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Posts posted by Littlesister

  1. Went to church this morning and DH was able to go. He did well but was tired when we got home. Fixed some lunch and then cooked the chicken for tonight that I was hoping to cook last night. So we had that for dinner this evening. I went back to church tonight and helped to move all the food that came in for our food drive to the pantries. We met our goal of 1000 items by 1107 and still things are coming in.:sSig_thankyou: Church for coming through to feed the hungry.  Came home and checked on DH who was in chair asleep. Fixed me a cup of coffee and now in office on :pc_coffee:.  I think that single cup coffee pot is spoiling me. Just grab a cup of joe any time of day now. But still make a full pot for both of us in morning. 


    Tomorrow is going to be a big work day for me, so don't know if I will be able to get to computer or not. Laundry day, need to give kitchen and bathrooms a good cleaning and not the usual pick it up cleaning.  Need to get DH out of house so I can use bleach. So sending him to market to spend some time with his cousin. Got some things I really need to go through. Medicines, vits. and a bunch of other things. Got to get them better organized so I can find what I need. 

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  2. Anyone that thinks this cannot happen here. Needs to take a good hard look at these other countries.  We here in the US have had it so easy for many, many years.  When God is removed from a country the way it has been happening here. We best be on our knees praying and asking forgiveness for both ourselves and for our country.  I have seen stores not quite like those pictures but right here when a hurricane was coming.  We already know what going for 2 weeks without electricity and for my daughter and the neighborhood next to us was like without water. It can and will happen here in the US.  As to where in the US, we don't know. Could be city wide or the whole country that goes through all of this.  This Virus is already here in just 4 or 5 states.  

    We all need to pray that this virus does not get out of control here in the US.  And we need to pray for how we should prepare. God knows our needs and will answer us on what we need to do.. All we have to do is ask. 

    We do not know if this virus is from something that just happened with bats and snakes or if it is God's punishment like the Bible said will happen. We don't know which it is. But the Bible does state we will have trials and tribulations, There will be famines, wars and rumors of war, pestilence, famine, and much more.   We need to be ready, and prayerful at all times. 

    I know that everyone on here that is following this virus is doing everything possible to be ready for it. Prayer needs to be at the top of that list. 

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  3. I am halfway through this book and it is well worth buying. It explains a great deal about how it is passed from person to person. Where it started and much more. Like I said, I am only half way through this book and it is well worth the read. It gives symptoms and much more.  It also explains the stages of the disease if you get it. This is good stuff to know.

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  4. Ambergris, I do have to agree with your take on Where there is no Doctor. Mine is a much older version and I don't know what the newer ones have. You really have to read between the lines on that one.  You are right about what it says on the acetaminophen. There are cheaper ones. I am going to check out the Rachael Weaver books. Hoping to find them cheaper than 25.00.  But will think on that one. 


    Right now I am reading a book by Cat Ellis.  The Wuhan coronavirus survival manual. how to prepare for pandemics and quarantines. This one has a great deal of info that will help us to prepare. I am still reading it and so far I like what it has to say.

  5. I have started reading a book called The Wuhan Coronavirus Survival manual.  by Cat Ellis. It is on how to prepare for pandemics and quarantines. It is both on Nook and you can get the book. Amazon has it. This book is worth buying for everyone. Great information about it and on how to prepare.  I think it will answer a lot of questions though I have not finished the book yet. But so far what I have read, it has some very good advice.

    • Thanks 1
  6. This virus is spreading like wild fire almost. Well over 20 countries now.  Praying it won't get any worse not just for the USA, but for all countries.  This virus is bad for the economy also. No one able to work so no imports nor exports in or out. This is going to play bad for everyone. It will cause a food shortage, auto parts, medications, both OTC and RX. clothing and so much more. China has been forcing people to go back to work.  Brace yourselves for more people to become infected.  They still don't know how this is going from person to person as the time before you have a fever it may have already spread to others. 

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  7. Mt. Rider,  I know it is a great time when you can spend time with your mother. Though you do get tired. I know you both enjoy the times together.  Now time to rest up for the next trip with her. It is nice that your DH can come along and help with the store trips so you can stay in car and rest a bit. 


    Jeepers quartz is very good and durable. Will last forever. I love it and if I do decide down the line to replace mine after maybe 30 years as my kitchen was done about 21 years ago now. I am going to get the quartz countertops. They look like marble and even granite but they have NO maintance to deal with.  

