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Everything posted by Snowmom

  1. Snowmom


    Wow, there are a lot of recipes there, will have to look closer later on.
  2. Glad I could help. Did you notice, from what I saw, I think there is a new pattern each month or so.
  3. I'm sorry, I don't have the pattern, but, I did a search and the only one I came up with is at: http://www.quilttownusa.com/mom/woblock.htm Hope this helps. nice to see you again.
  4. Wes, did you know this lady is non other than Lois. Lois knows so much about all of this, and I am glad you brought this thread back up. I am going to check in the library the next time we go and see if they have the book she mentioned.
  5. Mrs. S. Fall News Letter Octorber, November & December http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=cfrm October: [ Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cookie Month , Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Lupus Awareness Month, National Diabetes Month, National Pizza Month, Seafood Month and others. ------------- 1st. World Vegetarian Day 7th. World Smile Day 14th. National Dessert Day - take an extra helping, or two 28th. Plush Animal Lover's Day ******************** November: Aviation History Month, Child Safety Protection Month , International Drum Month, National Epilepsy Month, Native American Heritage Month, Peanut Butter Lovers Month, National Sleep Comfort Month and many more. One more thing, November 3rd, remember to change your clocks. We fall back now. ----------------------------- 3rd. Housewife's Day 11th. Veteran's Day 15th. The one we all love, Clean Your Refrigerator Day 26th. Shopping Reminder Day ******************************* December: Bingo Month and Write a Friend Month 1st. World Aids Awareness Day 4th. Santa's List Day - we hope you are on the "Good" list 9th. Christmas Card Day 20th. Go Caroling Day 25th. Christmas Day 26th. Boxing Day MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE Now for the Mrs. Survival Forums. You will notice that there are two new forums, I will add one to this letter and the other one to the next Mrs. S. News Letter. 1. Streams In The Desert: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=20&page=1 Besides asking for prayer in this forum, Ginger is doing a series on 'Women of the Bible' 'Eve, God's crown of creation', is her selection for September. It is very good and I won't put it all in here, but just remember you can find it at: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD This month we will highlight the life of Eve and how our Creator God long ago created her as His final touch. Eve’s story begins in the book of Genesis but it does not end there. Eve’s creation greatly influences us today as women who have long come after her. Eve’s name means “Life-giving” or “Mother of all who have life.” Most of us know fairly well the story of Adam and Eve and how they came to be created beautifully to oversee every living creature and to live a life of absolute peace in the garden of Eden until that one fateful day of the Fall. Whoa….but when we rush on ahead, we miss the very essence of why God created Eve, the 1st woman of all mankind. Did you know He made Eve as the crown of His creation? On the 6th day, after all else on earth was created… God created Eve. She was not created as an afterthought but as the pinnacle of creation. She was not created to be 2nd place in God’s heart to man. Eve was created because things were not right without her. Something was missing. “It is not good for man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18) She is the crescendo, the final astonishing work of God. In one last brushstroke, the Master Artist finishes His Masterpiece; Woman. “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27) ****************** 2. Announcements and Help: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=34&page=1 Here you will find all things from trouble logging in to finding the bugs and getting rid of them. So, I will let you go there if you are in need of help, or if you would like to read about how to solve your problem. Those who can help you will do just that. ******************** 3. Daily Diary: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=13&page=1 Here you can find out what is going on in our lives, or at least some of them. I'm putting in a bit about the temps around the country this time. http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post153547 How hot is it where you are? by: Katmom The temps are from the low of 30º to the highs of 113.8. Posting from"sunny" southern California. Its so freakin' hot here. Our thermometer in the shade said 113.8. I will be so glad for some normal 90's. Kathy (Katmom) ************************ 4. Humor Me: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=18&page=1 Take off on another post: You might be a Canning-a-holic if....... If you have more than 5 boxes of empty jars that you have not opened in 6 months. If you have more than a pallet of empty jars that you have not opened in 2 years. If you buy canning jars by the pallet. If you *hide* your jar purchases from your loved ones because they wouldn't understand/might get upset. If passing the canning supply aisle makes you quiver. If your not even sure how many jars you actually own. You go ballistic if someone uses a jar to store a non-food item (like pens). -------- Now to read what other people have to say, please go to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...t=2&fpart=1 ******************* 5. Nature's Perscriptions: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=22&page=1 natural asthma remedies, by: dogmom4 Last weekend I had a minor virus that set off a major asthma attack. I haven't had a problem with asthma for almost 2 years, but this one knocked me for a loop. I ended up missing a couple days of work and had to go to the doctor because it was so bad. A week later with 2 inhalers I'm very slowly coming back.I have never been so tired and still not where I'm supposed to be with my peak flow.. But, while I've laid up so much I've been thinking about what would I do if I needed something during a SHTF situation. Plus, I don't like using these inhalers...some of the side effects are headaches, irritability, problems sleeping and hoarseness(I've had no voice since last Saturday)...well, the hoarseness might be from all the coughing I've been doing. Are there alternatives that are