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Everything posted by Linda

  1. good job motherearth!! I wish i could say that also, but.... two years ago i could of but not today. we could get through 72hrs maybe a month. but that is it. we are working on it though. so as you said little at a time and maybe we can get there too.
  2. i have never been on a train, but my DH has always wanted to take one some where anywhere. Maybe one day we can take a ride on a train i have never really wanted to go on one but now after reading ya'll post, maybe i will make more of an effort for us to go on one. it sounds like it would be a peaceful way to travel.
  3. Linda


    you just got tag go to humor me
  4. Linda

    TAG game, part II

    well this is hard i'd like to tag all of ya's for you each have such a speacial spirit to each of you. i think i will tag MM i really like the streagth she shows, through all.
  5. wet and foggy here today
  6. i guess i need to move to another country to learn more .. i got three wrong
  7. yes, I do a journal. It is here and there; i don't always write in it every day. but have found it helpful when i try to remember things i can go back in it and get my memory jogged. A journal can also be a place you can write your feelings down and not just the everyday things you do. i like to put in mine sometimes my feelings about the kid and her kids so one day after i am gone they can read the words that i have told them also and never forget how much i do love them.
  8. Linda

    Theyd is back!!!

    it is good to be back ... forgot how much i really love this site. there is so much here ... lots of idea's.. support for one another ..information ... and most of all people really caring for one another. glad to be back. thank you all
  9. Linda

    Theyd is back!!!

    cookie... cookie..
  10. we only had the one child and when she got married and had children and before they moved away. DH and i would have our own Christmas and muchies. Then about two on Christmas afternoon we would go to DD home and have Christmas with them. We figured it would be e-er and safer for us to travel to thir home then for them to load up all the stuff and the children to come to our home. Less stress for them and less worry for us worring about them traveling with the babies. We would eat, open gifts, check out what all the grandkids got from Santa and play with their toys then we would play a family game and watch a movie and then go home. now we just jhave Christmas alone. It's not as sad as it sounds we have a special meal, relax, exchange gifts and just enjoy one another. And remember the meaning of Christmas
  11. all we have left to do is put the storm windows up and drain the garden hoses and i think, maybe that is it??? If there is anything to the old wise tales for telling what kind of winter you'll have. we are in for very little snow. We have seen two wasp nest now only about three to four feet off the ground. Now we will see.
  12. good deal. glad your home
  13. Linda


    Maxine had eight puppies today
  14. ooooo lala!!! yum yum. excuse me while i get another one these are great!!!! oooooola la
  15. my fav soap... use it a lot and cost is cheap i pay only .99 a bar
  16. frannie what a interesting family history.
  17. Thanks Mare ... always looking for a good movie to see. will put them on my list to get
  18. I am not, but i have two Aunts that are, ..... And the kids are treated no differant in the family, they are treated just like the rest of the them. i think it is great You go for it and keep us posted if you do or not and good luck.
  19. i understand what you mean about the *strong man* and it's the strong who needs a good women like yourself with a good heart. may the Lord bless you both...
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