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Everything posted by Snowmom

  1. This morning it was 30 degrees here at the house and in town it was 33 according to Alexa. We are getting wind and snow. Yesterday, it was misting around 7:30 A.M. Then turned to snow. The roads were not the best by any means. I wasn't out on them but there were a lot of people missing from church. I hadn't planned to go as once again I had been at the dr. and got medication. I am really praying this goes away by Thursday as we have a Craft Fair about 50+ miles away from us on Saturday. Nancy had planned to go to church until the weather happened and then also she scalded her hand. We got it taken care of right away and when she took the bandage off in the evening, it hadn't blistered. While I was putting the salve on I was praying that it wouldn't blister. God answered my prayer.
  2. Good morning, It is about 10 degrees here at the house and it is 12 degrees in town. We have about 3 inches of snow. Of course, this is something we expect. But, I think it is a bit colder this year than it was last year at this time. Oh, we have a few fluffy flakes coming down right now.
  3. The Bartlett's are on my mom's side. She was a Bartlett. It was my 7th Great Grandfather who came to America and his wife Mary was on the same ship with her mom and the rest of her family. Her father had come over on the Mayflower and had been here for a while, right now, I can't say just how long. So yes, I know who and when they came. One day I may put some of the information in here. It was something to trace it back. I used Find a Grave to fine the people. There are several spellings of the name too. Some used double t's in the middle and others at the end. Snowmom
  4. Good morning everyone. Well, I'm here so now to let you all know that I have been doing a lot of work on my genealogy. I have found my Bartlett's back to 1049. There are at least 2 "sirs" and I thought that is interesting. Well, now I need to get busy on some of the other lines. I am thinking the "Lee's" will be a good one.
  5. Good morning everyone, I know it has been a very long time since I have been in here, again. Well, I guess once again I haven't been in here since January or so. There has been a lot going on in the family. The first thing I am saying is that, I am so thankful that the only times so far this year that I have see a Dr. is for regular appointments. I have not been so sick that I had to go to walk in. God is so good and I am praying that He will keep me well this year. I had enough last year to last 2 or 3 years. I've been working on other things than sewing. I have traced my Bartlett side back to 1049. Now to work on other sides. We have had two deaths in the family, one was my only living sister so now I am the only one left. The other one was a nephew who had cancer. Now, my oldest son's wife is not doing well. She has been fighting cancer for so very long and now there is nothing they can do for her. They expect she won't last beyond this summer. Well, some of this should have been put in a different post, but that is ok. I'm not sure when I will get back in here, but hope it will be sooner that this time. You all take care.
  6. Belated Happy Birthday to you. Let me see, just how long ago was I 72? I guess it was 9 years ago. So, I'm ahead of you.
  7. Snowmom

    Walking again

    The week ending January 28th I didn't get much in, I was working on genealogy. I only got just under 7 miles. I'll see if I can do better next time.
  8. Sorry I am so late. Happy Birthday.
  9. Happy Birthday Cat, have a great day.
  10. Snowmom

    Walking again

    Well, since I was so sick all of last year and didn't do much walking at all, I have to start slow. I know, this is really slow and I am not happy with it but, one of these days I hope to get more miles again. Week ending with the 20th, I got just over 10 miles. This is really a lot different than I had been doing a few years ago.
  11. I am so sorry that I missed your Birthday, I haven't been in here for a bit. I'm glad your family came to help you celebrate. Again, sorry I'm so late. Have some more and add ice cream and you have a party. are needed to. I know what you mean about illness, that was my year last year. Glad you had company and again, Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas.
  12. Snowmom

    Walking again

    Littlesister, you are doing so good. I haven't counted yet, as they are in my fit bit, but just haven't counted them all up. I'm so glad you want to do this again.
  13. Good afternoon, Thank you both for the Birthday wishes.
  14. Hi, I know it has been a very long time since anyone has posted in here, but thought if it were brought up again, someone might see it and go through and see who has what name in their lines. I'm still looking for Jones I know there are other names, but can't think right off hand. Snowmom
  15. Snowmom

