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Through Thick and Thin!!!

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Hey!!! Where'd everyone go?!?!?!

I'm still in there, haven't been walking enough....and have had a couple of minor slips....but I'm still determined and on the right track!

Some dear soul gave us some corn-on-the-cob fresh out of the garden.....and NO< it's NOT low-carb.....but I couldn't resist!!! It's been a couple of years since I'd had ANY, and I caved in both last night and tonight...I didn't pig out or anything....but had a couple of med ears both nights.....MMMMMMMGOOOOD!!! Also, a bit of sliced tomatoes, since I was already splurgeing!!! smile.gif Oh well, at least it wasn't candy or junk!!! Like I said, I just had a nice reward....and now it's back to business!!!

Just thought I'd share this, so you'd know I don't "walk on water" and that I have my own little battles to fight!

Now, if I can go another year without detouring.....we'll really have somethin' to crow about!!!

Love to all!

p.s. Please pray for the SHORT family here in Virginia. The double murder and kidnapping that they are talking about on CNN happened about 40 miles or less from where we live. In the next county over! My daughter is a little fearful, and Papa Bear is sleeping with a gun!!!

May God protect us all from the growing evil of this world! Hugs all around!!



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Hi DK, I'm still on my diet. Doing well I think. Haven't lost anymore. Still at 140 but everyone keeps asking if I lost more. Think all the mowing and walking are just moveing the pounds around. smile.gif di



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Hi Dee and Do (DI),

Yeah i where is everybody....it's been so much fun reading what everybody is eating and stuff!

I never thought i'd see the day when someone was apologetic for eating tomatoes and corn.....it's usually cheescake!

But i know Dee.....it's still a no-no for you....And i love your attitude! Get back on that horsie and ride like the wind!!!!!!


Great job DI!! 140 huh........debbie and dee are in the corner whispering .....lets' get her......( i hope you know i'm kidding DI ...and jealous.....yup it's the walkin and tree cutting)

Keep on posting guys......oh yeah...i lost 2 more.



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Good Job Girls! I've just returned from a short trip to the lake at the nearest State Park with 4 of my kids....we had a nice time, it was special for me in that I HADN'T BEEN SWIMMING since 1990!!!!! 12 years!!! Anyway, I found this swim "thing" outfit that is like a swimsuit with nylon shorts attached! It's a size 26 or 28, but still, I looked ok in it, and the short things covered the really distastfully fat legs, so noone was really grossed out!!! They are smaller than before I lost 100 lbs....but the skin kinda just "hangs there" if you know what I mean!!! Beleive me, it ain't pretty!!! So, anyway, Hubby gave the okay on the suit before I left, so I'm sure it was okay (as far as big Beautiful ladies in swimsuits goes that is!) It was nice, and I am encouraged to lose that other 100 in the coming year!

Keep up the good work everyone! Don't run off, it's nice to have the contact with others who are losing too! Bye for now! I'll be back later!



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I am still here! smile.gif I have been so busy that I haven't been online as much!!!

I have been pretty active and making sure that I get in my exercise this past week faithfully. I clean and do things around my house for 8 hours + and then in the afternoon I swim for at least 30 minutes. Oh my the first night I woke up in the middle of the night so sore. But, yesterday I was able to swim and feel really good and not get worn out. Yeah! I have been eating good......except some potato chips! Shame on me for going to the store hungry. Starting Monday I will be doing a Phase one diet by Doug Kauffman. Basically I will be eating meat, veggies and a tiny bit of fruit. I told my hubby we should do it for 6 weeks and then we can change to the Phase II diet where we can add in legumes, oats, etc. I look forward to seeing how it makes me feel....besides hungry at first! smile.gif

Thanks Dee for all your enthusiasm! I think it is great!!!!!! smile.gif

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Bless you, Dee K, for your inspiration for us all to keep on keeping on smile.gif

I had a very busy week last week with our county fair...ate things I shouldn't have eaten on the run and so forth. I have noticed with this diet, you must do a bit of preparing and planning and when that isn't done....carbs are so easy to grab frown.gif

And then last friday, my friend had a fatal heart attack and after 5 days of living on life support, has since died. It is a tragic loss to all who have known him but we trust God's way is better. So needless to say, my high protein diet has been on hold, I have tried to limit carbs as much as possible but I am not doing as well as before....not making any excuses but that is why I am not on track. Today is the funeral.

