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Everything posted by Darlene

  1. Annarchy's devotion to keeping MrsS running smoothly is so appreciated. She's a hard worker behind the scenes so I really appreciate y'all taking the time to thank her. If *I* tried to fix that kind of stuff MrsS would be down for a long, long time lol.
  2. Yes, it's a seasoning, flavorer so it's not like a jar of spaghetti sauce that you would pop open and heat up. You would add it to flavor other recipes.
  3. You could always try growing hulless barley. It doesn't have the hull on at all.
  4. ROFL!!!!!! Oh I love you! lololol That put a huge smile on my face lolol.
  5. I just rendered about 30lbs of pork fat into lard yesterday. I cut mine in cubes and cooked it on low until the pork pieces turned golden brown. I ladled it into mason jars and as it cooled it solidified and turned an off white. That's just letting it cool on the kitchen counter. I have no idea why yours didn't solidify in the fridge...that makes absolutely no sense. If you got oil from your pieces then it should be lard. The only way you can 'under process' it is if you don't get all the lard from the fat pieces which shouldn't affect the extracted lard. Alot of people do it in the crockpot on low. It takes longer but doesn't require as much attention.
  6. I breed a rare breed of dog and they are my first line of defense. My dad always said that there are many people who wouldn't blink an eye staring down the barrel of a gun but a dog who is guarding? They'll run. Introducing 2 adults can be loaded with issues. There's no guarantees that they'll get along...ever. Honestly. I mean this and am stressing this because 2 dogs in a fight is scary, especially dogs that have been used for just that. I've raised pups into adult hood and I've taken in adults. USUALLY male/females will get along or they'll fight it out (without an intent to kill each other) till they settle the hierarchy. With my breed you can never, ever put 2 intact males together. Alot of times you can put 2 females together but there's no guarantees. This is a very serious decision you're having to make, bringing in an adult dog into a home that already has an adult dog. The fact that your male is already reacting says to me there's a reason...whether it's a good or bad reason. I would proceed slowly because right now it's not just about you, it's about those 2 dogs and it wouldn't be fair to move forward if they're both going to have issues with each other. Conversely, it could be a simple initial 'top dog' sorting out and everything could work our beautifully. Have a dog that will protect a family is worth its weight in gold.
  7. ((((homey)))) God may sometimes call us to new assignments in life but the completed assignments of the past continue to have meaning and poignancy. The lives that you touched along the way was not done by your hands, but His. That is a very special thing, indeed. I hope this day (many years ago) that He chose for your squaling little feet to finally touch this earth continues to bless many in the days ahead.
  8. I think we're ok till the spring, 2013. The last time everyone chipped in, it took care of the site for a while. I'll ask Annarchy but at least for now we're good to go although I'm sure Annarchy is going to ask for a vacation after all this lol.
  9. Well, YEAH...of course that's the most important thing! We all need to be able to express ourself! lol
  10. Sheesh, I didn't really do much...Annarchy was the one who spent countless hours working on it. I just came in to mouth off at the people when they were being disrespectful and letting us just hang out there. I'm so glad that we're back...((((annarchy)))) you are very much appreciated.
  11. I've just sent them 2 inquiries asking for a status. It's been 24 hours since we last heard from them. Annarchy is very professional in her coorespondence with them. I, on the other hand, am getting a little annoyed (impatient?). I have no problem with things taking a little time...I just don't like being ignored.
  12. I just wanted to remind everyone that Walmart will match other stores prices. I went Saturday to Walmart to pick up a few things that were awesome deals at Kroger...Land o Lakes butter for $1.99, Swanson chicken broth for $.49, Campbell's creme of mushroom and chickens soups $.69. Check the stores sale papers around you before you go to Walmart because they will match their competitors prices. The butter I got was a steal compared to regular prices...Walmart's price on it was $3.48 so to get it for $1.99 was awesome.
  13. lol@Annarchy. I don't know what we would do without you to help us through this mess. ((((a))))
  14. Update (I'll give them as often as I have them...) Annarchy has put in the request to our message board people to do an immediate message board upgrade. They haven't answered yet but our request is in the process. That's it for now!
  15. I just wanted to let y'all know that we're going to have to do a message board program upgrade. It's glitching and causing problems so I've talked with Annarchy and she is contacting the people to get this upgrade done. We've needed to do it for a while but when is there ever a 'good time'? As usual, circumstances have dictated that now is the time we need to do it, good or bad lol. I don't have any details yet as to when this will happen and I don't know if I'll be able to notify everyone before it happens BUT, at least y'all will know WHAT is happen in the case of you not being able to get on the message board. Once we're done with this things should run smoothly again for everyone which is the most important things. If anyone has any questions feel free to email me at babeshades@yahoo.com. I'm sure Cat will be along to share her email address too in case anyone wants or needs to get ahold of her too.
