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Posts posted by Littlesister

  1. I don't think GS meant for that to happen.  It was the paper carton of milk, and he didn't know it would leak. The top was on tight but on those cartons, they still leak around the cap. 


    Sorry to hear about your friend going into hospice Ambergris. Seems there is just too much death happening these days.  I have known these neighbors for over 40 years. In our younger days we used to take trips together. Florida as he has a house there and the last one being in New Jersey to the casinos. After the last one my DH had a stroke and then my neighbor had some issues and surgery. She did good from all that but seems their health was going down as well as my DH's health. So, we just didn't make any trips anymore. They haven't even been to the house they own in Florida now in several years. They have someone taken care of it for them and they rent it out at times. 

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  2. Miki, hope all went well with your DH and the antibiotics heals him up fast. 


    Jeepers, have a safe trip to Indy.  Have some fun while you are there. Don't work too hard and wear yourself down. 


    Becca Anne, I have a lot of ripe tomatoes again today. So will be going out later to pick them. 


    Got up this morning, got dressed, made bed, then walked into kitchen to make a cup of coffee. My bad. I opened the fridge and milk was everywhere. So, first thing I had to do was clean up the fridge. Seems GS put a carton of milk on its side, and it leaked out all over the shelf and down to the next shelf. Had to pull everything out and clean out the fridge. What a mess. Milk on the bottom of a lot of things. Dripping on floor as I was pulling stuff out. But it is all clean now.  I will have to let him know when he wakes up not to put those cartons of milk on their side after he opens one. 

    So that is how my morning went. I did get my coffee. Just later in the day. 


    My next-door neighbor called me yesterday evening and said her DH is back in hospital. I just saw him the other day sitting out in front yard reading the newspaper. He is very frail and weak. Found out he has a huge ulcer that is bleeding, and he is too weak and frail to do surgery. It is blocking his intestines. They said if they operate that more than likely in his condition it will kill him and suggested that she bring him home and make him comfortable. Don't think he will make it through this time. He is the one that had throat cancer and had to use a feeding tube for a couple of years and ended up on dialyzes for a while as well. And an issue with his jawbone that kept bleeding and he would have to go to ER to stop the bleeding. They were trying to get him stronger for surgery for that as well. But he just keeps getting weaker. Praying for the family and hoping that somehow, he will get through this. He has been through a lot, and I know he is suffering now. So right now, I am on house sitting duty for her. Her GS lives with her, but she doesn't trust that he will close and lock door when he leaves for work, so I go over to make sure door is locked and just keep a general eye on the house for anything unusual. We are in a safe neighborhood so far so hoping nothing happens in that respect. 


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  3. Miki, God does work in mysteries ways. Glad you were close enough to be able for you and Peanut to walk home.  Everything worked out well. Glad your friend was ok. 


    Annarchy, I like the French doors on that stove. Mine is the one that the door just drops down from top to bottom. They didn't have the French doors when I got mine. You will find yourself using it a lot. 


    Washed towels this morning and emptied dishwasher. Then went out to garden. Seems the crook neck squash is making a comeback. Picked enough squash for dinner tonight or tomorrow, 3 cucumbers that I thought those plants were done, and more okra. Tomatoes are now getting ripe so will be working with those soon. I want to try out that new squash so might just cook some of that tonight and just get the other ready for freezer for now. 


    GS is in kitchen working on the 10lbs of hamburger he bought. He's cooking some up to eat now and to take with him for dinner at work. That stuff he bought in the tube is 27% grease. I will be cleaning kitchen up this evening. He's not too good at cleaning up the grease. But he will learn. 


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  4. Annarchy, that is a lot like mine. I thought when you said air fryer it was just that an air fryer. It does everything. It's great that you really like it. 


    I have the Emeril Lagasse one. And it does everything. I've had mine for about 4 or 5 years. I love it. Once you get the hang of it for timing foods, you will be using that a lot. Well worth the money. I have even done rotisserie chicken in it. Worked great for that. GS uses it all the time for his single serve pizzas. 

    Yours is bigger than mine but works for me perfect. 

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  5. I am still laughing but I to have been there minus the baby wipe. I had a pair of tennis shoes that did that several years ago. Glue will only hold for so long Jeepers. Hope it works for you longer than it did me.  You just know how to make it so comical when you do it. If you had another pair of shoes with you, that shoe could have stood at attention with a note that said this is going where the sun don't shine if my house isn't finished soon.

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  6. Just seeing this.  This would be a good idea if the tank wasn't leaking at the bottom. I have actually thought about that if mine broke down. But it didn't break down it rusted through on the bottom. Right now, I have a bucket under it to catch the water and I use that for watering. Lost out on that idea. 

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  7. Went outside and worked on garage for a while. Made a small dent but not much. But it will take time to get it all together till grandson's stuff is out of there. Not a lot of room right now to work on it. 

