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Posts posted by Littlesister

  1. Joyfllled, hoping that all will be over by then as well. Hopefully there won't be any problems with them getting here.  Right now I am concerned about my granddaughter and her DH as they will be traveling by cars to Washington State from Maryland. They will be staying in hotels on the way there. With this virus that does concern me. I am going to make sure they both get flu and pneumonia vacs. They with her DH working in the naval hosp. they may have already gotten them. But will be asking about it. Also concerned as to weather on the way there. Snow, etc. Just praying for a safe trip. 

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  2. It was on news tonight that it has now hit the east coast.  One confirmed in Boston MA.  They also said they are opening all military bases to house those that they are quarantining across the country. We have naval bases all around us. Not going to be good. They said that bases across the US will be housing anyone coming in from other countries will be quarantined. More coming in from China that are being evacuated. Would love to know what is truth and what is tin foil hat. Not sure if we are really getting the full truth on this virus. Thinking also that China is covering up things. I never prepared for the Sars outbreak in 2014 as I really didn't think it would go that far. But this virus is everywhere in almost all countries it seems. And it only takes one to be infected to spread it. My daughter whom never gets the flu vac. because of reactions went and got it. Even  my 18 year old grandson told me today he got his also. I was glad of that. My daughter wants to get the pnumonia vac. again but she had such a bad reaction to it, she's afraid to do it. Told her to talk to doctor and tell her what happened. They might be able to give it to her in smaller doses and keep her there to counteract any reaction. 

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  3. You guys have got to get well.  Praying for all of you for a fast recovery. 


    Didn't do a whole lot today. Decided to take it easy. I did put a few things away that were sitting on spare bed. And of course cleaned kitchen, mainly the usual stuff. Went to post office to mail taxes to the CPA. So they should get that on Monday.  Then came home and fixed breakfast and cleaned up. We went to daughter's house to visit for a bit, then came home and just chilled out. Seems my energy levels are dropping again. So got to work on getting that back up. 

    Been thinking about that garden as I am wanting to get the raised beds going and at the same time, I look at all the food we have and wondering rather to just skip a garden this year and just have the raised beds for next year ready to go. Tough decisions when you look at all that is going on in the world and this corina virus going on.  another one was confirmed in Boston, MA.  All the things I have canned and have a great deal of are chicken, beef, squash, green beans though I could plant more of those, I have made chicken soups, veg. beef soup, tomato soup, and lots of tomatoes that I canned both plain and with onions and celery. have canned salsa, pizza sauce, ketchup, pickles are running out of our ears. sweet pickle relish, hamburger,  picadilly relish, succutash,  white potatoes and sweet potatoes, etc.  I have well over 30 or more quarts and pints.  This was great when granddaughter and her husband was still living here. She shopped from my pantries. But now that she is moving to Washington State that won't happen anymore. Can't carry it that far. Even while living in Maryland, she would make trips here to shop from my pantries and take it back with her. So now it will be just the 2 of us eating all this food. This is why I am back and forth about rather to plant a garden this summer or wait a year. Food is everywhere around here. DH wants me to make a tablecloth to go to floor in den to put boxes of some of the canned foods under there. Not going to happen. We have friends and neighbors that come to house now and then and don't want food stacked under tables in den. The pictures I posted under pantry ideas was nothing compared to what I have now. Ouch!  So I have some big decisions to make. To garden or not. 

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  4. I am going to talk to SIL about building me something like that stand to put buckets in. Only thing is when my daughter sees it she will have him building her one to.    We do plant lettuce and cucs. as well as the other things I mentioned. When SIL comes to help me with the raised beds, I am going to try to start planting some new things around here. I had the mop top bushes that took up the flower beds all the way across the front of my house taken out. So I am going to work on that and plant some things. it is in the front of house but who cares. It's food. Maybe plant lettuce, cherry tomatoes, herbs and not sure what else yet. But will get it figured out. Just glad those mop top bushes are gone. 