  16. If you just bought it from the store I would take it back. If not, I'm not aware of any way to get the bad taste that the butter absorbed. I tend to use the butters that do that in cooking vs. on toast because the bad taste will get lost in the other flavors.
  17. ........This is MtRider on Darlene's computer [easier than the iPod!] RE: Pajama contest. Since I was traveling light [airplane], I borrowed PJ's from Darlene. Not the Snoopy's tho. I told Darlene "Ironic, isn't it? The one and only time I'm wearing something that has 'Victoria's Secret' printed all over it and....it's FLANNEL PAJAMAS! I'm taking Koa back to [snowing] CO tomorrow. She's gained weight and we went for a leash walk today. Koa met chickens and pigs and the long hill going down to the garden. [carried her back UP ] Pray all is well for our trip and the snow doesn't get crazy. I am NOT ready to jump from glorious fall weather to WINTER. OTOH...Hurricane Sandy is eyeing GA.... It's always something. SOMEone has been lobbying for MrMtRider and I to make our move to good old Georgia. ....snakes??? Anyway, it's been a great time, even tho vetting sick pups and then birthing [well, Dawn thot she was doing that part...] the new puppies...and a dozen other activities - planned and definitely NOT planned! And that 3 months of Low Carb diet I was on..... I've eaten SO much cuz it's SO good! I've learned FIRST HAND so much about Kangals. And about pots. Lotsa pots. MtRider has 1,000 books. Darlene has 1,000 pots....large pots! Never did learn to milk the cow with the milking machine. And we didn't get to continue our tradition of digging those huge Georgia sweet taters this time. Did feed the bees. So mebbe I'll be back on here more often once I get back to my laptop. Unless I'm out playing with Koa. That pup is gonna have MrMtRider wrapped around her tiny little tail in 24 hrs flat! Am I right, Gather-Attendees? Those puppy dog eyes! MtRider
  18. When we first moved to the country from the suburbs, the children were very afraid of their new environment. All they had known was a neighbor's house 100ft away so to have the expanse and to not even be able to see a neighbor's house was very scary for them. Our first night here was probably the most frightening for them...I think they thought I had moved them into "Deliverance" country. It took time to replace the old experience with the new experience and these days they don't even think twice about it. I'm sure they feel crowded when they visit family in the suburbs because these days it feels wierd to have neighbors so close together.
  19. (((momo))) I'm so sorry to hear about hubby...I hope he feels better soon. We sure will miss you being able to come though. Melissa, you take care of your knee and hopefully you'll be able to join us next time!
  20. Wormie here...Ma & Pa steel just arrived! And we are watching one of the dogs to see if she is gonna have her puppies tonight. Mt. Rider is sitting with her now waiting. John
  21. Well, MomM and MrMomM have headed down to the big city to pick up Mt Rider. Last I heard they had gone out to lunch and were shopping at Walmart. Gunplumber (what a kind and helpful man inspite of being a brat in the written word sometimes lol) has spearheaded the "winter heat" project. Going through the piles of wood that I have, organizing it in the most brilliant manner on pallets that looks so neat and organized. It's things like that that make me emotional...sometimes (most times) it's easy to get overwhelmed with the over abundance of things to do around here so when someone steps in and says "I NEED to find something to do" and just jumps in, it means more than words can express. Lovinit and her hubby are on their way...Ma and Pa Steele is on her way with some of her family members. I have a pot of chili going so it will be an easy dinner tonight. I wish all of you could be here...there's something very special about sitting face to face with those you've come to know and love here at MrsS
  22. Well, wormguy got in yesterday afternoon safe and sound! I immediately started him working! We need CHEESE for dinner in a couple of days so I decided to give him a crash course in mozzarella making! He really did awesome and was amazed that after you make the mozzarella, you can make ricotta too! I don't know if the cheese will last...it tastes so good that it's hard to not take a little bite and then another and another... MomM and MrMomM should arrive late this afternoon/evening so that will be exciting! Gunplumber should be here tomorrow and then the rest should get here on Thursday. I just started up the wood smoker so I can teach wormie how to make homemade canadian bacon so I'm excited to see how that comes out. It smells good so far! We'll keep y'all posted!
  23. Last night was the first night I fired up the woodstove. I'm with Cat...I've just had this gut feeling for a couple of months that this will be a harsh and hard winter so I'm frantically trying to get everything in order before it hits because I've spent too many winters working outside and am desperate to not have to do that again. When I woke up this morning there were still a few coals in the stove so I added some more wood and have it on low. It's going to be chilly here for a couple of days until it warms back up to normal fall temperatures so right now the heating is fun...cast iron pot on top of the stove filled with water, apples and cinnamon sticks to give the house a nice aroma. All too soon it will be just another chore lol.
  24. It's obvious that it's best that you are not involved anymore in the care taking of your parents but I can't escape the fact that regardless of however compromised they may be, they still have valid feelings too. The break is hard and that's understandable...I'm sure it's heart wrenching on both sides.
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