    My neighbor came over and we talked for a while. I had picked the 2 large squashes as they were so big. I haven't tried mine yet, but she cooked some of Her's on the grill with just salt and pepper and olive oil and said it didn't have any taste. Might be that is not the way to cook it. I'm going to cut some off tomorrow and fry it up with onions and see how it is. Otherwise, we are going to have to find out how they are using it in recipes. Neighbor talked with a guy in the neighborhood next to us and found out he grows it. He said he picks them when they are about 2 ft. long. But never said how they taste or how he cooks them. This is a learning curve on this type of squash so hopefully will get it right. for next years crop.

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  8. Nice job on the air fryer. Would love to know how it turns out. Hopefully a really good one. 


    Jeepers I see your point. You seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. A lawyer may very well be in your best interest. But get one that deals with insurance companies and knows how to handle these situations. I know it drove me crazy when the company owner doing my house would call his contractors off my job while they were here to go do someone else's job. because that person was complaining of the same issues. 


    Cleaned my bedroom and went through the front bedroom to make sure everything is out of the way for GD to get the bedroom suit out. Will need to move the love seat in den across the other side of room out of way for them to get through to the door to take to the truck. Will do that on Friday evening. Still need to take the sweeper and just go over the bedroom floor in my bedroom. Then will have that room done. Kitchen is still clean from last night. Grandson cleaned up behind him after he ate his dinner. :thumbs: Huge improvement on his part. He is so doing a complete turnaround. Amazing how that pot was making him so awful before. Just praying that after he gets his apartment, he stays off of it. The difference is night and day. 



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  9. All I can sayJeepers is Wow! You have a bad agent with State Farm. He's trying to save money for his bonus at Christmas. by not getting your hotel room straight. Sounds like he isn't even keeping up with what's going on. You could try calling corporate and tell them what is happening and what that agent told you to do. Maybe you can get a different agent that will work with you.  How far have they gotten on the house or are they working on it much? You could just sell as is and pocket what money you can get out of State Farm but that would be at a loss more than likely. It really does sound like you are going to need a good lawyer for this. But I would try corporate office first and let them know what is going on with your agent to see if you can get this mess straight and your house finished. 


    Becca Anne, that really was the worst time possible to lose current. Glad all worked out though. 


    Ambergris, glad the pup bought your glasses back in one piece. 


    I cooked up food from the garden today and I am tired, and my upper back is killing me right now. Peeled and fried part of about 4lbs of potatoes and then cut up some for-potato salad that I will make tomorrow. Have those in fridge in water for in the morning. GS is at work, but his dinner is in fridge to heat up. Fried up okra also along with some steak I had in freezer. I hate frying food as I make a huge mess when I do that. I stopped frying foods years ago because I can't eat fried with my heart burn, but GS loves fried food so here I am frying up food. At least I have a clean kitchen now as I had to really give it a good cleaning after frying all that up. Grease makes a mess when you are frying it up on stove. I don't have a deep fat fryer. 

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  10. Thank you, Ambergris, I have some of those books and just downloaded the ones I thought I would like. That is a lot of books but for free you can't go wrong. 

    I am about ready to pull up the squash plants as they are done. Heat got them. But I was able to get what I needed to get me through winter months. I know what you meant about eggs and tomatoes. I have also heard that there will be a huge shortage of both grain and rice soon. So, guess we are still having to be prepared for what else is on the horizon.

    It has become hard to decide what we really need to be prepared for having enough food to get us through each season from summer harvest to winter harvest. Not an easy task. I am rethinking my garden plans and now going all the way out with raised bed gardens. the boxes for them are now on sell at $19 at Harbor fright. So going to buy about 6 of them and have them delivered. They are the wood and corrugated metal ones. So that should work out. Will start buying the raised bed garden soil soon. Though I already have some stored in shed. It would be much easier on my back and neck and keep the rabbits out. 

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  11. Becca Anne, glad you didn't lose all your food. That would have been a disaster.  With the price of food what is cost now would be a huge expense to have to replace it. Glad everyone did ok during the storms. Seems weather has been crazy this summer. 


    Took GS to T-Mobile to turn in his phone. I had been thinking about changing mine as it pops up saying I am running out of room or something, Meaning I can't take anymore pictures on it. I was going to download all the pictures from phone to computer till the computer crashed and now I have to figure things out. So, since my phone is at least 4 years old, I decided to trade in for a new one. That turned out to be a great decision. I had just gotten the T-Mobile internet a few days ago for $50 a month and saved money from the switch from Spectrum internet. Saved $54 from that switch up. Because I had bundled my phone and internet with T-Mobile when I got that they dropped that price down to $30 a month. My phone will now be $47 instead of $50 dollars.  So turned out to be a great thing. Savings in my pocket for sure. I like the idea of internet being $30. I am on the senior plan for all of it and the prices never go up. With the world in a tailspin and not knowing what will happen next, I seem to be finding all kinds of ways to save money. 


