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Posts posted by Littlesister

  1. Glad you are doing great and Abby girl is doing well also We2. I know that is a load off your shoulders to be debt free now. 


    I have been going through my material as GS helped me get 2 of the boxes out of the shed. Not sure if I have more out there. But will try to get to the back of the shed soon. I have so much stuff to go through and get rid of. Old bedspreads and so much more. Books are packed up out there also that I need to go through. Not sure where I will put those books if I bring them back into the house as my bookcases are now full. So will need to figure all that out at a later date. 


    Jeepers I was thinking that serve pro was still working on your house, didn't think of the contractors being a different company. 

    GS is staying here for now as where he lives was all flooded out. He is on the second floor so the apartment will be fine but parking and such will be an issue for him. He will go back home after this storm is over. Where I am we have had some heavy rain, and the wind has been blowing but not really that bad yet. Will see what tonight and tomorrow will bring. 

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  2. Yes, Ben was just helping with the mess. 


    Jeepers, hope your GS gets well soon. 


    Miki, it's nice to be able to help your friend. I am sure she appreciates it. 


    We are getting hit with cyclone 16. Heavy rain and wind starting today through the weekend. Went to store for a few things. Onions and fresh fruit mostly. Picked up a few things for GS till he gets his EPT card also for his lunch to take with him for work. Store was slammed packed. You would have thought it was Thanksgiving or something. Had to park way back near end of parking lot. That is unusual to have to park that far away. 

    GS is staying here over weekend. He is in or very near a flood zone. He won't be able to get out of there to go to work if he stays at apartment. They will more than likely open the parking garages this weekend for free parking for all in the flood zone people that live around those areas. 

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  3. Jeepers, I hope your GS gets better soon and your son and his wife don't get it. I was wondering if the guy that made that extra key could have been the one that also robbed you. Having an extra key could be a reason for coming back to rob you again. Something to think about. But nothing at this point you can do about it without proof. But it is strange to have a lock box for them and he makes a new key. Hope you can get the shrubs in soon. And I hope you feel better as you didn't need a UTI with everything else you have going on. 


    Miki, I hope you get USPS straight with Ebay.


    I finished the dusting and then went to store for a few things I was out of. GS was here but he didn't try to sleep before going into work. So don't know how much sleep he got as he got back here from work this morning at about 1am. He is at work now and is going back to his apartment after work. So, I won't see him before Sunday night when he has to go to the doctors. He is worried that he won't be over mono before he goes into Coast Guard. So, I had him set a date as the doctor is retesting him for it and checking as to why his liver counts are so high. Hopefully he will be fine. But he will drive me crazy between now and boot camp. I am counting the weeks as I am ready for him to go. He's back to doing stupid stuff again. He really does not think things through before doing it either. Going to try to get into the shed tomorrow. I really need to get some things out of there along with that material. I want to go through that to see what I want to keep and what goes. 

    I have made several trips to Goodwill, and I still seem to have too much stuff. Craft, sewing supplies and office supplies. It is a lot. But hopefully I can get it all organized in a way that I can find what I need when I need it. The front bedroom has one area for office, one for sewing and one for crafts. So, it will be tight but can make it all workout. 

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  4. GS went to doctor early this morning for labs. He will see doctor on Monday. So after today I shouldn't see him again until Sunday night as he has an early morning doctor's appointment. Said he is getting upset about getting into Coast Guard because of Mono and his liver.  Told him to just do what the doctor said. I started him on Milk Thistle as soon as we found out about his very high liver counts. I am thinking it is fatty liver as his diet is bad. Lots of junk food, no veggies, and lots of meat. So, diet must change. He's doing better with that though. 


    I need to be working outside but just don't have the energy for that and with my knee I might not get back up off the ground to easy. So will wash the blinds in sewing room I didn't get to like I hoped and get the curtains hung up. Then will gather all the paperwork I need to go through and get that in one place where I can sit down and go through it. What I can throw out I will put by the wood stove and use for fire starter. Will try to get some dusting done as well. I started dusting yesterday but didn't get finished yet. Ceiling fans and such got the one in den done but not the other 3 in bedrooms. I love the ceiling fans, but I hate having to get up there and dust them. But it's a fact of life, I guess. 

    Going out to store in a few. out of eggs, bread and such. So small list this time. Then home and back to work. 