    Walking again

    That is great. I will have to count my poor little miles. Probably about 2 - 3. I really need to get busy and walk and ride the bike.
  16. I'm sorry yo can't find what you are looking for. I know it is really hard and I have some one who I can't get past. Of course it is a Jones. Becca-Anne, I'm happy you were able to do that. The name wouldn't be Jones by any way would it?
  17. Thank you for the Birthday Wishes. I stayed home and did some things around here, as Nancy was working.
  18. Snowmom

    Walking again

    Wanted to know if anyone is interested in counting miles again. I don't get many miles in lately, but know I need to. Thank you, Littlesister, I'm glad to be back. I'll try to get in here each week sometime and we will count the miles from the week past. Thank you for being interested.
  19. Snowmom

    Walking again

    Good morning, I am wondering if we should start walking again? Please let me know if you are interested.
  20. Happy Belated Birthday, Dee. I just didn't get in here yesterday. Sorry. Hope you had a great day.
  21. Good morning Momo. Yes, it has been one year I don't want to repeat. I told the Dr. I am done being sick. Right now I am trying to not go in as I do have my sinus draining again. Thank you for the welcome. I don't know how often I will be in here, but, I will try to make it more than once a year.
  22. Good morning everyone, As for the sewing, I think I had made about 36 - 40 different sizes of Rice Bags to sell, along with several other items. It was days of doing it and again, I won't do much sewing without a mask on. I do have lung problems, so really need to take care in all that I do. After a month and a couple days, I got my new glasses, so I can see again. 😊 Of course, I was able to see, but it is a lot better now and I don't have to put something between my eye and my glasses. It did take me a few days to get use to these new glasses though as I had been going around without glasses when I wasn't watching T.V. or looking on line. I also got my sleep study back and I do NOT have sleep apnea so that is great. I do have scars from where the tape was under my chin though as he just yanked the tape off. I wonder if he does that with all the people and if others ended up with scars too. Well, I think I need to take a look at some other forums and then get myself busy doing something here. You all have a great day.
  23. Good morning everyone. I had cataract surgery on Tuesday morning and spent 2 nights in a motel as had to see the dr. again yesterday morning. We had rough roads going up to Bemidji for the surgery on Monday evening. Nancy, my daughter, put in a full day of work Monday and of course it was dark by the time we were ready to go. Our first good snow was coming down. Of course it couldn't wait until we got up there. But, we had good roads coming home yesterday. I am still fuzzy so all mistakes are because of that. Thank you everyone for your comments. Jeepers, I have decided I need to wear a mask when sewing more than just a few things. I may even use one for anything over 4 or 5 things. Snowmom
  24. Good morning, everyone. I know I haven’t been in here for a very long time. It might take a very long time to tell you everything that has happened around here. So, I will say it started November 2nd, 2022 and I cracked I think it was the T12 that was cracked. I saw the physical therapist on the 16th and had two therapy sessions after that. Then I had sinus infection in December. January, I had another sinus infection and again in February I had another sinus infection. Come March, I had another sinus infection but it was different. They took x-rays and both lungs were full of white wispy cloud like stuff. This is what was in my files, but was taken out after a very short time. FINDINGS: Peribronchial thickening both lungs which along with mild reticulonodular interstitial prominence may be related to airways inflammation or infection versus mild pulmonary edema. No dense consolidation or large pleural effusion. Borderline heart size and pulmonary vascularity. Cardiac pacemaker. Aortic calcification. IMPRESSION: Findings as above suggest airways inflammation/infection versus mild pulmonary edema. I had been doing a lot of sewing, I mean days of it both morning and afternoon. I have wondered if it wasn’t from the material. The lint from the material could have gotten into my lungs. Anyway, this information is no longer on/in my file, that I can find. It took me until the end of April, and another sinus infection, to get rid of whatever this was. I was doing well and then I had another sinus infection in July and again in September. Now, I am getting over an acute case of diverticulitis that had started some time before I ended up in E.R with it so bad. So, now I hope I will be able to be in here for a while. 😊 I am wondering if anyone is interested in doing a Christmas Ornament Exchange this year? I will post in the other forum so you can sign up if you are interested.
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