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Everything posted by winknasmile

  1. I read this to my husband. Did you notice I said her husband??? He said uh huh and went on about his business. If only!!!! What a great husband and productive weekend also CLee. You are blessed!
  2. Good Monday Morning Everyone How many of you remember the song Monday, Monday but the Mamas and Papas? I loved their music back in the 60's.....phew, that shows my age doesn't it!!!! Ah well, good song! DDIL just called asking us to watch DGS this morning. She's got some kind of bumps popping up here and there all over her body. Her sister, a nurse, told her what she thinks it is and it needs a Dr. and some meds. So, DDIL is off this morning to get it taken care of. She said now, this morning, her joints are aching too and she's feeling pretty miserable so hopefully whatever it is the meds will take care of quickly. Another one of those things can be taken care of easily today, I hope, but when/if the then what do we do???? The sun is shining beautifully this morning but I haven't seen 1 goldfinch. Strange how that works! Have you all been looking at the moon? We've missed it due to cloud cover. I hate it because a harvest moon in the fall is so big and gorgeous that it makes me gasp. I can't imagine what this moon must look like. 2029 is the next time, doubt I'm here to see it, soooooo. Here comes my little boy. You all have a great day and let us know what's going on with you.
  3. Mornin' I've never seen such a sight as I witnessed this morning. Our yard looked like it was full of dandelions BUT it was goldfinches. Hundreds of them fluttering around in the grass. What a pretty picture it made. Then it started raining and they've disappeard. You'd think I could see the yellow of at least one in a tree but nary a hint of yellow anywhere. This morning I'll have to be in town by 9:00 to get set up for our preschool social thank you. The preschool is closing, this is it's final month. I hate it but as with all these shrinking little towns it's just not something we can keep open. The state now requires a teaching degree and with so few children we can't afford that kind of salary even if there was someone willing. I hate it but the government has its rules no matter if you're a town of 250, like us, or millions. We've had many community benefits over the years to raise money so this morning we're having a thank you for the town. It'll be at the Methodist church after the community Sunday School program. You're all welcome! I made the bars I wrote about yesterday and they're "ok" but I threw the recipes away as they aren't worth making again. With a cup of coffee they'll do BUT well, you know what I mean. So everyone, hope you have a good day and get to see or have some sort of amazing thing happen to you today like I did with the finches.
  4. Neat sight Arby. Guess my first project will be te goose spoon. Yeah right! I like his poncho too. Preetty dishes CGA. I love Corelle for it durability, stacking, weight, loading the dishwasher, etc.
  5. Good Morning Stormy weather last night, stormy weather again tonight. We had tornado warnings last night but I'm happy to say it was just rain, wind and light hail. Tonight is to be the same. Our tiny little town was one mentioned on the news over and over last night. When our town is mentioned we know it's something! Arby, AH and others you'll probably be seeing it coming your way in a couple of days. DGS will be over this morning. DDIL is taking DGD to have her hair styled and then to have dance recital pictures taken. She's only 3 so seems like a lot of folderol BUT I did similar things when my children were little. They'll have a great time. So will DGS and I. This afternoon I have to bake a couple pans of bars for a social the preschool board is serving tomorrow. I have 2 new recipes I've found online. It's a good place to try them with no one knowing who made them if they're not good! Have a good one everyone!
  6. I've never tried whittling Arby so have no idea on woods to use for what. We do have birch so maybe I'll try making a wooden spoon. Wouldn't that be something!!! Wild blackberries? Wow, they sound good and then on top your pie my mouth watering.
  7. DH and I picked asparagus again today. It grows wild in the ditches and belongs to anyone who gets it first. It makes for an exciting game in the neighborhood. We country people are easily entertained!!! We probably have a total of a 1 1/2 gallon bag in the freezer, with more to come. Dandelions are thick too. I used to make dandelion jelly but no more. I loved to make and serve to city people. They all spray their yards to get rid of the dandelions so it was fun to show them how good the jelly was. Actually, it's kind of bland and not really that wonderful but my city relatives were impressed! That's all I can think of for wild edibles ready around here now. How about where you live? Keep your eyes on the ground and enjoy the results of your find!