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  5. GS left a bit ago for work.  He cooked and ate 7 eggs. That's a lot of eggs. Seems he's getting his appetite. back. And I am betting he will start eating out again. He is going to blow it as far as me helping him get his bills straight. That is one of the conditions. Said his stove quit at the apartment. I knew 2 burners weren't working. Said he reported it. So, they should be fixing that issue soon.

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  6. I haven't seen lizards of any kind around here in a long time. To many people use chemicals on their lawns and I am wondering if that is why we don't see them anymore. 

    Taking a much-needed break right now. Trying to finish up the living room and get ready to mop that floor and dust. Then moving a couple of pieces of furniture in there and get that room set up. But not buying any living room furniture until GS has gone to boot camp. He puts his dirty feet all over my furniture and I will have to call someone to clean the den furniture as it is. Going to eventually replace the den furniture as well but will be a couple of years down the line before I do it. So, I would like it to be clean until then. I think Stanley Steamer does that. So, will be checking with them at a later date. The material on couches is dry clean only. I didn't know that when we bought it 26 years ago. Need to finish the windows in office and get curtains put up again. Hoping to get that done this afternoon. 

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  7. Blessedhomemaker, I somehow missed your post.  I to had missed a lot of church. a few months of missing it. I started back again 2 weeks ago. Told GS he cannot come to my house and spend the day on Sundays anymore. He was a big reason I was missing church. 

    I agree with the underwear. I switched to Hains. It has been a long while since I bought any but so far, they have held up. And yes, underwear is getting very expensive now. If you do decide to get the whole house generator, you will love it. We have been fortunate that we haven't lost electricity in a long while. But when we do that generator kicks in and we are good to go.

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  8. MidnightMom, GS only owes 1,400 on his car now. He only paid just over $4000 on the car over 2 years ago. He should have already had it paid for. But he decided to skip payments so here he is paying late fees and still has a car payment because he won't listen to anyone. So, he learns the Hardway but that doesn't seem to work for him either as he doesn't care. 

    I was looking at his lab results. I made him call the doctor this morning about his culture. Not sure what doctor told him on that. But His Liver counts are off the charts. All are well over 450. Mono is a factor in that. But he does not eat right, He doesn't drink alcohol a lot but when he does its more than he should drink at one time. Plus, the pot he was smoking. There are other factors as I'm sure he has fatty liver as well. But doctor wants him to come back Wednesday for labs and to see her again on Monday next week. So will see what is going on. I am sure they will want an ultrasound as well. He will stay at my house after work on Tuesday night as he has to be at doctor's office at 7:45 on Wednesday morning. He won't make that with traffic from Norfolk. With all this going on it may be December before he can enlist in Coast Guard. 


    On the other hand, I got clothes washed this morning and went through more boxes. I have almost all of them emptied now. Just going through some things and lots of papers now. Think I can have a barn fire with all the papers I need to get rid of. Will put that in a box for my wood stove for starting a fire with. Much easier than shredding them. Or buy another fire pit which I want anyway. But put that on hold for a while. 

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  9. I have his whole message on my phone. I saved it. This isn't the first time he has pulled this. But on the bright side, I have enjoyed a nice quiet day of not having to clean up behind him. There will be more NOs in his future. I am pushing for him to go into Coast Guard. He has already said he wants me to take over his bank account to pay his bills while in boot camp. Yeah, he will come out of boot camp broke as I pay off his bills with his money. Starting with his car. But then on the other hand, I am going to pass that job to his parents. 

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  10. That is in the last stanza of the song. 


    And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made.

    And the sign flashed out its warning.

    In the words that it was forming 

    and the sign said the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls.

    And whispered in the sounds of silence.

  11. I mint to say CD but said DVD.


    Hello darkness, my old friend!

    I've come to talk with you again.

    Because a vision softly creeping left its seeds while I was sleeping. 

    And the vision that was planted in my head still remains, within the sounds of silence.

    In restless dreams I walked alone. 

    Narrow streets of cobblestone

    Neath the halo of a streetlamp

    I turned my collar to the cold and damp.

    When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light that split the night.

    And touched the sounds of silence.


    I think there are 3 more stanzas to this song but can't remember them all. 


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  12. I remember having to learn how to do that plate setting in home economics in school. I don't think they teach that anymore. 


