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my dad ....


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What a glorious way for him to spend Christmas!


And a heartbreaking way for you to spend it.


May it bring you comfort to know we love you, and may God give you peace as you prepare for the days ahead.





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Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers.


This is going to sound a little cold to some... but there is no sadness; I am glad my Dad is gone, the kind of life he had wasn't even a life. I know He is much better off now and am thankful that he didn't have to endure any longer. He went very peacefully which I found to be a blessing, and am thankful for too.

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Theyd, I am so sorry to hear of your Dad's death.


I just haven't been on line these past few days. I have only one of the grandsons here as the other one didn't want to stay, so I have been working more with him.


I know that Old Pine's mom was in a coma and was just waiting for death. She passed away on the 15, 1995. She was ready and it was in a way it was a blessing for her to pass on. So, I do understand. (((((HUGS)))))


I went to a funeral just a couple weeks before Christmas and there was a very nice poem in the folder. The name of it was, 'I'm spending Christmas with Jesus This Year'. I wish we had know about this poem 8 years ago.


I'm Spending Christmas with Jesus this Year



I see the countless Christmas trees

Around the world below


With tiny lights, like heaven's stars,


Reflecting on the snow.


The sight is so spectacular,


Please wipe away that tear.


For I'm spending Christmas


With Jesus Christ this year.


I hear the many Christmas songs


that people hold so dear.


But the sounds of music can't compare


With the Christmas choir up here.


For I have no words to tell you


The joy their voices bring,


For it is beyond description


To hear an angel sing.


I can't tell you of the splendor,


or the peace here in this place.


Can you just imagine Christmas


With our Savior, face to face?


I'll ask Him to light your spirit,


As I tell Him of your love.


So then, pray for one another


As you lift your eyes above.


Please let your hearts be joyful,


and let your spirit sing,


For I'm spending Christmas in heaven,


and I'm walking with the king!


author unknown


I am the resurrection and the life…


whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.


John 11:25,26






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