safe and work out there? Stacy (who is really sick of coughing) ------- To find out what Lois and others suggested, go to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post150347 ********************* 6. Preserving the Harvest http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=30&page=1 You will find all sorts of information in here. You will also see that Darlene has been doing some work in some of the forums and this is one. Any canning going on right now? by: WiccadStargazer I am at this very moment listening to the lovely lid popping sounds of 12 4 oz jars that I did today of pickled garlic. It's my first time making anything pickled, hopefully they will turn out good! Well, if you want to know who is canning what, you will need to go to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...t=6&fpart=1 --- To find out, as there are so many answers to her question it would take all of this news letter and more to put them all in here. *************** 7. The Orchard: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...rd=6&page=1 This forum also has a couple sub forums in it. More work by Darlene. A walk through the garden... by: DoubleD She shows us pictures of her garden, and it is so nice and neat. Well, I went out and took some pics this morning of the garden as of the start of September. Thought I would take you on a picture walking tour of my garden and share how it looks at the moment. Here's the obligatory overview image... I keep these in the photo journal to remind myself where I had things planted in the prior year garden. The front bed is where the potatoes were/are... the immediate front area has been all harvested and is layered in straw/grass clippings. There are three more sections of potatoes that we are still digging from and will be for the next several months. I will keep adding straw/grass clippings to sections as we finish harvesting it... and ultimately, I will plant these sections in a fall/winter cover crop of crimson clover after turning the compost/mulch under. ------- Please go to the url here to see it. http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD ************************* 8. The Spa: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...rd=5&page=1 Here we add up our miles each week as well as learn about some other thing too. Here I am going to put in something about: ADDISON DISEASE by: Snowmom Here is something you don't hear much about, and I'm not sure I've really heard of it at all, until it was brought to my attention lately. Do you know someone with Addison Disease?? If you do know of someone, please read the information on the following sites, as you will find a LOT of information at these sites. It will help you to understand them better. http://www.aldfoundation.org/materials.html http://www.endocrine.niddk.nih.gov/pubs/addison/addison.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addison's_disease http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/addisons-disease/DS00361 ----------------------------- This is only part of the post, but if you go to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post154669 you will find more about this disease. ..................... ---------------- I am adding another post from here as it was just put in and I think it is important to know about it. If you can't eat MSG: by: Momo Be aware that it is often found by other names or in ingredients. Look out for Hydrolyzed vegetable protein Hydrolyzed protein Hydrolyzed plant protein Sodium caseinate Calcium caseinate Yeast extract TVP (Texturized protein) Autolyzed yeast This list is not complete but it is a reminder that many processed foods have MSG as an ingredient. Lots of broths and boullions are also full of MSG. ------------- You can find this at: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post156147 ************************** 9. Are You Really Ready: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=11&page=1 You will find another sub-topic in here. Darlene had really been working. Free or low cost prep items: by: PureCajunSunshine What's your favorite free or low cost prep item? One of mine would have to be newspapers, here's why... Uses for old newspapers: Cheapo INSULATION to keep warm: Put layers in your shoes, and in your winter hats/caps. Put layers inside your coat or between the blankets. For summer and winter insulation: Stuff crumpled or rolled up newspaper under doors and around windows. Tape on bedroom windows to block intense summer sun or help insulate against winter cold. GARBAGE CAN LINER Line the bottom of the can with few layers of folded newspaper to help absorb odors and liquids. Layers of newspapers can be used to wrap trash to be carried out for burial/burning/disposal. ODOR REMOVAL: Crumpled up newspaper stuffed into shoes or boots, smelly plastic containers and picnic coolers to help reduce odors. TOILET PAPER: >sigh FIRE STARTER A hand full of crumpled up newspaper topped with a few rolled and tightly twisted newspaper sheets can be used for kindling as a base for building a fire with. MOP / SPONGE / PAPER TOWEL Well crumpled up newspaper that’s just slightly damp in spots will help mop up spills and messes. GLASS & MIRROR CLEANER Dampen a wad of crumpled newspaper with water and use to polish glass to a shine. HAVE FUN WITH IT Reduce anxiety and “cabin fever” with mindless escapes like these: 1) Do a word hunt. Cross the words out. See if you can guess what picture the pattern of crossed out words can make. 2) Create a new sentence by circling certain words in an existing sentence. 3) Invent other silly word games. 4) Draw silly tattoos, beards, etc. on the beautiful models, and don’t forget your “favorite” politicians. 5) Roll up a section of crumpled up newspaper into a tight ball. Toss and try to catch it with a cup or a rolled cup cone of newspaper. 