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  5. You will have him trained in no time.  He seems to be a really good dog.  Though he will be protective of his food for months to come but will come to understand that no one will take his food and starve him again.  

    Nothing like a good game of tug of war. They look like they are having a great time.  Glad to see they are getting along so well. 

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  6. I saw that on TV but got an alert from USA early today.  It just states that the USGOV. declared nat'l public health emerg. over 2019 nCoV. No entry into the US for any foreign nat'l who has traveled in China in the past 2 weeks. It states more to come. but have not heard anything else about it yet. Also, any US citizen who has been to Hubei prov of China in the past 14 days is subject to 2 weeks quarantine. Incoming flights from China limited to 7 US airports. 

    Then it says USGOV may be staging add'l evac flights from Wuhan for AMCITS around Feb. 3ed. 

  7. Beryl thank you for that chart.  Great info there.  

    Jeepers glad that person didn't have CV.  That is great news. 

    One of the things when checking my supplies was no googles for the eyes.  These are good to have and need to fit snug around the eyes just like the mask need to fit snug. So ordered a couple of pair of googles like they use for pandemics from Amazon.  Better safe than sorry.  Also, get some Johnson's baby shampoo. You can wash your eyes out with it. It will NOT burn your eyes.  The home health nurses told me about it. So we have added that to our routine.  So if we are out and about when we get home we both wash our hands and our eyes. That also helps with the flu as well. 

    • Thanks 2
  8. Jeepers, I hope you are feeling better now.   Have you seen a heart doctor.  Maybe a stress test is in order.  I would check into it to make sure it's not anything going on with your heart.  And to be sure, make sure you are drinking enough water.  I am back after DH about that again. He was doing good for awhile but backed off the water again. Not good. 


    DH and I went to dentist this morning.  Turns out that one tooth that was always hurting when I drink hot or cold liquids was a small cavity right at the bottom of tooth. I had it to where it wouldn't hurt anymore and then they cleaned my teeth. So I am going back in a couple of weeks to have that taken care of. :scratchhead:8 months ago I told the other dentist in that same office about it and he did nothing. Got a new one today and he is going to take care of it. Though I can see it and still looks like a cracked tooth to me. But as long as it won't bother me anymore after they fill it that's good. Best to get it done now. Should have been fixed 8 months ago. DH did fine on his cleaning. But they do want to put a new cap on a tooth that is cracked and he said no as it is not bothering him and it has been like that for years. 


    Stopped off at drug store and picked up the RX's for both DH and myself. Ouch!! 3 months supply $549.50.  That hurts. But got to have it and those are not all the ones we need yet.  First of year  and the deductible starts all over again. The Eliquis blood thinner was the $500 one. That should have taken care of the deductible for the year. 

    Got home and paid bills and then finished  up on the taxes. So off to the CPA they go. Just got to go to post office to get them mailed. Not driving to VA Beach to get them done anymore. He said we can mail them. So certified and they have to sign for them. That way I know they got there plus if anything happens they are traceable.   Took all day just to get paperwork done. So glad that is over for the year. Made a pizza for dinner. Not the most healthy meal but was quick. Just didn't feel like cooking tonight. But it was a veggie pizza. Tomatoes, green peppers, red onions and Canadian bacon. That has not got much salt compared to pepperoni. Back to my make shift pantries tomorrow. The one in hall is done. Just got to get the one in small bedroom cleaned out and reorganized.  Will start on that as soon as I get back from post office. 

    DH gastro doctor called today also. Wants him to have more lab work and he needs to have an ultra sound on liver. Not sure yet what they are looking for. But hoping it is nothing but the pills he takes. That can be fixed with liv 52.  That happened to me. Got fatty liver and the RX's I was taken caused an issue.  So started the liv 52 liver cleanse and it took care of the problem. I am going to go ahead and order some as I am out of it. Should be keeping that on hand. 


