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Everything posted by Linda

  1. sent my answears in win or lose this is sure a lot of fun and fun seeing how will everyone is doing.
  2. i don't have any pie but i brought the nice china ... chinet paper plates.. Happy happy birthday late...
  3. I seen that on the TV and thought that was very good. it gave me goose bumps.
  4. sounds like lots of fun .... goning to go fine all of your favorite things
  5. Thanksgiving's past we would have family and friends in for a feast and just have a great get together. but' this year is going to be just DH and myself.. most have said aww how sad but we don't see it that way.. to us this is just another chapeter in our life. Usually we host the dinners and this year there isn't anyway we can.. due to DH illness and the $$ thing and our DD and her family lives so far out of state. So what we are tring to do is start a new tradion for us and maybe one for our child and grandchildren to have to follow in years to come incase they aren't able to gather with others. One of my thoughts is to bake up a bunch of goodies, such and tough crust pies
  6. Same here as with Ginger ... and I too really enjoy reading your post... the most winter gardening I do is look through the seed catalogs and cut out pictures and paste on my paper back yard. And look up what i mght want to plant. .. the planing stage..
  7. Lowlander are you going to make your own rag rug??? you sure are a talenet lady.
  8. Linda


    ROFL that is way to funny thinking of taking to our church and sticking it on the bullentin board except I would need to change the name
  9. Linda


    come on in and introduce yourself... there's lots of goodie to chow on while we all get to know you .. So comeon in and let us get to know you and you us... this is a great place
  10. this afternoon it was 17 degrees out and the wind was really blowing plus it was snowing hard. And three children knocked at our door. the oldest a young teen gril was with out a coat, the youngest boy looked to be about a 2nd grader has about in tears cause his hand where so cold. the middle child about 10 had no socks on they where in his pocket cause they where wet. none of them had boots on. What had happen is the lock on therir home was froze and they couldn't get in. they had walked a bit over half a mile And their Ma was at work. So I took them home and thraw out the lock for them. On my way back to the van the littlest boy called me his hero..
  11. high sugar also cause the same promblem.. did the dr. check him for that?? We are very lucky(maybe our dr. isn't, poor guy) but we ask lots of questions about any meds he gives us and a lot of why's what cause? etc. He knows we will also do reserach on any meds and our systoms and what ever he may think it might be. So what is the Doc. going to do about your DH now. Sure hope it isn't anything bad and what happen about Jury duty???
  12. The pineapple - pear pie sound good to me . hope you can fine something soon
  13. thank God that is is alright and home. and thank him for the part he did in service
  14. theyd follows behind and sets out the cups, plates, and fall color napkins. Welcome Pam801801 ... can I offer you a cup of coffee, tea or hot cholate
  15. hummm we have wine and nachos ... looks like we are will on our way to building a party.
  16. awwww what a blessing. and may God bless you with many more years
  17. sure am glad your daughter is ok. a car is e-z'er to replace. good luck in finding another auto for her.
  18. how to figure a year supply of t.paper ... it's one roll per person per week. my question is where do you store all that paper at
  19. it goes without ssaying that i am thankful for my family... but today i am also thankful for the east wind that blows; for it makes me smile and thankfual for the furnace we got it this year and then i am thankful for the tank ful of propane as well. I am also thankful for the friend down the road, for he brought us a lot of wood for our wood stove for when there is no power and we will still have a way to heat, i am thankful for his thoughtfulness, in knowing that my DH is unable to go cut wood anymore, and i have never ran a chainsaw before so i am thankful to beable to keep my legs in tack. I am also thankful that he did not split the wood.. for now i will have a means to exersice and to get some fresh air this winter, and a way to get rid of stress. So i am thankful for the east wind that blows. what are you thankful for today
  20. Good Luck today> and don't forget to let us know how it all went.
  21. yep, that's mine dinning room. My DH and I have been building a room around the furnace, and the dinning room has become the workshop. It is taking us a while with his health. and me working. but it is getting done slow but sure. oh, and the $$ to do it. Will we are almost done but fornd out we forgot to get hinges for the door. oh, next pay check.
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