6) Make a bunch of newspaper balls, invent your own basketball type games with them, or try from a distance to toss them inside a circle. Award points for each score. The most points win. ------------ To see what others had to say, please go to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD **************** 10. Wadda ya Think: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...rd=3&page=1 the future????????????? : by: motherearth with every thing that is going on it is hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys and what to do next......do we do as the Amish are saying that they will do if forced to RFID their stock animals......they say they will go out of farming livestock,,,,they want nothing to do with the out side world....do we do the same.....do we become more like them.......do we stand our ground......i think this is up to each of us.......we will all decide when the time comes.....i do not want RFID in my livestock ....i do not sell much any more, and it will get down to none soon, we will eat all that we raise.....sheep, goats, pigs and chickens and would go back to raising rabbits??????and get a rooster to raise chickens for the pot and for laying......it would be a hard live with out the livestock...what is your take on this.....take care and keep the faith --------- In order to read what others had to say, please go to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD ********************** 11. Country Homesteading http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=16&page=1 oes one start into this project? Goat related question(s) , by: Maineiac The price of milk has horrified me lately. I'm giving serious thought of getting some milk goats but I don't know anything about them. How does one start into this project? I need to select a breed that isn't aggressive and yet gives good milk. I've heard that Nubians are good. Is there a Goats For Dummies book? Am I taking on way too much for a tyro? On an economic level is the amount of expenses I will incur worth the amount ofr milk I may get? I'm thinking feed, vets fees, housing and I imagine a hundred other things. How much do they feed themselves? I have a large open pasture currently being unused. How much housing for winter will they need. I have a small barn with some available space. How much feed will they need for winter and what kind? I can cut the pasture but what else do they need? I was brought up in rural Maine but don't have an inate knowledge of everything rural. Boy have I had to learn though. See my problem? Too many things to ponder. This will be a next year thing as this winter is closing in faster than I like. I have a wood fire going in the old cookstove this morning to take the chill out. Jack and Russell are curled up next to it dozing away. Any help with some of these questions would be helpful. ----------- For her answers, please go to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post153249 ************************** 12. The Homeschooling Haven: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=26&page=1 Emergency Preparedness & Post Disaster Survival Curriculum, by: GoatLady GoatLady is doing this on her own and making it possible for anyone else to teach their child/children about Survival. Thank you for taking your time to do this, GoatLady. TABLE OF CONTENTS Lesson ONE: Introduction……………………………. UNIT 1- Natural Disasters Lesson TWO: Natural Disasters common to Ontario… Lesson THREE: Tornadoes…………………………… Lesson FOUR: Thunderstorms………………………... Lesson FIVE: Floods………………………………….. Lesson SIX: Wild Fires……………………………….. Lesson SEVEN: Winter Storms………………………. Lesson EIGHT: Epidemics…………………………… UNIT 2- Man made Disasters Lesson NINE: Manmade Disasters…………………… Lesson TEN: Nuclear attack/ accident……………….. Lesson ELEVEN: Chemical spill…………………….. Lesson TWELVE: Social unrest……………………… Lesson THIRTEEN: House Fire……………………… Lesson FOURTEEN: Biological warfare…………….. Lesson FIFTEEN: Disaster Supply Kit………………. Lesson SIXTEEN: Family Disaster Plan…………….. UNIT 3- Bugging Out Lesson SEVENTEEN: Bugging Out………………… Lesson EIGHTEEN: Where will you go?.................... Lesson NINETEEN: How will you get there?............. Lesson TWENTY: What you will need……………… -------- There are 6 units in this lesson, so you will need to go to the url to find out more: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post141157 ************************ 13. Handywomen At Home http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=15&page=1 Winterizing your house 101, by: mommato3boys I thought I would start this list. Since our down under friends are in the middle of their winter and places here will start to have cooler temps in the next month or so. So you guys just jump in with tips on winterizing your house Insulation for outside faucets. electric water heater insulation (the kind you can put around it and zip up. make draft stoppers for the doors. thick plastic sheeting for windows if you don't have storm windows or double paned insulated Invest in a digital thermostat insulation for pipes under the house if there is not any rugs for the floors if you have hardwood floors. It is a rude awakening in the mornings when bare feet hit cold floors check under sinks, washers and tub for large holes where pipes are run. Plug those holes. ----------- To see what others added, please go to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post146642 ********************** 14. Holiday and Gift Central: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=21&page=1 HOME MADE GIFT IDEAS, by: Nana I found these ideas somewhere on the internet, a couple of years ago... and thought that quite a few of them were not only 'doable' but, very good! Bread Cloths How about some cross stitched bread cloths? There are many Christmas/Hanukkah designs out there just for this purpose. Not too hard to find especially in your local library. Another thing would be to simply purchase some pre-quilted material in designs of the season and edge them with a ruffle or some lace and give place mats with matching napkins. Just Time and Imagination For years now I have made homemade gifts for my friends and relatives. I really didn't have a lot of $$ to put into them, just some time and careful planning. A few of the things I have done in the past are: Painted sweatshirts, cross stitched items like t-shirts, sweats, etc and also matted and framed in an inexpensive frame. I have for many years fixed tins w/ cookies, fudge, and other tasty treats in them for friends and family also. Baked breads with the colored plastic wrap, tied w/ ribbons is also an easy idea and it smells good too. Pictures of you framed make a nice present to grandparents since they don't have to go and buy a new frame for your new picture. There are several good ideas about making Christmas gifts around. You just really to take the time and imagination to come up with some of them. I hope this helps some. Use Magazines for Inspiration It's amazing that we spend so much time in a library and forget all the information