits) are not my forte - you could use my homemade rolled biscuits for shoe heels... LOL

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you for the responses...



I did a google search and found a method for using metal coffee cans in a camp fire - placing a smaller one in a larger one and surrounding it with coals. Now I just have to get the hang of making bread. : ) Anything having to be rolled out (like biscuits) are not my forte - you could use my homemade rolled biscuits for shoe heels... LOL

Ooooh, this sounds interesting! We're going camping in a few weeks. Do you have a link?

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