  8. Good Morning Sunshines and to Friday! DH and I are watching a new hatching of Canada goslings as I write. It's the first we've seen this year and are they ever cute waddling with mom in front and pop in back (or visa versa) headed to the pond. It looks like there's between 9-12. That makes me think. Yes the cows were fine yesterday. I finally noticed a goose snapping at their heels and making them run. Must have been too close to a nest. It's a beautiful sunny morning here and I'm hoping to get sheets hung out soon, if the wind calms a little. Living on the prairie the wind does blow! We had rain again last night and it they predicted hail but we dodged the bullet this time. Thank heavens. Corn is up everywhere so we'll go from a black (soil) world soon to a vivid green (corn and beans) one. In the fall we'll have the "amber waves of grain", as the song says. I'm rattlinlg! Let us know how your day is going and remember to smile!
  9. Thanks for the heads up windmorn. I put in on my tablet.
  10. Morning Everyone There are 3 cows this morning that won't be quiet. I don't know what they're problem is. I can see them, they look fine but they keep bellowing. It's the girl pasture so maybe they've simply got the giggles. Today is my sons 39th birthday. My word but the years have flown. He's grown into a wonderful son, husband and father. I used to have my doubts about that kid but God love him he turned out great! If you're having trouble liking your kids, we always love them, give them until they're about 30 and you'll be amazed at the changes! Happy birthday Josh AND a happy birthday to you too Darlene. We must have had some stormy weather in the night. There are bits of leaves and grass on both the west and south windows. I knew they warned there might be some but I never heard a thing. I got a call from the librarian yesterday morning saying her brother in law had passed away suddenly so would I work for her. Of course I said yes so I worked 10-5 yesterday. I didn't get anything done around here since she called 1/2 hour before having to go in so today will be spent playing catch up and doing some laundry, etc. Hope you all have a great day and will take the time to let us know what's going on in your little corner of the world!
  11. Exactly why I seaparte with wax paper too mommato3boys. It's also why when DH wants a fried egg, bacon, etc. I ALWAYS offer to do it. It's easier to take the 5 mins. to fry the egg than spend an hour cleaning the grease off everything because he thinks everything needs to be cooked on high. Yep, must be the DNA TMC.
  12. Good Morning Friends It is absolutely beautiful looking out this morning. It rained an inch in the night and now the suns out and everything is GREEN and sparkling. Gosh mornings like this it's great to be alive. Yesterday I planted 14 cabbages. They're so small and the weather can be so unsettled that I put them under gallon milk jugs. I didn't water as I put them in so I was happy to see the rain. I also got carrots, beets and cantaloupe in. I went to Weight Watchers last night and had gained .4 of a pound. The way I'd eaten on those cloudy dreary days I wouldn't have been surprised to have gained 4 pounds. Yikes though, I do need to be good again now that the suns shining!!! I don't know what's going on today. I'd planned on working outside and maybe this afternoon I can but this morning will be spent inside. Snapshotmiki, Jori pm'd me about the Daily Diary posts, so she's the one to thank for it starting again.....thanks Jori! I thought everyone had gotten tired of it so I'd stopped. Glad you're all still here. See you tomorrow!
  13. I remember those days way back when you wrote that Cat. We were so much younger as was Mrs. S. but it's still true and so well written.
  14. I've never frozen corn tortillas except all ready cooked into enchiladas, etc. I do freeze flour ones though. I separate them individually with wax paper and put in a zip lock bag. When I want to make DH a burrito I take out one or two and nuke a few seconds. He likes them.
  15. This is a YOU GOT ME post. I have sewn (sewed?) for years, using the tomato pin cushion and had NO idea the little strawberry was for anything except to be in the way. I wasn't smart enough to even question that it might be for something. Wow, this is cool. Is it to sharpen pins and needles?
  16. Good work TMC! I enjoyed it very much and am waiting for the next.
  17. As always you did a great job Snowmom!!! Thanks!
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