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  8. I don't recommend reusing disposable mask. But if it comes to that, the best source would be if you can wash them. do so in a weak bleach solution depending on what they are made of.. Using a heat source that would be hot enough to kill germs but not catch the mask on fire would be the best method. Back in the old days when I was in nursing, we sterilized the instruments using an autoclave. The items were wrapped in a paper material that had strips showing If they were sterilized after coming out of autoclave. It does take a lot of heat to sterilize something. Think of your dishwasher having a sterilize button on it and sterilizing canning jars. Have you noticed how hot they are ?  It takes that kind of heat. Be it a dry heat or damp heat.  Will check further on this for a disposable mask. I myself would not do it if possible. But in hard times, we don't really know what we might have to do. 

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  9. I have heard of the book Be Your own doctor. But never bought it. I have heard it is a good book.  I do have the one where there is no doctor. Will have to check into the others by Rachael Weaver.  Don't think I want to pay 25.00 for it though. 

  10. Homesteader. your kitchen looks great.  Love that counter top.  We redid our kitchen about 21 years ago now. We put in corian countertops when we did ours.  We also had the double sinks put in. You will love them. 


    WE2   Really nice picture of your family.  I would frame it. Praying your brother gets through the cancer and gets better. I know it is hard on the family. But prayer prevails in everything. 


    Today I did a bit of cleaning and then went to lidil's to buy those raised bed planters they had for 29.95. I got there and they were gone. So missed out on that one. But did get a cold frame green house. It's not real big but will do for what I want. Something tells me I should have bought 2 of them.  They only had 4 of those left. Things like that go fast. And I wasn't fast enough. Said they won't going to get anymore in. I am hoping they do.  Got DH cooking dinner tonight. He needs to keep busy some what and not sleeping all the time. He did really good for a while and now back to falling asleep watching tv. Got to keep him moving a bit more to keep his muscles and joints from locking up on him. Going to buy him a rollator walker with the seat on it. His balance is better when he holds on to a cart in the stores, so that might be the ticket to get him walking around the block again. Get his legs stronger. 


    I forgot to tell you guys, we only got a dusting of snow. temps today is 38. so snow has just about all melted. Other places got more snow than we did here. So the weather man messed it up again. I am beginning to think they can't predict the weather forcast any more. 

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  11. 18 hours ago, The WE2's said:


    Hubby has to take RX for gout.  Has kept it under control very successfully.  BUT...we also know that a daily dose of baking soda brings it to it's knees.  The only problem is that baking soda also elevates blood pressure.  We found that out.  But it does work!  In a pinch we know how to deal with it, just can't take it every day.

    Also...Littlesister...am I correct that you were in the nursing field?

    Yes, I retired from nursing about 6 years ago now. Worked 40 years ago for the heart surgeons and later for OB, GYN, then moved on to internal medicine where I retired. 

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  12. This just in from Alerts USA.  Commander, US forces Korea implements elevated health protection measures and travel restrictions for USFK pers due to COVID-19 outbreak. Korean government just confirmed 31 new cases. Most of these are from a Church that one person had it and infected the others. They are now all undergoing a mandatory self quarantine and is highly recommended for their family members as well. All travel in and out of Daegu has been halted. All schools, day cares etc. will be closed tomorrow and they are thinking about Friday as well.

    • Thanks 2
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  13. TurtleMama. Don't think it is conspiracy.  I just don't think they are telling the whole truth of this. Something is in the wind and it is not good. It all started in China. Japan is almost next door to them and now they have it bad. It was also one of the reasons I didn't go to the funeral of the Dr. I worked for. His family came in from Japan and things where happening then. Wasn't going to chance it with DH's issues.  As it stands now, look at the ones running for President. They all make promises and don't keep them. Trump I have to say so far has done his best to keep his and as far as I know he is a first.  So to believe that they are being truthful about this virus.  NO. I don't think so. I think it is going to get out of hand within the next month and then it will be to late for people to prepare for it. And there will be millions of clueless people. And for that reason it will spread fast.  We are as prepared as we can be. About the only thing I don't have is one of those suits. But then I won't be going out anywhere. But something to think about. We only have so much money and it just doesn't go far enough.  Right now if we had to stay home,  we are good for maybe 8 months.  I have heard them say for 30 days and some say for 3 months. 

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  14. Gotta love banks.  I have been thinking about slowly pulling some money out of ours. It is changing hands again. Every time a bank does this we loose $200. We are not the only ones in there raising cane over it. So here we go again. But they know me and what I will do. So it best not happen this time. 

    Took DH to Gastro doctor today. He has scarring on liver but not bad. Test showed he has NASH Cirrhosis.  It can be turned around if I can get his sugar levels down. This type is caused by Diabitics.  His A1C on last check was 7.0 and that is to high but his family doctor said it is in range. No it's not and his Gastro doctor said that is to high. So we have some work to do to get that number down. He will now be taken Liv 52 and Mild Thistle for the liver. Doc. said it would be good as they are a liver cleanse. It helps with fatty liver as well. 