available. You may want to go back to the library and search for relevant books and periodicals. Or find someone that subscribes to Martha Stewart's Living, Sunset, or other home/hobby magazines (your library may carry some). These usually have great and inexpensive projects (Living usually has great projects that can be done much cheaper than as done in the mag.). Homemade Christmas Cards I just got finished making a set of Christmas cards for my grandmother to send. She's already excited! A pack of white card stock (250 sheets) is about $7 at Office Depot. I used an Angel holding a star and ribbon stamp (pretty expensive, about $14) and a tree stamp (I don't remember how much) and a few other odds and ends (like colored pencils.) But the stamps are re-useable, and one sheet of card stock makes two cards (one sheet of card stock can also be used to make the envelope in which to send your card). One pack of card stock could theoretically make about 150 cards (75 sheets) and 175 envelopes. (I may have the price or number of sheets wrong since it's been a while since I bought this stuff.) Another thing I make for my family and coworkers -- and this is not cheap but may be cheaper than buying something -- is to make candy every year. People just go nuts over homemade chocolate covered cherries (I found the recipe in my Better Homes & Gardens cookbook.) Truffles are made with chocolate and whipping cream and people really like those, also. ------------------------- I'm not sure if I put this in last year or not, but it is always nice to know what you can make for a gift. ------ This is only a very small portion of what she had written in the post. But, you may find more of it if you go to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD *********************** This is one of our newest forums. 15. The 2nd Amendment http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=38&page=1 If you read the information under it, you will see why is is moved to: Deeper Survival, It says, "Our 2nd Amendment reads in part, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". While everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and feelings about methods of protecting themselves, we believe very strongly in everyone getting educated about these tools that not only can save, but also can take life itself." This forum talks about many subjects so it is hard to pick just one to talk about. But, this one is the one I'm putting in here. ********** I'm buying a gun.......... This is posted by cookiejar. That is not a typo. The newbies don't know me or some of my posts about how I can't have one in the home. I can now. I'm still an advocate of creating/collecting as many different forms of defense like bats/tazers/mace etc, etc, etc. So Vic, buddy! I am earnestly interested in a 9 MM. A good brand, not tooooo nuts pricewise.Do you have favorites (anyone??) And can you give me an idea of the accessories I'll need? Holsters? Locks? Think in basic terms. As we all can guess, I need a bit of help here. --------------- To see the help, please go to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post152134 ************ As you know, it is very important to know what kind to get and how to use them. So with that in mind, I did pick this thread to put in the News Letter. Please use your gun wisely and carefully. ****************************** I want to say ' to all who read this News Letter.' Please have a safe Fall and there will be another letter coming out at the end of December. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to you all. For those in the Christmas Ornament, get them out on time. Remember the Reason for the Season. Snowmom
  6. not yet afternoon here. Sorry, Kayla, I hadn't seen this before. Of course you can count of any kind. Probably have to decide if it is 1/2 hour = a mile or 1 hour = a mile, all depends on how fast and hard it is. Is there anything else I haven't put in the 'things to count'? If you think of something else, just let us know.
  7. Aww, you did spell it close enought that when I copied and pasted it worked. I have been there, but it has been a while. Momo had posted about 'Genealogy for kids', and that is the site she sent us to. Now, for some update info. When the site was updated last, most of our posts were changed to someone else posting them. All of my posts up to that point in time are now under LCM. So, it was I who had posted the above post. But, that is ok. You are new here and didn't realize it. I like her sig too. She and I have an understanding and she knows that she is my poster pal.
  8. Oh, Jacqueli, that sounds so nice of you. I'd love any help I can get. The last Lee or the first Lee I have, whichever way you want to say it, is: Hiram Joseph Lee born in (Clay County) Indiana, in 1786, died about 1845 in (Clay Co.) Illinois. He was married to: a Nancy or a Mary, we don't have a last name yet even. He and she had at least 3 sons, one was my great-great grandfather, Silas Lee. Silas was born 04 May 1814 in Indiana. and died, November 14, 1889 in Belleville (Republic Co.) Kansas. He was married to: Anna or Ann Evans born 01 Mar 1817 in Indiana and died 21 Jan 1880 in Mapleton (Monona Co.) Iowa. They had about 11 children and one was: Emeline Latisha Lee, my great- grandmother, she was born, 20 Jan 1848, in Greensburg (Decatur Co.) Indiana, she had a twin, Clarissa Eveline Lee, Emeline died 11 Jun 1921 in Portland (Multonmah Co.) Oregon. She and my great grand father, William Martin had 9 children. I do hope you will be able to help me here. I also want to say, If you are able or not to find anything for me. for the time and effort you put in to helping others. I forgot my manners, to Mrs. S.
  9. Momo. I don't know if I have seen this site before or not. You know, if it weren't for so many of the cousins having heard the same thing, it could be just a story. But, since so many of them, and some I just met in the past couple years on line, I have to think the story is the truth. You know, also, there are some of the family of Lee's who are not mentioned as they were not famous or didn't do any great deed. Some were 'black sheep', and some were just not mentioned in history, as they weren't important. I've looked and looked and looked. There have been many others who have looked too. But, I have a paper with one of my great-aunts hand writing saying that is so, but without a connection. again Momo. Happy hunting.