    Hello Becca Ann.  Glad for you starting a new job and a move as well. I am sure that did keep you very busy.  Hope all works out for you. Congratulations.  And yes the N95 mask are getting harder and harder to find.  I was lucky enough that I got some from the doctor I worked for.  I was checking them last night and I have well over 100 of them.  I had added to what he gave me so I would have enough for family as well.  Though It does make you wonder in a pandemic how many is enough. So didn't have to buy any. Thankful for that at least. 


    Also for those that do not know this:  In the case of flu, cornea virus those germs can get into your body through your eyes. So just like washing your hands.  Buy some Johnson's baby shampoo. You can wash your eyes with that. It will NOT burn eyes. The home health care nurses told me about it. So I am now doing that as a precaution when I get home from stores as well as washing hands.  

    Also bought some safety glasses that fit tight around the eyes. Got 2 pair of them from Amazon. Won't use them unless I need to but these are for pandemics. Good thing to have handy as well as the mask. 

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  9. I love those pictures. That setup would be great for DH and me. Something we could handle. And yes no weeding.  The things we grow as it is a small back yard garden, is green beans, butter beans, squash, tomatoes, okra, carrots, and eggplant. No room for potatoes or corn. We do have 2 blueberry plants as well. Along with basil, oragano, and a few other spices. If things look like they are going to get bad store wise we might then plough up the side yard and fence it in. 

    I would love to build a set up like that. We do have the buckets. Would just need a stand. That would work for potatoes instead of planting in the ground. Could keep that on a section of our patio. 

  10. Mt. Rider,  Dr. Jo and nurse Amy are great. I got that e-mail as well.  I also have one of the books, but it is an older one. Going to check into the newest one.  Doom and Bloom is one I have gone to as well. Very good info. Lots there to learn. 

    Thanks for putting that on here. 


    Jeepers, praying for God to put protection around you and your family. Yes we saw it on the news. The bad part is where has that person been before she became sick. Hope it is not a city near where you are. But please be careful as you never know. Keep your hands washed and away from face. If need be where a mask when you have to go to stores. And use hand sanitizer if you have no where to wash hands. 

    I worry about those coming in from China on those charter planes. One has already come into CA and I have a granddaughter that lives in CA. She uses that airport a lot as her job requires her to travel a lot. Hoping they are not having her travel  now. I do know she is home right now. They have said that the pilots on the charter planes are not protected. That is not good.

    • Thanks 1
  11. Miki, I am so sorry to hear that they are forcing you to get that insurance. If you are not in a flood zone, they should not make you get it. If you possibly can, I would check into other banks or mortgage companies to see what it would be to switch over to someone else. You might could find a better deal.


    On blood work.  You are suppose to fast 12 hours before having it done. I can't believe a doctor would even suggest that. There are some test you don't need to fast for, but if you are having all the labs done then yes you should be fasting for 12 hours. But you can and should drink water. No coffee or tea just water.  I am a retired nurse and the fasting labs has not changed. 


    I am so tired tonight. DH got the sliding door fixed. And I went through all our food and got it all reorganized and put away. newest foods to the back and oldest in front.  We have been at it all day. DH started dinner tonight while I finished up and then I helped him finish up dinner. We had a boston butt steak left over from last night so we just split that and cooked up some squash and green beans from the pantry for dinner. That was about all either of us wanted. I was to tired to eat, but I did eat. Still got a few things to put up in the small bedroom that I switched out of hall pantry to put in the  bookshelf that is also a make shift pantry. Got a lot of pickles that I canned that I needed to get all put in one place. Now I can find things again.  It has been a good 5 years since I took everything out of pantries and cleaned up. Something that really needs to be done now and again.  I am not sure I am going to buy store bought foods for a long while unless it is something I am out of. Going to start really hard on eating out of pantry. Already started on the freezers. But now the pantries will get used up as well. Still got one closet in my office to go through. I was really hoping to have a lot of this done by now but with DH sick as he was for over 5 months, it has been a struggle to get things done. He is still not there yet and still has some issues we still need to see doctor for follow-up on but he is starting to get a bit of energy back. He has helped me now for 2 days straight. That is a great sign. 