    We are going to get the snow. So off to store for coffee creamer and just a few odd and ends as I am not driving anywhere for a couple of days. Though tomorrow morning I have food ministry but will be home by noon. The snow starts tomorrow evening. yuk. They can't seem to decide on the amount. The projection said from 1.5 to 8 inches. We know the 8 inches is off and figure maybe 1.5 to maybe 2 inches. Was hoping it would by pass us this winter. 

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  15. The story on this keeps changing.  Last I heard was 15 and now 29.  And yes if this gets into Africa.  It is going to really get bad. For all countries. It will spread like wildfire. I heard that Iran had 25 cases of the coronavirus and kept it quiet till 2 people died from it. Trying to find out more about this and why they would keep it boxed up.  So not sure of the story on that but they did have 2 to die from it. 

    World news said Virginia has no people infected with it. But they are concerned because of the fact that you can give it to others and not know you have it. That is the scary part of all this.  My concern also is why in New York and another state I can't remember right now has all those Chinese living there and during Chinese New Year they were traveling back and forth to China and none of them have the coronavirus.  Seems a bit odd.

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  16. Ambergris that is great news. I go for my phys. next month. I am hoping everything turns out good for me this time around. Need to try harder to get my A1C down. but I have been eating to many carbs and need to start cutting back again. Seems I do that every winter. To many carbs. Can I blame it on the cold weather?


    This morning I went to dentist and then went to Auto Zone to have my computer checked on car. Seems the engine light just loves to come on at any given time and then by the time you get it down to be checked it goes out.  So got to Auto Zone and when I parked and turned engine off it was on. When the girl came out to check the problem it was off again but she was able to get the code. Seems the transmission sensor has a short saying it is over heating. So now I need to make appt. with the care dealership as it is under warranty. 

    Then came home and did a little work around house and then off to Lidil's store. Their prices are really going up and they have a lot less food and more junk than anything else. So we just picked up a few sale items and came home.  DH went with me which surprised me as he was sound asleep and I woke him up to see if he wanted to go. He said yes and got himself together and went. So he got some walking in today. Though it did tire him out more this time. Made taco's for dinner tonight using the last of my canned hamburger from 2013. Need to start watching for some hamburger sales again so I can get more canned.

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  17. Mt. Rider, I am so glad you are not diabetic. I have been trying not to let it rule me. But somedays. the good food wins. though mine is type 2 and not to bad. I still like eating things I know I shouldn't. My mothers side of family almost all had it. 

    Rest up.  You will need it for round 2 of that snow.  Just glad that so far we have not gotten it. But I also know that we have had our worse snows in March. 


    Kappy,  we are going to have to come have coffee with you in the morning. But I think you will be about ready to get sprung and going home.

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  18. Mt. Rider, I wouldn't let DH buy me any candy. I would eat it and I am diabetic. And you best not be getting sick again. Maybe you were just tired from shoveling snow. Hope you are not diabetic, if so that could explain the candy. Bad girl. :yum3: 

  19. I went through my prepping books awhile ago and have a book called  Dare to Prepare. It is the 3ed Edition 2009 by Holly Drennan Deyo. So pulled that one out to see if it had anything on Pandemics. I think I can see why the failure in keeping it contained to a point. One being the N95 mask. I am going to have to check mine as I have not checked them in over 5 years. There are different types of them. They are recommending as one type of mask the 3M M40 mask. You can google that and it will show you what it is. I have some reading to do on this. Another one is MSA.  These cost between $160 to $350 from when this book was published. What I have is a mask that fits tight but it is cloth with a small filter. Nothing like these they are showing. So that could be one problem. The mask, no matter what type you use must be checked for leaks. To do that place one hand over the air hole on the filter. Breathe in and out. If the mask partially collapses and stays collapsed until you remove your hand, the seal is good.  Now that would be a question that makes you wonder, when they put the mask on are they checking it for leaks after putting it on. This book has a guide on mask. I am going to try to take a picture of it and put on computer if I can. Then try to send It to here.  Not sure if it will work as this computer is so old and I haven't put any pictures on it in a long time. But will give it a try. There is a lot of info about the mask. then it goes into Decontamination, assuming no severe Exposure.  It talks about full protective clothing, hat, gloves, and mask. It talks about a decontamination shower.  Basicly it would be building and outside shower like you see at some pools. Using a garden hose to reach a faucet, a kiddie wading pool with a 5 foot or 6 foot diameter. 10 foot x 12 foot length of 4 mil plastic sheeting, garden tank sprayer.  10 foot step ladder Optional. ( not sure what that is for) and duck tape. These are the things to make the shower with. 

    This book has so much info it would be worth it to buy if you don't already have this book. 

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