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Everything posted by Linda

  1. the boys scout manuel...where there is no doctor by david werner ... I also have carla e book a very good book ... Back to basic put out by reader diegest... the scriptures...the audubon society field guide to (what ever plant life where you live) to learn a new language.
  2. :mad you all might want to delete this but here goes.... I caome from an abusive childhood and there as a lot to over come... yes I was on meds But Thank God no more. One of those things that was done was the burn thing...or throw out of the boat to learn to swim (which i never did, almost drown though) OOOOH!!!!! NO ONE has the right to hurt any child. NO ONE!!! I was a strict parent ask my DD and she will tell you that, but to hurt her NO WAY! We heat with a wood stove and with the grand babies we wouuld watch them very close and let them know ouch..hot.. and if one like the grandson did went to touch it scared me so bad that I screamed NO. and in turn it scared him so bad that he cried and I hugged but he never tried that again. We as adults should make it as safe as we can for the child and teach them what will hurt them. I've done the chair thing before too, As for the MIL here is a suggestion... tell her how you feel about this, if you can't talk to her (and I understand how your DH feels) write her. writing her will help you to get this out of your system, you might have to write more then one letter to get it right... and will give her how you feel in writing and she can refer to it after she gets over her first mad to see what you are saying. keep a copy. Good luck and God bless and lead you in raising your children.
  3. Linda


    clip clip clip ..... cute
  4. westbrook... do you have dogs? what kind? what ones are you looking to show? I would like to show also but don't really know much about it or how to begain... well i have a dog.
  5. we all need to trust God in all things... Go to him for all things...say our prayers, ask our questions ... and then most important listen ... stay still and listen. one of my fav verses is "be still and know that I am God" don't ask me where it is at, for i don't remeber. All I can tell any one about talking to the children about all that is going on around us is to share what has been done in our family... As we where growing up, we where taught survial. What if games... we camp learn how to make fire, winter camp... learn to track... learn how to handle a gun, a lot of how to's ... how to make something from nothing... how to take one tater and feed four.. how to take a rag and make a sunday go to meeting dress.... etc.... we never really did with out but we didn't have all the name things either till we got old enough to buy our own... Now my DD has a family of her own and those children can tell you how to stay warm in a snow strom... what to do if .... they learn as a family... while doing family things like camping...having family nights together... talking openly about what is happening.... when you teach your children how to camp.. i mean really camp .. what to do if a fire.. tornado or any of the other natural disasters you have just taught them some of what to do if there is a promblem... we talk to our children about what to do if a stranger apporaches them.. etc...you teach them part of what to do... In my family right down to the 8 mos old grand child we all have what is called a 72 hour kit. and in it is all that would be needed to survial in case of.... you can make a game out of it a learning game of what if... and teach your children what to do what if we lost all our power cause of a stroam ... ok enough of my mouth..... just keep praying and listening to HIS spirit. And in His words fear not....
  6. ok... I have my own account on yahoo now the other one was my mothers... mine is theyd2000 at yahoo
  7. Now you know why she is called llamamama
  8. Linda

    Our Ancestors

    I have always been interested in doing the family history... and had been told that we have royal blood. So now when I get up set with some people I tell them they can 'Kiss my Royal' ... still working on proving the royal part
  9. Thanks for the infor... Was just thinking about going through the storage and see what would be needed for next year. Thank you
  10. Do Not... exaggerate!! just telling it like it is. I
  11. Linda


    she's from Bringham. They lived in the country area. She lived there during the war.
  12. Becca....I want you to take your right hand and place it under your left arm now take your left hand and place it over your right upper arm.. now squeeze hard. you just been hugged and then go fine yourself a blankie wrap yourself in it nice and tight. Have a good cry and call upon the Lord. Praying all will work out for you and yours
  13. I help take care of my 85 year old aunt; she is from england..she doesn't get around at all any more...she is basically home bound. her memory is going. but she remember england and her life there. after reading what you say about the wheater there Lowlander and what is happening i will share it with her and boy does her face light up, any time you talk to her about england. So thank you for posting.
  14. Linda


    what is flat mode???
  15. oh, yes...I tried the pie...and i ate the pie!! and oh was it good.
  16. if you are interrested in using natural dyes ....llamamomma can help... she does a lot of it herself... she raises her own fiber and cleans it cards it, spins and knits crochet and some weaving of it all she dyes her own fiber; and she has used natural dyes. I have seen some of her work and it looks really good.
  17. That is what i will be weighting come spring ... we will be rolling out of the house then ... Wow !!! what great recipies just about have next weeks menus all done. That German Chocalate pie oh, my!! Good. Happy girl.. you make your own guacomole? Do you make a guacomole salad I haven't had a good guacomole since I left Texas. Do you mine sharing the recipie? please.
  18. we lost a friend this past year from breast cancer. So yes it is scary and it is important that every women have their brest checked on a yearly basis. And to do the self check. If you don't know how ASK this would be one of the most important question you could ask in your lives. So ladies don't be shy in the words of my one aunt " go play with yourself. "
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