  10. MRS S. SUMMER NEWS LETTER http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=cfrm July : On July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from Britain and Democracy was born. Every day thousands leave their homeland to come to the "land of the free and the home of the brave" so they can begin their American Dream. National Blueberry Month, National Anti-Boredom Month, Unlucky Month for weddings, National Hot Dog Month, National Ice Cream Month July 4 is . . . . . National Country Music Day and July 11 is . . . . National Cheer Up The Lonely Day July 18 is . . . . National Ice Cream Day and National Caviar Day July 30 is . . . . National Cheesecake Day ========================= August : In Irish, August is known as Lúnasa, a modern rendition of Lughnasadh, from the god Lugh. August 1 (Lá Lúnasa in the Irish Calendar) is still regarded as the first day of Autumn. The first Monday in August is a holiday in the Republic of Ireland. In Finnish, the month is called elokuu, meaning "month of reaping". Admit You're Happy Month, Family Fun Month, National Catfish Month, National Eye Exam Month, National Golf Month, Peach Month, Romance Awareness Month, Water Quality Month, National Picnic Month August 2 is . . . . . National Ice Cream Sandwich Day August 10 is . . . . Lazy Day August 20 is . . . . National Radio Day August 31 is . . . . National Trail Mix Day =========================================== September : School has or will start soon. Therefore be careful of the children. September begins in western tropical astrology with the sun in the sign of Virgo and ends in the sign of Libra. Astronomically speaking, the sun actually begins in the constellation of Leo and ends in the constellation of Virgo. Classical Music Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Fall Hat Month, International Square Dancing Month, National Blueberry Popsicle Month, National Courtesy Month, National Piano Month September 3 is . . . . . Skyscraper Day September 9 is . . . . . Teddy Bear Day September 19 is . . . . National Butterscotch Pudding Day September 28 is . . . . Ask A Stupid Question Day ========================== 1. Sunporch: Dee and Mother met and had a great visit. http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post141993 There are pictures here too, so you might want to be sure to check it out. ------------ Mountain Mommy's DH had a heart attack, or they thought that was what it was but they now think it was probably an angina. Read more about it at: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...e=1&fpart=2 Be sure to go to page 3 too. ************************* 2. Reporting For Duty: Tribute to our flag: by: goatherder http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post143653 She sends you to a site that is playing "America The Beautiful". There is also a beautiful poem Quilty41 posted "A little bummed out" You can find out why she is feeling this way. http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...0131#Post140828 ******************************** 3. Where The Heart Is: This is where we talk about just about anything we want to. Social Services.....My Story (long) by: Grubby. http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post108333 ****************************** 4. The Family Tree: Bingo: by Homey http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...0472#Post143665 While researching, Homey came across some real good info. ---------- Coming clean by: rootdiggr This is about how one can become a genealog-holic. http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post136025 ***************************** 5. Mrs. Survival Chat Archive CHAT 5/24 - Preparing for special needs by: HSmom They talked about how we prepare for youngsters, the elderly, our livestock, and pets. Please come share your tips and tricks! http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD ****************************** 6.: The Flu Clinic Encouraging news on H5N1 by: Vic 303 From REUTERS: Blood of bird flu victims offers treatment: study By Maggie Fox, Health and Science EditorTue May 29, 6:15 AM ET Blood taken from four Vietnamese survivors of the H5N1 bird flu virus protected mice from several strains of the virus, researchers reported on Monday. Read the rest by going to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD ***************************** 7. The Kitchen--The Heart Of Our Home: Am I really that odd? by: HipppieChick217 Are we who bake or cook from scratch odd?? http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD ************************* 8. The Edge: OR http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD Motor home living if the SHTF By: Mother DH and I have recently started doing some long awaited traveling in our old motor home. Admittedly gas prices are high and we’ve put it off in other years for just that reason and because of obligations to family but we feel that if we don’t go this year we will always be saying to ourselves, I wish…… Your Dream House by: mommato3boys Here is the first paragraph, please go to the site to see some of the dream homes. http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post139957 ************************* 9. Urban Homesteading Do you need extra space to store things?? Well, in this thread you can see different ways to do it. ceiling shelves by: Cookie Jar http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD **************************** 10. Pinching Pennies: Walmart-6/9-Vaseline Cocoa Butter Deep Conditioning Lotion by: waiting There are many ways to save and in this forum you can find different coupons and other ideas. http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD ************************* 11. Homemade Memories: Our most recent exchange is our White Elephant Exchange, we have fun with these different exchanges. Also, people do different project, here is one very nice project. I'd love your opinion! UPDATED WITH NEW PICS!!! by: ArmyOfFive4God http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post139517 ******************************* 12. Within These Pages: Is Anyone Reading Just for Pleasure? by:Dee What's everyone reading for pleasure only? Surely there are some of you that need breaks from working outside and, like me, come in and pick up a book or two. http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post140420 *********************** 13. WWW: You should see the great sigs that they have been making lately. Do you run out of ink in your printer?? Printer ink by: HSmom http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post137811 ************************** 14. Mrs. Survival's Survival and Preparation Manual: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=25&page=1 When you come to this forum, you will find so much information it is really hard to talk about just one. You will find information on from how to start a garden, to what to do in the winter during the storms. ===================== ===================== be sure to check out the different forums where someone is in need of , . that this news letter didn't get out sooner, but we had the 2 grandsons here for 3 weeks and our DD came with 3 more grandchildren. It was hard to do much with the letter while they were here. for reading the news letters. And, Momo, Just to let you all know, all the News Letters were done by me that are in this forum. When the site was moved, names got switched around and they can't be put back to the correct person. LCM, Snowmom
