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Posts posted by Momo

  1. After doing research I decided to try the free version of Family Tree Legacy 8. They have a free version and a paid version. The reviews online by a famous genealogist raved about how it was great and the average person would be happy with the free version. I entered a few relatives then looked at my tree. It doesn't show all the data I entered. It leaves out all the death info. I guess you have to get the paid version if you want all the data to show. Just thought I would let you folks know ahead of time.

  2. I often put off medical attention for myself due to the expense and worry of using insurance.


    However, my little kitty gets an ear infection and off we go to the vets...$130! (He is awful sweet though.)

  3. The kitties are so cute. We get alot of strays around here too, but they are mostly dogs. I'll never understand the way folks treat animals. Especially the way they dump them at the cemetery near our house.


    I am almost normal again (at least normal for me) I can put most, but not all, of my weight on my left foot.


    DH needs to mow this morning before it gets too hot. We have another guy coming out today to help DH do trimming etc. Hope he works out. The last guy was such an idiot and on top of it he spent about a third of the time on his cell phone. Can you picture him with hedge trimmers using both hands trying to cut and the phone in his ear...on my dime no less.


    I'm fixing an old fashioned pot roast today. I'm craving one even though it's so hot outside.


    Have a great day all!

  4. Last year our health insurance "officially" went up 29% . (Mine went up over 100% and I had to go to a lesser plan to afford insurance) This year the official increase in our state will be 39%. AND BTW there will only be 1 company offering plans statewide..Blue Cross. SO you can shop around all you want as long as you want Blue Cross.


    Aren't you glad to know there is no inflation? LOL

  5. DH needs to learn to trim our pony. He doesn't need shoes either but he does occasionally need a pedicure!


    I got up way too early and have nearly worn myself out trying to catch up from being down earlier this week. I think I earned an late morning snooze after I fix Dh a nice breakfast.

  6. If you look at long lines of traffic there are always a few folks who are way over the lines..usually trying to look or ahead, merge or see if they can run up the shoulder. It seems like they would have to outlaw this so the big bus could drive through.

  7. Thanks Cat! I hadn't heard that MIchael's was buying Hancock's "assets" I imagine that clicking the link probably wouldn't help anyway. I signed up twice for their mailing list many moons ago and finally gave up. All I wanted was their sale ads but I never got them. Now I'll probably start getting the MIchael's ads..lol!

  8. Most people don't have vision insurance coverage but even if you don't, you may get some help paying for exams with your regular health insurance. If you are diabetic or have a medical eye issue your health insurance may cover part of your exam. Check it out ahead of time and you may save some money.

  9. Annarchy I thought I was the only one that used my bra for storage...lol..not that there isn't much room left in mine.


    Dogmom my dh is starting to show his age some. He is 79 and doing pretty darn well considering, but there are signs of aging. Sometimes when I look at him I want to cry but I refuse to. I try to enjoy every minute I have left with him. He is also losing weight. He calls it the old age shrink.


    I was completely chair bound all day Monday and half of today. I suspect it is a bad attack of gout so I used some of DH's leftover drugs and it is getting slowly better. An advantage of his age is that I have a mini drug store of prescription drugs. He had some predisone which is a steroid and it helped the swelling go down. I used a few homemade things for the uric acid like cherry juice and vinegar. I think I may be able to walk some by tomorrow morn. Not only was I unable to physically get to the doctors, but even if I did I couldn't afford it. The deductibles and prescriptions are too high under Obamacare.


    I wish I was artistic. I can barely draw stick figures!

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