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Apartments for Rent?


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Wondering if anyone has recommendations for apartment complexes or other rentals with two-bedroom units for less than $1800/month?


I am relocating from Colorado and will not have the opportunity to tour any complexes before moving so kinda trying to get a sense of how things are in person through this post.


Would really like to be in the south or northwest part of the town for easy access to skiing but it’s not a dealbreaker if otherwise.

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7 hours ago, maymayms said:

Wondering if anyone has recommendations for apartment complexes or other rentals with two-bedroom units for less than $1800/month?


I am relocating from Colorado and will not have the opportunity to tour any complexes before moving so kinda trying to get a sense of how things are in person through this post.


Would really like to be in the south or northwest part of the town for easy access to skiing but it’s not a dealbreaker if otherwise.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Mother
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Depending on where you want to go?  You can rent a small three-bedroom house in a pretty good (but not close-in) neighborhood for $1500 a month or less in Tallahassee. If you want a one-bedroom apartment or cottage, your options expand a lot. The south side of Tallahassee is not the "good" side of town, but the northwest is the "cop" side, where police officers tend to live.  It's much cheaper than the east side and safer than the south side.


Here's a Zillow search for the zip code 32303, the northwest pie slice, with a filter having the maximum rent at $1600.  https://www.zillow.com/tallahassee-fl-32303/rentals/?searchQueryState={"pagination"%3A{}%2C"mapBounds"%3A{"north"%3A30.630298851197193%2C"south"%3A30.407888461533087%2C"east"%3A-84.1900540571289%2C"west"%3A-84.47501194287109}%2C"regionSelection"%3A[{"regionId"%3A71914%2C"regionType"%3A7}]%2C"isMapVisible"%3Atrue%2C"filterState"%3A{"fsba"%3A{"value"%3Afalse}%2C"fsbo"%3A{"value"%3Afalse}%2C"nc"%3A{"value"%3Afalse}%2C"cmsn"%3A{"value"%3Afalse}%2C"auc"%3A{"value"%3Afalse}%2C"fore"%3A{"value"%3Afalse}%2C"fr"%3A{"value"%3Atrue}%2C"mf"%3A{"value"%3Afalse}%2C"land"%3A{"value"%3Afalse}%2C"manu"%3A{"value"%3Afalse}%2C"mp"%3A{"max"%3A1600}%2C"price"%3A{"max"%3A321219}}%2C"isListVisible"%3Atrue%2C"mapZoom"%3A12} You can see there are a number of options, most of them pretty nice-looking.  You can adjust the rent upward or downward if you like, or otherwise fiddle with those options.  Zillow lets you do this with any geographic area in the US.

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