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Monday, Monday

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Good Morning Snowy..... I;m back again.... email on the computer was down yesterday.. grrr... it's not raining right now and very mild..... it's going to be a warm day. Get my early morning walk in then off to work.. another busy week ahead...

I saw my lil sister last weekend.... in Seattle she's almost 7 months pregnant now.. doing wonderful.. she is coming here for a visit next weekend.. love seeing my baby sis all pregnant.

Hope you have a great day.


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DH and I just got back from town. It seems like every Monday we have to buy some kind of part or another. DH's mower starter broke on Friday so we had to get a new one. Then one of his wires in the boat engine got nibbled on by mice over the winter so we had to buy that too. Also picked up some grass seeds and fertilizer for the pony's field.


I'll have to go get my teeth cleaned later today. Sure hope I don't have to get them repaired too.


We had a beautiful weekend. It was warm and sunny. Yesterday afternoon we had a few big wind gusts (on their way up to Snow's) and we tried flying kites. We now have 3 kites flying in our trees!


I guess I'll break down and clean my oven and fridge today. I love to clean when I can have all the windows and storm doors open. Can't beat that fresh air!


I should make it to chat tonight. Hope to see you all there.

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Today I'm starting my spring cleaning-focusing on allergens this week, so I'm washing all the linens and then vacuuming about 50 times. At least this will give me an excuse to get the boxes in my room unpacked from when we moved in here-in OCTOBER, LOL.


What time is chat?


Mommy of 5

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our day here was kind of gloomy outside.


where i work they have a baby duck so aunt joan and i played with it.


I am mildly upset with my boss... found out that he has a recorder on the phone. We have been having a slight dispute about his mother and her care. there is more to it all then all that; this has been coming on for a bit now. it is a lot like a soap.


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Oh, drat! I forgot about chat tonight until just a few minutes ago.

I had to go in to work early today (started at 7) so it was a long day and I'm tired. Didn't have time to hop on here this morning.

We had a gloriously beautiful day - almost 70 degrees. I really should have gone outside but busy, busy, busy.

Really neat thing-the guy DH plays golf with was getting new furniture today and wanted to get rid of a hideabed so DH brought it to our son. DS and his wife had just been talking about getting something at a thrift store and this one sounds so much nicer than that. The kid's apartment has a large living room but there was almost no place to sit down anywhere until now! They have a futon bed, a hassock and two chairs that need new stuffing and recovering (they'll be cute when they're done) that sag way down if you try to sit in them. So when we are there we sort of stand around or I eventually sit on the hassock. This will be luxury! I'm so glad for them.

Hope to get in here earlier tomorrow.

Good night!


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Well I missed chat last night-they dryer wasn't cooperating, and after a having sick ones Sunday I was out of wash cloths, so it made cleaning the kitchen and cooking dinner difficult-I didn't even get that started until about 5, so I wasn't in here working, so I coudln't make it to chat.


Is it just Monday nights?


Mommy of 5

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