    Mt. Rider, you really need to try to get to bed earlier. I am going through the same thing right now. Just a lot on my mind and can't sleep. Guess I am so close to getting my house back together after a long 2 years of construction and 2 grandchildren moving in and out of the house that I have been living in a nightmare. I had moved my living room suit into the den when I got rid of the den furniture as it was not in good shape. But a couch and loveseat are too much in there so GS is taking the loveseat. With the wood stove I can't have both couch and loveseat in the den. So, problem there is solved as soon as he moves out. 


    Ambergris, I do hope you find your glasses somewhere and puppy didn't take them. But puppies will be puppies. 


    Grandson told his mother yesterday that he has been off the pot now for 3 weeks. There is the biggest difference in his altitude now and he talks to people now. It is like night and day with him. I am so glad that PA in ER scared you know what out of him with that and getting kidney stones. I really hope he will stay away from it now that he can see how it was affecting him both mentally and physically. Now if we can get him to quit vaping. He also told her he is coming to the baby shower. It is going to be coed. So, both men and women going. He even has a gift for the baby. That is a huge change in him. 




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  12. Guess you need to check puppy toys down the hill. Little bear needs lots more toys and to learn the words don't touch.  But yes, she is a puppy and still learning. Hope you find your glasses Ambergris.


    Taking GS to T-Mobile this afternoon to turn in his phone. Since we are going to the one near the mall. We might just mess around out that way for a while. I want to see what all the new stores are that are supposed to be coming soon into the old stores that have close down.


    Didn't do church this morning as I am just so tired from working on the computer and still not done. I still have to go into Amazon account and change email on that one as well. Computers can be a lot of work when things break down. And to think I will be getting a new one after things settle down here and I have more money saved up for it. It was not in my plans to buy this soon. But then again, I might just put up with the apple computer for a while longer. Though with a large screen like it is makes it hard to do some things on.  Right now, I pulled out the small chrome book to use but for typing on here and a few other things it's not as easy. But it is a windows computer. So will deal with it. I got this one only to use in kitchen for recipes and different things I want to watch on U-Tube.  But it is what it is. I'm just thankful that I still had backups. 

    Swept the floors this morning, GS goes in and outside so much he keeps tracking in. 

    He was talking to his mother yesterday evening, and she has talked him into getting another apartment closer to work or to me. I am afraid that if he does it, he will lose his deposit on the apartment he has secured for Aug. 25th. it is dangerous over there in Norfolk where he got the apartment but now the one close to work is just as dangerous for crime also. He could ride a bike to work as he would be closer to work, but it would be either stolen or someone will knock him out for it. And he comes home from work at 1:30 in the morning. Either way it will be a worry on me to know that he is home safe or not. So will be having him text me every night to make sure he got home ok. I don't care if it is at 1:30 am. At least I could breathe easier knowing he's home in the apartment. He said his mother has been hounding him over this apartment issue. Maybe she should come into town to help him out with it. He can only afford so much on one. So that limits his options. 

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  13. I only have one thing for Apple Mac. I hate it for a lot of things I am used to doing on a Windows computer. I really need to get a new computer. It is now on my list of things I need to buy. Only issue is it will be a Windows 11 and I never really liked windows 10

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  14. Leprosy is one I haven't heard about in many years. And now we have something else to worry about. It will be what it is. I have enough to worry about without all these old diseases coming back. Florida seems to be getting hit hard with things right now. Hope and pray it doesn't get any worse there. I have seen the malaria issues on the news. That is enough to worry about with trying not to get eat up with mosquitoes. They are getting bad here but as far as I know there hasn't been any cases here for malaria. Or they haven't put it in the local newspapers or local tv stations. 

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  15. I forgot to say I did get it changed on here but with apple computer that I really can't seem to get the hang of yet. Makes it hard to move back and forth from one thing to another. But I got it figured out. So one down and a few more to go. 

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  16. Yes, VA had theirs early this year. It is usually in August. Though you can still get good sales you still will have to pay taxes on everything. I took advantage of it during that time but not for school but for my printer and such. Plus extra pens and pencils as well as notebooks I use for different things. 

  17. This has been a day with trying to get on my e-mail.  My account was locked due to what they said was wrong password. Nope it was they couldn't handle that my old computer finally gave up and quit on me. And then I pulled out the apple computer which is a pain to use. They didn't like the fact I am on different computer and changing my internet service. I had to set up a new e mail account. So have now changed it on here. I need to notify people now that I need e-mail for and get them changed as well. This is so disgusting. Just a bunch of work I don't have time for. But google and their stupid over reaction of passwords and other stuff to get back on is stupid. They have gone a bit overboard on the security issues. They locked me out of my back up e-mail that I never use as well. I think I got that one back but not sure yet. Will check that later as my brain is fried from working on this most of the morning. 


    Otherwise took GS to get a pair of tennis shoes that he badly needed. I had kohl's cash of $50 and if I used it today I got an extra 20% off. So got him a pair of nice tennis shoes for $2.65. The shoes were on sale for $65. So couldn't beat that. 


    Now I just need to unwind and get my brain to function again if that is a thing. Spent 4 hours trying to get google to unlock that account. No such luck. But we will see in 48 hours. Go figure.

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