  11. For those of you who have not in the past done many or any exercising, you may want to check with your Dr. first. You need to find out just how much you should do to start with. For those of you who have any heart problems you really should check with your dr. I know some say that you should start with just a few minutes a day, about 5 - 10 minutes and make sure you don't over do it. You may be able to exercise this length of time 2 or 3 times a day. Then as you are able, you can move up to longer times. I am still under an hour a day, and not even every day as of yet. I do need to get up to at least 5 hours a week. Now, when you exercise, be sure to keep track of how long you exercise. Then each week post your miles in the 'Spa' forum. See, this way we can keep track of the miles. I know that the exercise is one thing that I have to really work at, and have been trying to get it in these past few weeks now. If you make yourself a chart with the days of the week on it and what you are doing to exercise, it is easier to keep track of it. I know I had one, and this is what was listed. Miles walked, Miles biked and then Other exercises. If I ever get to the point where I am doing anything with weights again, I will also put in the list, Time with weights. If you want to, you can also have a space for your weight and BP. I know this helps me keep track of what I am doing. Happy Exercising. ************************************** Here are what the rules would be. Walking or riding a bike, miles are as done. Going up and down stairs 10 times is one mile. Gardening, house cleaning, shopping, etc., are 1 mile per hour. Mowing or raking lawn, 1 hour is 3 miles. For those of you who have not in the past done many or any exercising, you may want to check with your Dr. first. You need to find out just how much you should do to start with. For those of you who have any heart problems you really should check with your dr. I know some say that you should start with just a few minutes a day, about 5 - 10 minutes and make sure you don't over do it. You may be able to exercise this length of time 2 or 3 times a day. Then as you are able, you can move up to longer times. I am still under an hour a day, and not even every day as of yet. I do need to get up to at least 5 hours a week. Now, when you exercise, be sure to keep track of how long you exercise. Then each week post your miles in the 'Spa' forum. See, this way we can keep track of the miles. I know that the exercise is one thing that I have to really work at, and have been trying to get it in these past few weeks now. If you make yourself a chart with the days of the week on it and what you are doing to exercise, it is easier to keep track of it. I know I have one, and I have listed the following: Miles walked, Miles biked and then Other exercises. If I ever get to the point where I am doing anything with weights again, I will also put in the list, Time with weights. If you want to, you can also have a space for your weight and BP. I know this helps me keep track of what I am doing. Happy Exercising. ************************************** So, if you would like to start counting your miles, please sign up under this post. Here are what the rules would be. Walking or riding a bike, miles are as done. Going up and down stairs 10 times is one mile. Gardening, is 1 hour 2 miles, house cleaning, , etc., are 1 mile per hour. Mowing or raking lawn, 1 hour is 3 miles. Lifting weights, and other exercise, 30 minutes, is 1 mile. I hope I didn't miss something, if I did, let me know. I know I have changed some of the things, but, I think 30 minutes doing some exercises should be a mile. You will have to use your own judgement about some of them. Don't forget the and count them too. Now to see if I can get this to be a sticky post. Have fun exercising and
  12. When we were at the library yesterday, I requested 'The Civil War Cookbook' too. I don't think it will take to long to get it as it is at one of the other libraries. It sounded like it was there and not checked out.
  13. Hi, LindaLou, do you have a connection there, I mean have you found where she was related to Robert E. Lee?? Do you have any Silas or Hiram Joseph Lee in your line at all. Hiram was born 1786, so that would go back before your grandmother. Silas was born May 4, 1814. That too, before her time. Is there an Amos Harvey, or James in the family. Amos and a James were brothers to Silas and then Silas had one boy named James, and one named John W. If you find any of the above in your line, that would mean that yes, we are in the same Lee family. I would love any information you might have to connect us. for the offer.
  14. Vic for letting us know and for the link.
  15. I just did a search in google and here are a couple I came up with. This is a message board. http://www.chowhound.com/topics/379854 This you have to register to look at: http://www.judithglue.com/acatalog/Bulk_Food_Buying.html This is ebay buying group, I think. http://business.stores.ebay.ca/_W0QQcatZ55841QQtZlw The Food Marketing and Distribution Sector in Canada (1999) http://www4.agr.gc.ca/AAFC-AAC/display-aff...6880&lang=e I hope some of these help.
  16. for such good ideas. We do have a lot of storage space, but, one can always use more. I would love to have the garage more organized, as well as the basement.
  17. When we took that trip in 2001, we stopped at a few libraries and court houses too. We did find information, but we just didn't have the time to get into things like we would like to have. We did go to cemeteries too. I/we found several of my relatives graves and information on Old Pine's too. Star, that is fine, we need input. Come here and talk any time you want to. everyone.
  18. , to the Family Tree. Do you work on genealogy???
  19. That is great, lindahoney. I know Old Pine likes it too, but I don't make it, I do buy some once in a while though.
  20. You can add almost anything to ground beef, like veggies, or rice or noodles, this stretches it too. You would want to add some soup with this too, and maybe cheese on top or fine crackers or chips. SueC, about how much oatmeal do you think maybe 1/4 cup per pound? I think I might try that next time I make something with ground beef other than tacos. for the idea.
  21. We have been working on this for so many years now, I wonder if we will ever find the connection. But, I will not give up, and one day, maybe we will find it. you are really something, you know.
  22. We like, love bean soup, but not pea soup. To me that is nasty. We are going to see about canning some bean soup one of these days too, but we will probably cook the beans a little bit first.
  23. Just want to know if there are any Lee's around this site. I'm from a line of Lee's and have been stopped in my tracks, we have gone as far back as my GrGrGrGrandfather, but can't find his parents. It has been said in many sides of our family, that General Robert E. Lee is our 6th cousin, but with out the connection we can't find out for sure. We believe that if we could find the parent to Hirim Joseph Lee, we might just have the connection.
