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Posts posted by snapshotmiki

  1. I'm sorry Angel has had one too! They are scary! I really think the ice pack has kept Buddy from having another one. He had a higher temp for several days and now seems back to normal temps. We just kept icing him down on his back.


    Did Angel have any preliminary signs like the ragged breathing or higher temp?



    Here is the link for the ice pack therapy!



  2. Good Morning! Last night, Bud started the panting and rough breathing thing again. I got on the computer and found a new treatment--probably not new. We held an ice pack on his lower back until he cooled down and stopped panting. The article said it will slow down or stop a seizure if they have already started. Or prevent it like I think we did. We went to bed shortly after and he slept all night. I didn't. Still too nervous about him and it was HOT!!! One note--Do not give them an antihistamine! It can cause more seizures! <BR minmax_bound="true"><BR minmax_bound="true">The cool front came through at 7 am and I went back to bed for an hour and a half. That was wonderful! <BR minmax_bound="true"><BR minmax_bound="true">Not much going on today and that is Fine with me!!!!!


    Thanks for all the ideas and prayers! You are all appreciated!!!!!



  3. Miki, I'm sorry Buddy had a seizure! It's incredibly tough to see. Our dog was an epileptic.


    This site has the best info that I've come across: http://www.canine-ep...om/site_map.htm There's a wealth of information there. We did a lot of the things they recommended and saw some improvement.


    I hope Buddy doesn't have any more!! One thing you might want to do is keep a "seizure journal" write down the date, what he did, what he ate that day, the weather, ect. We were able to identify some of my dog's triggers that way. We used Rescue Remedy anytime he seemed upset and after a seizure (he had the worst post-ictal; Rescue Remedy helped to stop the endless pacing). Some people use it before a seizure, too. There's info on that site on what to do before/during/after a seizure.


    I hope this helps!


    Thanks out of the ordinary and Mother!!!!!! I copied Mothers post and will check out the website for canines! It's just scary!!!

  4. Scared us half to death! Woke up with him seizing and screaming, bit DH because we thought he wasn't breathing and his hand was too close to the teeth. Lasted less than a minute but we felt like it was a lot longer. I did a lot of research in the middle of the night and am calmer now. Yesterday evening, I told DH Buddy seemed off, panting and staying right by me. Now I know that is a precurser. After the seizure he was back to normal in half an hour. Now I know how to treat him if it happens again and what to remove from his diet and life. He seems fine this morning and I have already thrown out his treats. Anyway, here is a site I found with info about what is good and what is bad in dog foods in general.


    http://www.dogfoodproject.com/index.php ... erproducts



    This pup has had a rough life with the previous abuse, Valley Fever and now this! He is pure unconditional love!!!!!!:wub: in a 24 pound package!!!!!!

  5. Considering that I lived many yrs without running water, yes, I really and truly appreciate a hot shower on demand! I also really appreciate the washer and dryer AND having a real stove with an oven. You can't imagine unless you've done without them for prolonged times.



    I get that, CGA! I am so looking forward to a washer/dryer or just washer! Also can hardly wait to sit in a chair WITH ARMS on it! Or a couch with arms. And a full size tub will be heaven! I've only taken showers for 9 years! I kinda hate it that stupid things like that can get me down. I'm glad it doesn't keep me down!


    And compared to what many are going through at this time, it's just "dust in the wind"!

  6. This whole summer has been a roller coaster for us. First we're getting the house, then not, then maybe, then a different one, and then a different one yet. Now supposedly we are within a week of being able to get in the original one we wanted. We'll see. Definitely ups and downs! Meanwhile we are still in our tiny travel trailer--which has shrunk 3 feet since adding a large dog to the mix. Yikes!


    I talk to God a lot and have really tried to live each day as it comes and keep myself busy. All of that has kept me sane :cheeky-smiley-067: so far!!!!!!

  7. Crockpot full of French onion soup with a jar of my canned beef chunks added to it. Also made Corntack from that military cookbook--like hard tack but with corn for gluten free. Used some as cracker bread on the soup. They taste good! Made cornbread from the same cookbook which turned out fine and will be used in a sausage cornbread strata for breakfast.

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