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Stormy Sunday

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Morning everyone!


Snowmom, glad you got back into your house. And nope, I can't beat that story for yesterday! All I did was grocery shopping and work. Not nearly as exciting or frustrating.


And you're right about the landlord, BUT, it's also very difficult for me to pay a $350/mo. utility bill because the window won't shut. It's one of those ones that swings out to open so I can't jam anything in it to block the air. We tried taping it, but the wind blows the tape off. I don't want to epoxy it shut because if there's a fire we'd not be able to use it to go out of. We finally decided to go ahead and eat the cost of replacing it, which we'll do this summer.


Today I will be freezing the 70 lbs of potatoes sitting in my kitchen. I will be so excited when canning equipment goes on sale-I can't wait to get started canning so I can buy stuff cheaper and have a good stockpile!


Mommy of 5

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Good morning. We're at 46 degrees now and the high will be 52 with light rain.

Snowmom, I cannot beat your story by far! It did remind me of many years ago when our kids were young and we all went to the middle school track to run. We had a new car. After running a mile we discovered the keys were locked in the car. I think it's the first and only time we did that. So walk a mile home and for the life of me I can't remember how we got into the house but it was all locked up.

Yesterday was really good. I got the kitchen/dining room cleaned up, floors mopped (I love walking barefoot on clean floors), and would you believe I finally took down the New England Christmas village on top of the entertainment center. So I'm taking out more spring/Easter things. DH bought me daffodils last week (ours bloom in April) and they make me happy every time I look at them. Then I pruned the roses (heh, heh deer - I got there first).

Theyd: Happy birthday a little late

I just love Saturday and Sunday. No rushing and dashing out of here. I can just sit and drink my coffee in leisure.

Have a great Sunday everyone.


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no can,t beat your yesterday either Snowmon. Hope your day today goes a lot better and make up for it.


We got snow this morning and it is still gray and cold out. All of yous who are weeding and mowing and enjoying the flowers kind of funny.


Sure do hope that everyone has a wonderful day

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So glad you were able to get back in Snowmom!


Mommy5- Have you tried the plastic you can tape over the windows? You can mount it inside and out with tape inside and staple around the frame on the outside.


Today I took the kids to the park again, and to the store to buy poster board. It's Jake's turn to be star of the week so I needed it to make his board. I went through all the photos yesterday. This afternoon I'm going to put them all on the board with captions. Should be fun.



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Happy Belated Birthday Theyd!


Momo is chuckling here with a mental image of Snow freezing outdoors. Only one thing could make me chuckle more. I have to ask..were you in your jammies or had you already dressed? LOL.


Take care and don't forget your keys!

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