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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. @Jeepers In the meantime here are two live performances for you to enjoy - one in 1966 and the other one in 2006
  2. Unlike you, I am not a Stones' fan. But I will look it up and have a listen..............just for you!
  3. All along I've been trying to imagine what you were talking about in giving him a "box full of butterflies." Now I understand. The only thing I could imagine up to this point was when Prince Edvar gave Paige a room full of Monarch butterflies in the movie, "The Prince and Me."
  4. I would be very interested in reading your review (of whatever is was that you bought). Maybe it will convince me to buy one too! (of whatever is was that you bought) I went to the local "senior center" for Christmas dinner. Not that I didn't have anything here to eat but just for a change of pace. This is the first holiday dinner they have served since the whole "stay 6ft apart" situation ended. I knew there wouldn't be a lot there that I could eat so I packed a "goodie bag" for myself with a Caesar salad, some home-fermented giardinaria, some cranberry jello, and, of course, a Diet Coke! I got some of the turkey, a tiny bit of dressing, and some gravy, along with some ham and green beans. Got a "take home" container stuffed with ham and green beans, so the ham that is sitting in the fridge is going to find its way into the freezer - for now. Just been sitting here watching (free) movies on YT. I intended to watch a performance of Handel's Messiah on the new headphones my son sent mr for Christmas, but I think I will save that event for tomorrow. (Tehy arrived in a typical Amazon box, but they were "gift wrapped" in this linen bag. (Little does my son know he is getting the bag back on his birthday in January. (NO. I won't be empty!) This is a bluegrass Christmas medley performed by the Navy Band. I was both surprised and pleased to be able to HEAR the Bass line in this song! These headphones are great!
  5. Round Three coming up in a few days. Gotta give the rest of the members a chance to play also.
  6. Are you ready for ROUND TWO??? Can you spot the difference(s) between Garden Two ... And Garden Three??? Name the differences in a reply post.
  7. When she takes the leap, I strongly suggest that she checks out ForJars for both the canner and the lids.
  8. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the ever changing landscape that is my "winter garden." First "planting" For the game, lets call this Garden One First change (Garden Two) - Can you spot the difference(s)??? Reply below with the changes you see.
  9. I have one of those trucks hauling a tree, too. Wanna' see???
  10. Looking forward to your reports as you move from tender fingertips, to hamburger ones, and finally the finished product - calluses!
  11. "The Little Drummer Boy" by Gentri is my favorite, followed closely by almost any performance of "Mary Did You Know." I hope you enjoy the list. If you watch the vids uninterrupted it will take about 4 hours - maybe a little bit longer - to play through. (You can always scroll and click on any one of them at anytime if you see one you just HAVE to hear right now. )
  12. I have three different strengths of glasses! (mostly from the 5 quarter store ) I have a mid-range (1.5+) for when on the computer. I have powerful ones (2.5+) for reading and for using my cell phone. I keep a pair of the reading glasses in every room that I may wander into and find myself needing to be able to see some fine print, etc. Finally, I have a pair of Rx glasses for driving that I don't need anymore - unless I'm driving at night, so that's where they "live."
  13. The site I listed above is free - not mostly. Plus, if you join (also free) you can create puzzles out of pics that you upload, and you can change the number and size of pieces of any other puzzle you want to play - even those created by other players. ETA: I see that the Amazon app has most of the same features. BTW- @euphrasyne I mentioned having a "big" screen because Jeeps and I are the same age so we need the larger images to "see" what we're seeing!
  14. Of course.................any "southern/country" recipe HAS to have okra in it! Any idea why it is called "Brunswick" stew? When I hear Brunswick I think of NYC, not the South.
  15. If you have internet, and a screen BIG enough to see, you can spend some time doing Jigsaw Puzzles while listening to Christmas music. This link goes to MY created puzzles: https://www.jigsawplanet.com/redhatpat If it doesn't work for you, you can just open up the main page and gander at ALL of the puzzles: https://www.jigsawplanet.com/ This is a link to my Christmas playlist. Lots of old songs, some new, mostly "secular" with a bit of sacred mixed in.
  16. Are you making the 2 hour turkey? (instructions in a previous reply)
  17. I don't think it's necessary to delete it as I moved the post to the correct forum. It's just "annoying" that if a person goofs and doesn't want to leave an empty post you have to think of something 'fun' to say to 'splain it.
  18. My neighbor just gave me a 2gal ziplock bag full of white meat turkey "for my dog." Rest assured, she will get some of it, but I believe I see several pint jars of white meat turkey in my future.
  19. Thank you for your recipe. My split pea soup is basically just peas and chicken stock plus some seasoning, and, don't forget the salt! Sometimes I may use a ham hock to start the brew, but I always "tone it down" with the chix broth. Some of the recipes I have seen use bay leaves plus, sometimes allspice. I have never used either of them so I don't know how the soup would turn out if I did. Did I understand you correctly about the "fate" of the veggies in your soup: you "blend" them into a "paste" and then mix that into your soup? That is something I would do because I don't like "chunks" of stuff in a thicker soup - it looks very unappetizing to me. (Trying to keep that "gag reflex" under control. )
  20. Does anyone have the Ball Book: The Complete Book of Home Preserving I am looking for the recipe for Split Pea Soup (Habitant Soup). I should be on pg 403 If you have it, would you be willing to share it? If you don't want to post it here in this thread you can message it to me or email it to me.
  21. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I guess with the newer technology they only need to "stress" (speed up) your heart for a very short period of time. You are laying down on a table which they move into the scanner (but you are not completely in it - your head is outside), they take some initial/base readings, then they pump ya' full of the radioactive isotope which opens up the vessels to your heart (and speeds it up?) Then they measure how well your heart is vacating the blood that is in it. At least, that is what I think it was doing. No pain. Some wierd sensations. A lit bit of heavy breathing to "catch your breath" and you're done. Sitting up caused a lot of vertigo and longer than for just a normal sitting up from a prone position, but caffeine (Diet Coke for me) helped to settle that down. They are supposed to call with the results. Will it be before the weekend - and Christmas??? I have no idea.
  22. Here are prior reviews of other lids: Denali lids Ball, Golden Harvest, Mason (from Amazon)
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