    Again I think all of you for the prayers for him to get better.

    I also am still praying for all of you to get better. This is not the time to be sick.  Also I think this would be a good time for all of us to start praying that this corona virus does not go any further than it has. pray for God to put protection around us, our families and our neighborhoods that this virus does not come into our homes and neighborhoods. Something we need to do daily. Pray for that protection. 

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  12. Don't know why, but now they are saying there was only one person in VA that they thought had the virus and that that person didn't have it. 

    They can't seem to decide was it one person or three and did any of them have it or not. But then it's VA. 

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  13. Miki hope you get that flood ins. straight soon. I know you will be glad to have that behind you.


    Jeepers hoping and praying you get better soon.  Are you able to take one extra B/P medication when your bottom number is that high. 97 for the low number is way to high.  You could have a stroke if it stays like that. I would call doctor and ask if it is ok to take one extra of the three pills you are on when it gets that high. That is one of the reasons you don't feel right. As for the diabetics,  119 is a bit high but not really that bad. Just cut back on carbs. Also if you are not drinking much water, try drinking more water. Dehydration happens easily in older people. I have been through that with DH to the point of his passing out. It will show up in you lab work if you are dehydrated but some doctors won't tell you that. That is why always get copies of our lab work. Then I know what is going on and how to take care of it. DH has Cong. heart failure and even with that he is to drink 64 ounces of water daily.  If you do have a glass of tea or lemonade, you can't count that as part of that 64 ounces. But soda does not count as it can dehydrate you. 


    Today I emptied the hall make shift pantry.  Now we feel like WE2. They are sliding doors and one of them came off track a few months ago making it hard to open. DH has been working on it all day. And he still hasn't been able to get it to stop coming off track. He is tired now so he will work on it tomorrow. So now I have all my canned foods sitting on the 2 folding tables and floor in the foyer. But I did get the walls in there washed down. It was dusty from where they were making the intake air for air conditioner larger. To make the air conditioner work much better we needed to have a larger return duck. But the dust from sawing through the ceiling went through to my closet. So now time to get all this mess cleaned up. I feel like between that and the driveway, we have been eating dust for the past 3 months. 

    DH made salmon cakes for dinner tonight. So I made baked beans, corn bread, and some green beans to go with it. He is finally starting to feel like doing little things again but I still don't want him to push his self to much. Just doing a little hear and there till he gets his strength back. 

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  14. Been a while since I have been on here. Glad to know all is well.


    Asking for prayers for my granddaughter and her DH. He is in Navy working naval hospital.  They are being transferred to Washington State. They will be leaving around the end of Feb.  Right now they are in Maryland.  Just keep them in prayer for a safe trip to Washington as they will be driving in 2 different cars to Washington. Her car already has over 200,000 miles on it. She is putting 4 new tires and having everything checked out on it but that car is old and a lot of miles.  Her DH is trying to get her to buy a new car before they leave but she is refusing. She doesn't want a car payment. Can't blame her but the miles she will be putting on it could be bad as with the already 200,000 that's already on it. Praying he can talk her into a new car before they leave. I am going to have them get the timing chain checked as well. 

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  15. They are saying there are 5 cases in the US.  So the first one was in Seattle Washington. Second one in Chicago, Third time in CA and it was in 2 different cities there and now 3 in Northern VA.   So how does that add up to 5. 

    Joyfilled, You are right the numbers don't add up. That alone adds up to 7  or they can't count.  I really thank it could be higher than that but not to the point of worrying about It other than to know it is here and to know how to prepare for just in case. Right now I am prepared and have well over 100 N95 mask.. All thanks to the doctor I used to work for. When he retired, he gave those to me and a lot of first aid stuff. So I was very lucky to have worked for him. He has always looked out for me and my family.  He even gave me all the samples of the meds we take, muscle relaxers for my neck and some antibiotics for just in case. Yes they are preppers  as well and he watched our backs as well. That was almost 6 years ago now. 

