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Goose Liver

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Everything posted by Goose Liver

  1. Yippee, I love I good party... welcome back HG
  2. tee hee.. not really, we may get some sun this afternoon. It cleared enough yesterday afternoon to mow the lawn and do some weeding... Off to the flea market this morning with my friend... I hope wherever you all are you have a wonderful, peaceful Sunday.
  3. Brigid growls as she raises her little fist in the caveman's direction.. I'll get you, you hairy beast..
  4. Goose Liver


    Hi Happy Girl... I just wanted to tell you how much I admire you and your strenght in your faith. It is nice to see your happy face back.
  5. Good morning all. .just wanted to wish you all a happy Saturday.......we have a little rain right, hopefully will clear up this afternoon, so I can cut the grass... fertilizer has kicked in.
  6. Brigid, not having been around for a while... sees something sparkly, it is sitting on a rock beside this snoring caveman.. she tip toes over and gently picks it up and places it on her curly locks.. now I am queen, she gleefully sings, while dancing away.....
  7. Hi all in our part of the country.. summer has come early.. my mom and dad here in BC and my lil sis in Seattle have all of their veggies in the ground... from green and yellow beans to carrots and radishes....we have had abnormally warm temps this spring.. everything is growing...such a nice place to live...... cherry trees flowering everywhere, all my hostas are up, astilbes, lillies, dafs are done, tulips are up, pansies are out, my japanese maple has it's leaves again, glads and other bulbs and tubers are in, ferns are growing again, ladies mantle growing, spirea is in beautiful color, sigh, I love spring....
  8. Good Morning Snowie.. glad are visiting with the boys... I hope you had a great Easter... we celebrated on the Sat.. had my family here.... a little bitter sweet, this the first Easter without my brother.... My little sis is expecting her first baby in less than 4 weeks so we had fun talking to her belly
  9. Dee your place is beautiful..... thanks for sharing
  10. Hi Snowie.. quick hi.. and bye.. must run and jump in the shower.. running late.. just wanted to come and read a little.... we had a beautiful day yesterday... warm we got up to 21 C..... wowwie zowwie.... bye gotta fly.....
  11. Good morning all.. just a quick note this morning.. I am trying to come here every morning again... time seems to fly these days.... such a beautiful day here yesterday... hot and sunny... I ran 10kms yesterday, (6 miles) first time... It was great. Then painted trim and did gardening for the rest of the day.. baked in the evening.. hope everyone's snow goes away soon... I love to wander in my back yard with garden clogs and house coat.. good thing noone can see me....
  12. I guess it's a little chilly out for you to sun bathe today Snowie.. maybe just put your face up to the window... and catch a few rays... sunny and beautiful is the forecast for here today.. It's about time since we had rain all week......finished the bathroom on to the baseboards... batheroom is a beautiful light shade of green, with one accent wall a little darker... Enjoy the day everyone.. back to the grind tomorrow.
  13. Good Morning Snowie.. so glad you finally getting some warm weather... it's of course raining here.. but supposed to clear by this afternoon.. it's rained our whole spring break.. sigh.. oh well.. got the second coat of paint on my bathroom... so that's good.. think I will start painting the downstairs if it doesn't clear up by this afternoon.. Glad your little niece is doing better.. kids are so resilient.... Have a great day.. put on your bathing suit and sun bathe... tee hee
  14. Hey Momof 5... I would take a couple of them back to Safeway and find out what they have to say about it...
  15. to funny ... Seldie I want to do all of these.
  16. Hi everyone.. snowie I can't believe that you are still having snow.. yikes...... as I've been telling you.. I have already started my landscaping business. have been out quite a few times.... definately spring here ..... blackberry bushes are in full form.... evcrything is growing including the grass....... So sorry to hear about your niece .. I sure hope she is going to be okay. Have a great day..
  17. Good Morning all.. I'm back again.. mother board problems then problems with the internet.... all is fixed and well. We have beautiful weather sorry for all of you who still have snow.. I mowed my lawn this week, ready to lime this weekend..... turning the soil, fertilizing, pruning.... green green green.. beautiful... off to see my mom and dad and little sis who is visiting from the states this weekend.. big and pregnant.. due in May.....it's her first. First better get some food so the children can graze while I'm gone... Have a great day everyone...
  18. Good Morning Snowy..... I;m back again.... email on the computer was down yesterday.. grrr... it's not raining right now and very mild..... it's going to be a warm day. Get my early morning walk in then off to work.. another busy week ahead... I saw my lil sister last weekend.... in Seattle she's almost 7 months pregnant now.. doing wonderful.. she is coming here for a visit next weekend.. love seeing my baby sis all pregnant. Hope you have a great day.
  19. They'd just be careful when you plant mint.. it spreads and is very hard to control........ love my lavender I have french and english, difference is in the leaves.. smells so pretty.
  20. Gooseliver, I was so sorry to hear about your dad....please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.
  21. I was thinking about bringing him home with me......
  22. Hi everyone.. did ya miss me??????? My computer blew the motherboard have been without a computer for over a week now......... it was so sad to be without.. but I am back up now, with used parts.. sure hope they hold out for a while. Lots and lots of flowers in my part of the world.. crocuses everywhere.. dafodils are up... tuplips are beginning to flower... it's quite wonderful to spring here...... have a wonderful day.. must go and read and read.....
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