  24. MRS. S. SPRING NEWS LETTER 2007 http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=cfrm April: Easter Sunday is April 8th this year. International Guitar Month, Keep America Beautiful Month, National Anxiety Month, National Humor Month, National Welding Month, National Garden Month, and Uh-Huh Month -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 1 is . . . . . One Cent Day April 7 is . . . . . No Housework Day April 14 is . . . . National Pecan Day April 30 is . . . . National Honesty Day --------------------------------------------- Mother's Day is on May 13th this year. May:Better Sleep Month, National Good Car Care Month, National Photo Month, National Salad Month, National Egg Month, National Barbecue Month, Revise Your Work Schedule Month, Date Your Mate Month, National Hamburger Month, and Fungal Infection Awareness Month May 6 is . . . . . Beverage Day May 10 is . . . . Clean Up Your Room Day May 21 is . . . . National Memo Day and National Waitresses/Waiters Day May 30 is . . . . My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Day --------------------------------------------------- Father's Day is on June 17th this year. June: Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month, American Rivers Month, Cancer In The Sun Month, Dairy Month, Turkey Lover's Month, National Accordian Awareness Month, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month, National Ice Tea Month, National Papaya Month, National Pest Control Month, National Rose Month, Fight The Filthy Fly Month, and Zoo and Aquarium Month June 2 is . . . . . National Rocky Road Day June 9 is . . . . . Donald Duck Day June 23 is . . . . National Pink Day June 28 is . . . . Paul Bunyan Day MountainMommy has worked very hard to get Mrs. S. up and running smothly again. She and Darlene have worked together to make this a great place to call home. both. You will notice we have one new forum and I am adding it to this news letter. 1. Streams In The Desert: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post121074 A Tribute To The Bible Author: Unknown The Bible is not an amulet, a charm, a fetish or a book that will work wonders by its very presence. It is a book that will work wonders in every life, here and hereafter, if acted upon and obeyed in faith and sincerity. It is God's inspired revelation of the origin and destiny of all things, written in the simplest human language possible so that the most unlearned can understand and obey its teachings. It is self-interpreting and covers every subject of human knowledge and need now and forever. As a literary composition, the Bible is the most remarkable book ever made. It is a divine library of 66 books, some of considerable size, and others no larger than a tract. These books include various forms of literature - history, biography, poetry, proverbial sayings, hymns, letters, directions for elaborate ritualistic worship, laws, parables, riddles, allegories, prophecy, drama, and others. They embrace all manner of literary styles in human expression. It is the book that reveals the mind of God, the state of man, the way of Salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are Holy, its precepts binding, its histories true, and its decisions immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. The Bible contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and the Christians charter. Here heaven is opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. Christ is its grand subject; our good is its design, and the Glory of God its end. It should fill your memory, rule your heart, and guide your feet in true righteousness and true holiness. Read it slowly, frequently, prayerfully, meditatively, searchingly, devotionally; and study it constantly, perseveringly, and industriously. Read it through and through until it becomes a part of your being and generates faith that will move mountains. The Bible is a mine of wealth, the source of health, and a world of pleasure. It is given to you in this life, will be opened at the judgment, and will stand forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the least to the greatest of labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents. Dictators have tried for over 2,000 years to destroy it, but have failed to eradicate the Holy Bible from the face of the earth. It remains to this day the number one best seller of all time. “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and the things which are written in this book.” –Revelation 22:18-19 _________________________ Put in by: Ginger ====================== 2. Announcements and Help http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=34&page=1 I won't put any of the posts in here, as it is a place for help. Just know that MountainMommy and Darlene have done a lot of work on the site and have upgraded it again and so if you do have any questions, please feel free to ask them in this forum. ================== 3. Daily Diary: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=13&page=1 Some of us keep others informed of what is going on in our lives in this forum. Sue C. started this one: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...;gonew=1#UNREAD Hi every one! I am avoiding my studies But today is our 25th Wedding Anniversary. We think it is quite an acheivement! The girls got the word early on dont buy us silver that needs to be cleaned! So everyone chipped in and we got a really nice cutlery set. Plus a couple of friends around here gave us some flowers. so we are suitably spoiled! We had lunch at a local coffee shop and the girls are cooking a nice dinner. A little disappointed that my parents cant even acknowledge it because they are so wrapped up in older brothers 3rd wedding. Gee, which to celebrate the 3rd wedding or the 25 years. The weather is alot better today as the southerly breezes have arrived bringing a cool change. Temps today were around 30 Celcius which is about 86 F. It was a lovely break from the heat. Tomorrow is shopping day, so I'd better check things - last month was a good shop so this shouldn't be too bad. Have a great Tuesday Sue You can see more if you go to the site. ============= 4. Humor Me: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=18&page=1 http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post122929 Have you read the book. . . by: Amishway Homesteaders 50 yards to the outhouse by Willie Makeit Illustrated by Betty Wont There are many more posts under this one. ========= 5. Nature's Perscriptions: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=22&page=1 Stocking your herbal medicine chest by: MommyofSeven http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post118464 OK, ladies, what are your top suggestions for stocking your herbal medicine chest? I have been away from my herbal studies for far too long, but "something" tells me that I need to get back to them. When I get my taxes I'm going to place an order at herbalcom, and I wanted some others' advice on what they feel are good. I'm also wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a group buy for some of the more expensive medicinals, such as Goldenseal. A pound of powder is $63, even a 1/4 pound is pretty high for some folks, but if we bought a pound together and each of us bought an ounce or two it would be down around $4 an oz. If anyone is interested in doing that let me know. Also I'm wondering about a good source for stuff like beeswax, etc, for making salves and such. Any suggestions? Mo7 To learn more, go to the forum. =================== 6. Preserving the Harvest http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=30&page=1 There are so many good posts in this forum it is hard to pick out just one and talk about it. But, I will try. Dehydrating Question by: jewlzm http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post122662 Ok.. I just had a brain storm. Not sure if it was for good or for bad.... I just went through all my stored food and some of it will expire this year. Can I dehydrate things like peaches and lengthen the time I can have them on hand? (it really is alot of food to try and eat in the next few months) Just