Hope to get back on track soon and hope to learn to make good choices in adverse conditions.

((((HUGS ALL)))))

Deblyn, your plan sounds good...let us know how it works for you smile.gif



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Bless you, Dee K, for your inspiration for us all to keep on keeping on smile.gif

I had a very busy week last week with our county fair...ate things I shouldn't have eaten on the run and so forth. I have noticed with this diet, you must do a bit of preparing and planning and when that isn't done....carbs are so easy to grab frown.gif

And then last friday, my friend had a fatal heart attack and after 5 days of living on life support, has since died. It is a tragic loss to all who have known him but we trust God's way is better. So needless to say, my high protein diet has been on hold, I have tried to limit carbs as much as possible but I am not doing as well as before....not making any excuses but that is why I am not on track. Today is the funeral.

Hope to get back on track soon and hope to learn to make good choices in adverse conditions.

((((HUGS ALL)))))

Deblyn, your plan sounds good...let us know how it works for you smile.gif



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Yes, Ginger, adverse times are very difficult times in which to focus your mind on food choices! The only way I made it through the week I was in Oklahoma for my Dad's funeral this summer, was because Mom (my personal nurse and diet coach) was there watching every bite I ate!!! It was tough, once I was on the way home, and the greiving process was in full force! The strength to make proper choices will return, and you'll be fine! I have almost learned how physically ill I feel after a couple of days of foolish eating (high sodium/high carb) and am USUALLY able to remind myself of the "high cost" of eating the wrong things! I can't boast about it though, or I will find myself in the kitchen eating the wrong things at midnight! The saying is true, "Pride goeth before the fall!".......better to say, "but for the Grace of God, go I!"

My weight rebounded a few pounds after my 100# mark....so I am still working at getting below the 300 mark. I would love to include my picture for you gals, but have yet to figure out HOW to do it! Let me know if there's a way....

Hugs all around! They're free and low-carb!!!



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Ginger: ((((((hugs))))))

I know when I lost my mom in March it kind of messed up my eating for a while too! For me it takes a lot of concentration, time and effort to eat right and exercise. So when other things are happening it kind of falls by the wayside. I know you will be able to get back on track soon, but for now, just rest in the arms of God!


You go girl! You can do it! smile.gif You are an inspiration you know! smile.gif

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Well Girls, I Thank you for saying sweet things like "you're an inspiration" and "a Blessing"....it means a lot to me to hear that! I guess I don't think of myself that way...usually trying so hard to hold on myself, that I'm not always tuned in to where everyone else is at in their own struggle! However, in my own defence, looking after the wants and needs of this large family of mine is PART of the way I got to such a high weight and nearly destroyed my health!!! I never leave time for myself...or my own enjoyment....just seem to be controlled by the needs of the family or hubby as they arrive! Much the same other mother's do, I'm sure, but somehow, I tend to put my self and diet at the end of the line behind everyone else!!! Therefore, will Mom's help, I have learned a bit about taking care of myself....at least enough to keep my "head-on-straight" so I can diet. ALWAYS BEFORE, when I was dieting with success, something would happen and I'd crash and burn, as far a weight-loss was concerned! Well, NOT THIS TIME!!! The kitchen may be a mess and the refrigerator need cleaning....but if taking care of that (after working outside the home all day) is going to make me so resentful that I EAT....well, it's not gonna get done, that's all! When I feel better.....THEN the work can get done!!! Besides, if they want something bad enough....I guess they'll get it for themselves, huh!?!? Sorry, I'm ranting again! Anyway, all this to say, that I'm GLAD if my determination and success so far is a help to others....but really, I find I am drawing strength from you girls, and the kindred spirit I feel with you! It's neat to see where everyone lives....from Cal. to ME, and MI to VA.....and that's just you girls on this post!!! I know there are many others from far away places....but as I've said before....I don't spend much time in the sunporch....it makes me HUNGRY!!!! smile.gif bye for now, have a blessed Lord's Day tomorrow....I'll check back later to see if any of you have posted here today! Luv ya!



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