    I am sure by now you all have heard there are Americans coming in to CA by charter planes that have been evacuated from China. There may or may not be people on those planes with the virus. Just keep your eyes on the news about it. I will be getting the USA alerts as well. Anyone that would like to get those the $49.00 it cost a year is well worth it. I find out a lot of things before it hits the news. That does give me a bit of an edge if anything happens where I am at. 

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  16. That is a sign it is getting really bad in China..  The 3 people they said was in VA have been confirmed and is in Northern VA.  

    The HHS/CDC press Conf: 2019 nCoV a potentially very serious public health threat. poss asymptomatic transmission, surveillance is expanding to USA at 20 airports. This is just in from Alerts USA.


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  17. The videos were great info on this.  The one thing that the screening does not do.  they take your temp. and if you don't have a temp. then you are free to go. BUT,  you can already have the virus and show NO symptoms for at least 5 days, meaning that if you are not having any fever when they check you at the airport and then let you go. You are free to walk into any store or anywhere else and then pass it to others. So best bet would be to set up tents or something where all those people must stay and be watched. Then if they show no symptoms or fever within a 5 day grace period they would be free to go. 

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  18. Midnightmom, those look good. Let us know how they turned out.  


    Got dinner cooked then cleaned kitchen.  Made bed,  and heading to bed a little early tonight.  Helping DH cook collards for market tomorrow. Wouldn't be so bad but we are down there by 6AM. to get them started. They are already stripped for us, we just have to get them washed and in pot. Then we have coffee and breakfast down there. Yes, they cook breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as being a farmers market with fresh produce and the best meat around. The butchers are right behind the meat counter where you can watch them cutting up meat and rapping it right there.  They will cut meat any way you want it. 


    Mt. Rider just take it one step at a time.  Your body will tell you when to slow down or stop. Pay attention to that and don't try to push yourself. Still keeping you in prayer to get through this and get better.

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  19. Loving the pics. He is really having a great time. Best way to bath a dog. turn on sprinklers and let him run through.  that is so funny.  He is having the time of his life. And really is filling out much more now.  I can see you are going to have a lot of fun times with that dog. 

    • Thanks 1
  20. Thank you Ann. Hoping for many more years. God willing. Wow. Two more years will be 40. Special celabration in order.  Free firewood that is great.  Can't beat that. We have used up all the firewood from our cut down trees. Maybe enough for 4 more firepit fires. Then will have to buy a cord of wood. 


    Homesteader,  Your kitchen is coming along  nicely. Will be done before you know it. 


    This morning got all the clothes washed, stripped the bed and washed the sheets and blankets. Got my little curtains finished for the cubbies. Now to get started on that table cloth for the folding table we decided to keep up for our appliances on to use. Then I won't have to keep running out to garage to grab what I need. It is to the point that I don't even use them unless I have to because of that. Would get much more use out of them if they were in the house. Well back to work. Break is over. 

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  21. This coronavirus is not yet a pandemic in the US yet and hope it won't be.  But this is what I am thinking.  Treat this like you would any virus. Keep your hands washed often with soap and water. Use antibacterial lotion when you can't wash your hands. In this case the ones that contain alcohol would be best.  When you get home wash your hands right then with soap and water. Use air born or one of the other ones that work best for you at first signs of a cold or sniffles.  I think our worst fears is if this does become a pandemic would be no food in grocery stores. They are showing it in China with not allowing people in or out of cities.  Could that happen here?  Maybe, but best thing to do would not to worry about the virus but to make sure you are well stocked on food, water, any medications you take, personal items, etc. Make it so you will not have to depend on a grocery store for at least 2 or 3 months.  Not finding that much info on this either. So this is the best thing to do at this point. 

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