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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. Is it available OTC? In a human formulation?
  2. This brings up a very bad memory for me. We were renting a house where the homeowner (the wife) had done some repairs and finishing work by herself. The kitchen and the dining room were one long space "separated" by the sliding glass door and the step down into the family room across from it. The cabinets made an "L shape" which create the break for the room at the other end of the kitchen and terminated with a built in dishwasher near the sliding glass door. The flooring in this area consisted of 10" x "10 tiles. There was one rather small area where the tiles kept cracking and falling apart creating a bit of a "trip hazard" and she replaced those tiles with leftover pieces that had been stored in the entry way closet. For most of the time that we lived there we did not have a very large dining room table and so that area of flooring was not "covered" by it, and it was a high traffic area. Thing of it is, that one section of tile kept on breaking! It hadn't been "broken" when we moved in, and it broke a few times while we were living there. I was convinced that I was too heavy for the flooring and that is why it kept breaking. I finally decided to "just live with it" which was easier to do after my DH passed away and I used some of the insurance money to buy a larger table which covered it and necessited walking around it, thus blocking those tiles from being walked on. Well, one day I discovered that the dishwasher had been leaking and had soaked the floor under it and out into the dining room area. The full extent of the water damaged area wasn't revealed until the plumbers got there to remove it and noticed how much of the subfloor had gotten wet and needed to be replaced. The water damaged area extended into the part of the dining room that was closest to it - the section with the constantly breaking tile. You'll never guess what they discovered! Remember that the homeowner had laid the tiles for this whole area. It turn out there was no subfloor/supporting floor under the tiles, so when you walked on them the floor beneath them flexed! Had she used smaller tiles they may not have broken that way these larger tiles did. So it wasn't my (my weight) that was causing the breakage, it was the half-assed, money-saving, do-it-yourself homeowner's fault! All those years of thinking I had been the problem were finally resolved - but my "mental health/self-respect" had suffered all of those years for something that I thought was due to me, but it wasn't. I moved out of there not too long after as the kids had moved out and I was empty-nesting in a house that was waaaaaaaaaaay bigger than I needed.
  3. This one came up in my FB "memories" today. It's a Math and Spelling teaser!
  4. Once he gets out of basic training he can apply for a lower cost loan to refinance his car. He would also be eligible to get lower cost insurance for the vehicle.
  5. Definitely do not delete this message! You may need proof/evidence in the future.
  6. One place setting would take up all of the room in the dishwasher!
  7. Time to get out your tuning fork. If you know, you know (and will probably starting singing, too.)
  8. But such a GOOD one!!!
  9. From a web collection called Humerous Librarians
  10. Unfortunately, just washing or scrubbing the dirt off of the veggies isn't "good enough." You need to "kill" any surface germs to be safe. I am not sure if using a commercial veggie cleaner is necessary or if just putting baking SODA in the water would be good enough. May be something you could research a bit further.
  11. My urogynecologist says this is a very common occurance. She said to just make sure you shower/wash your genitals daily as those buggers have a "tendency to migrate" to where they are not wanted. BTDT
  12. The timing on this deadpan comedy routine is classic. You may have to turn the volume up though. And don't be eating or drinking anything near the computer while watching this! Johnny Carson & Jack Webb in a Dragnet Spoof (Copper Clappers).
  13. I am in a program that requires an anual in-home visit. I got the same questions you did, but I had a bit of "fun" with her. I remember being asked, "What state are we in?" I replied, "A state of confusion" or something similar. Then I told her the name of my state. Then there was a "story" about 2 or 3 people with questions following. I had "fun" with those anwers too - before I gave her the "correct" answers. Yes, I had to draw the correct time on the face of a clock - though not the same time as you did. Maybe they don't want us old folk to share the correct answers with each other so we can "pass" this test??? There was also a square, a circle, and a triangle at the bottom of the page. I had to mark two of the them the way she told me, but I also drew something on the third one saying, "I don't want it to feel left out." I'm not sure I did myself any favors, although I did "pass" the "test."
  14. I see 3 pair of high top boots w/ a checkerboard bag in them that I assume is filled with rocks. But next to that is a link to another picture. The picture is not showing in the post so I followed to link to see the image. What you see is what I saw! (and it wasn't boots!)
  15. When the water gets all roiled up like that does the Navy send ships out to sea or does it leave them anchored? Just wondering because when hurrican Hilary blew through southern Calif the Navy sent lots of ships out to sea.
  16. As a Y2K "Leftover" I do remember him and am sorry to hear of his passing. His membership may have gotten lost in one of the moves between ISPs as they weren't always "smooth" - which is why my "join date" is listed as 2002 instead of 1999 (or was it '98? can't quite remember). There was also a big lull in activity once we got through the move into the new century without too many problems; until the newest biggest prepper problem rose its ugly head and most "public" forums (ie- social media) started to get aggressivley monitored and censored. A BIG Thank You is owed to those who kept posting here and to Darlene for maintaining the site even during the slump.
  17. More word play / fun with food. I bet pre-teens would looooooooooooove to sink their teeth into a piece of this pie.
  18. Another idea on how to use up green tomatoes. According to UCCE Master Food Preservers of El Dorado County ......
  19. I wish this one person in a FB group I am in had as much common sense! She argued w/ me and stated that I "must not have been canning for very long." I then posted the link to the USDA site that the posted article came from. I hate "know-it-alls") Anyway, I had to make sure I pointed out that she was incorrect so that others reading her post would not follow her "advice."
  20. I also read that they can be very good "pets." Who would want to keep a bug as a pet??? Another thing I learned: the plural of Mandis is Mantid, not Mantises. (But you'd never know it because different articles used different versions. The articles from "scientific journals" etc, tended to use the Mantid spelling so that is what I am going by as being correct. Mantids are frequently cryptically colored to match their normal habitat. This camouflage makes them less likely to be noticed by their prey until it’s too late. Some resemble leaves or other plant parts. Many can change their color somewhat to better match their surroundings. https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/articles/praying-mantids/
  21. Kind of like this little guy??? I have no idea how he got in the house, but there he was walking on my arm. I managed to get him onto a better background for taking the pic and then I put him outside.
  22. .......... but will they (our children) want it??? I tried looking for the post where this topic was discussed so I could put this cartoon there, but alas, I could not find it. I know my DD has expressed dismay at all of the "junk" I have and has said she would hate to be the one to have to clean up my place when the time came. With the way things are going now - economically & politically - she may well change her mind, but in the meantime, this is actually a pretty funny cartoon. However, I think my junk is way better than his junk!
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