an Idea For answers, please go to the forum and check it out. ================ 7. The Orchard: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...rd=6&page=1 No dig vegetable garden by: dogmom4 http://www.no-dig-vegetablegarden.com/index.html This site has some interesting information on container gardening, dehydrating veggis, composting.... Stacy Check out what others thought of the site, by going to the forum. ============= 8. The Spa: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...rd=5&page=1 Here we work on our miles each week and also if someone wants to put down pounds they have lost. We talk about a lot of other things too. http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post121681 Avoid Red Nose from a cold by: Amber I've been using this trick for a few years, have passed the information on to a few colleagues at work and they appreciate it. It works pretty well. When you have a cold or sinus condition, and get a red, chapped nose, you can lessen or avoid the redness and subsequent skin peel, if you first dampen your nose with a bit of water on your fingertips, and then pat on a face moisturizer. Do this after blowing your nose, every time. IT WORKS! Guys, you can find fragrance free facial moisturizers in the pharmacy, and if necessary put some in a 'manly' type of container or small bottle with secure cap. Sometimes I can get a small sample (screw top) container from the cosmetics counter at a department store. You might even get a sample of face moisturizer to 'try.' You might even have a small lip gloss jar you can wash out and reuse. Put some in there and carry it with you or take to work. Reminder, Keep the contents as sanitary as possible. Clean fingers, or use a clean cosmetic paddle, if necessary, for family use. You don't want to contaminate and then pass the germs around amongst the kids and back to you. NEVER use hand lotion on a chapped face or nose -- it just burns and makes it worse. We learned from experience. _________________________ Amber ================== 9. 2 Bits, 4 Bits, 6 Bits a Dollar! Welcome to our barter forum! In here we buy, sell, trade items that may have value to someone else. The transactions and agreements arrived at herein are outside the jurisdiction of MrsSurvival.com and are based upon the honor system of the individuals that participate. Moderator: Rita, Darlene http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=37&page=1 Here is just one thing that is listed. http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post118641 wanted: Horseradish by: westbrook I would like horseradish plants. If anyone has any for sale please contact me. thank you You should see the answers to this one. Just go to the forum and take a look. ====================== 10. Are You Really Ready: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=11&page=1 My mini PSK (Pocket Survival Kit) by: Vic303 http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post122779 I decided to do up a little PSK (Pocket Survival Kit)for myself. After seeing DH's and a friend's versions based on the Pelican 1020, I decided that was a little too large and heavy a box for what I wanted, and I didn't think I could get what I wanted into an Altoids tin. So..enter the Pelican 1010! Here is the 1010, next to my Buck Strider SBMF for size comparison. Interior measurement 4 7/16 inch x 2 15/16 inch x 1 11/16 inch. Exterior measurement 5 7/16 inch x 4 1/6 inch x 2 1/8 inch. There are pictures to look at too, so you might want to check it out. ====================== 11. Wadda ya Think: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...rd=3&page=1 Jericho by: goatherder Did you watch Jericho? Can you believe the medical clinic would have only one mask and bag? There are many posts under this question, so in order to read them, please go to: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post107460 ================= 12. Country Homesteading http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=16&page=1 How to make handy farm devices by: Freebird http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post121174 Turn of the century (1900, not 2000) tips, tools and machinery. http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library/d...devicesToC.html _________________________ You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal. How does it feel? How does it feel? To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone? If you are interested in making things, you need to check out the site in this post and to take a look at what others think, please go to the forum. =============== 13. The Homeschooling Haven: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=26&page=1 http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post108511 Encouragement: What are 5 things you love about homeschooling? by: Teaberry I was thinking recently of how many people think homeschooling is a sacrifice for the mother and of course it is in some ways. Some even think it's a burden. But I've come to believe there are wonderful benefits for me personally as a result of homeschooling. I'd love hearing some of the blessings others here have observed in their own lives too. I'll list some I've noted and when I use "HS" it stands for homeschooling: 1. HS moms get to see many of their kid's "firsts" in reading, spelling, math and so forth. 2. HS moms get to learn things they did not learn back when they were in public school. 3. Evenings are less stressed since the kids get their school work done earlier in the day. 4. HS moms are spiritually challenged in a positive way since their kids see their example all day long. 5. HS moms feel a great sense of fulfillment knowing their kids are learning the things they want them to learn more hours of the day. To find what others think, go to the forum. ================== 14. The Shop: Handywomen At Home http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=15&page=1 http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post100714 Has anyone had experience with putting in shelves? by: Bookworm DH is busy getting his truck put back together and other outdoor activities before the colder weather comes and has put off putting my pantry back together with new shelves (not using the older shelves 'cause they weren't all that practical). I'd love to do this myself so was wondering if anyone here has any advice about this type of work. I've also considered getting one of those closet kits like you use in a bedroom but on a much smaller scale. Do you want to know what others have to say?? Please go to the forum to find out. ============== 15. Holiday and Gift Central: http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthrea...d=21&page=1 Need ideas for Baby Shower by: Granny http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums/ubbthr...ge=1#Post119519 Been asked to host baby shower for neice. Anyone have ideas for games, cheap decorations or anything that might get me started planning?? Thinking better keep everyone entertained as they already wanted to exclude one "immediate family member" and they wasn't going to invite her. DH said it couldn't be at our house if that was the way was going to be. Got on the phone and let the one setting all this up know it was wrong and they couldn't leave her out. I'm so proud of him. He's promised to play peacemaker, invite the person hisself and the rest have agreed to trust his elderly wisdom Really wants them all to be together... doesn't happen often. Surely his family can get along for a couple of hours?? To see what others had to say, please go to the forum and read. This completes the News Letter for Spring 2007, please be sure and read other posts and threads other than what I have put in the letter. ============= Also, if you will read in the Sunporch, you will see that we have a new baby in one of the families. Mof7 ========== Just a little personal message. I want to say thank you so much for all the prayers, and posts you have made in the time of the illnes and loss of my sister. It has been a blessing to me. Snowmom ============== Have a great Spring. Snowmom
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