    Miki, I have decided that GS must be told no a lot. He texted me saying he's bored and wants to come over. I told him NO. He kept it up. Then he wanted the code for the garage door, and I said NO. So, I got this message from him. Yea I don't recommend getting an attitude with me. It will end badly for you. Told him he best not threaten me and he said that was his way of telling me to chill out. So, I win. He's not coming over because I know he will not leave till he goes to work tomorrow afternoon. I am putting my foot down harder on him. He will be learning to take orders before he even gets into boot camp. It will be good for him. And if he's so bored, I gave him two choices. Read his Bible or study for the hazmat test. He won't do either one but that's on him. I am questioning if he is really serious about going into the coast guard. 

    But on a good note, I am enjoying my freedom today. Went to church this morning, came home and had lunch and just relaxing. Was going to make the bathroom curtains for main bathroom, but right now I am just enjoying the peace and quiet. Bible study is tonight at 4pm so will go for that as well. I have missed to much Church, and I need to get back into doing things in church again. I was very involved in the food ministry but had to give that up just before covid when DH took sick. Then covid hit and they shut down the churches. So, thinking about getting back into it again. DH and I both loved doing that. They are also looking for volunteers for the fall feastable, so might help out with that. It won't be till October 31st. Should be fun. Yes, I do want my freedom back. I miss doing things in church. So, GS will not continue to take over my life like he has been trying to do. I have had enough. 

    I need to finish pressure washing the patio and then the front porch. From there I might go ahead, and pressure wash the house. It has never been pressure washed before, so will be nice to have it cleaned up and looking much better. It is supposed to be cooler this week. I hope so as I have lots of outdoor stuff to get done. Just have to make sure the door stays locked while I am outside incase GS decides to come over and sneak into house. 


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  13. Seems everyone is having back issues. I had to be different. It's my knee that I messed up over a month ago. Still giving me a fit. Just hope everyone's back issues heal up fast.  We don't need all that to happen these days. 


    I am totally exhausted tonight. GS would not go home last night. Came home from work early and showed up at around 6:30 pm. I had the garage door open. My mistake. He just walked in and stayed overnight claiming he was just too tired to drive to Norfolk to his apartment. So, he popped his but on couch and stayed all night. About 9:pm he wanted me to order a pizza. NO not going to happen. He was not happy about it. Too bad. Answer is still NO. I gave him a pizza crust and told him to make one. We are not ordering food in this house. So today I had changed my plans on what I was going to do. I went outside and pulled out the pressure washer and pressure washed the patio and steps. I swear I took off 10 years of dirt and grime. GS got bored because I didn't stay in house with him. So now I am working on a plan to get him to go home. He wanted a frosty and came out to get me to buy a frosty for both of us. Again, the answer was NO. I refused to budge. So, he went back to his apartment. He best not show up tomorrow either. I will be going to church, and I took the remote to garage door back. So, he can't get into the house on his own. I might park the car at my neighbor's house tomorrow when I get home so if he decides to come by, I am hoping by not seeing my car in driveway he will think I am not home and leave. I must put a stop to this behavior. I really think he is also trying to get evicted from his apartment to move back into my house, so he won't have to pay rent. Not happening. I have enough cleaning up to do without cleaning up all the time behind him. I can't go through that again and just being here one night I am scrubbing down everything with bleach behind him. Too much extra work for me. 


    I deep cleaned the kitchen after GS left to go home. What a mess he made in there. He is a 21-year-old slob, and I don't even want to see what his apartment looks like after living there a month. He doesn't have a dishwasher and has to wash dishes by hand. He won't even put his dirty dishes in my dishwasher. He leaves that for me. But he will put them in the sink and rinse them off. He only used 4 glasses and a coffee cup today. I think that was a record for him. 


    Not sure what I will do after getting home from church tomorrow. Might try to get at least one pair of curtains made for one bathroom. Sewing machine is now set up, so I hope to get back into some sewing now. 


    Oh yes. GS may have gotten mono from sharing his pipe for vaping. 



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  14. I said above my GS was going on 21. I meant 22. 

    Yes, I am sterilizing the whole house. Every room he has been in is getting sprayed down with Lysol and anything else I can think of. It's nice and cool outside so turning off air conditioning and opening windows to air out house as well. Dishes are getting sterilized in dishwasher. It has a sterilizing setting on it, and I am using it. Bleach is an understatement. I am going through that a lot as well. Cleaning the bathroom down with it, Kitchen sink, countertops and other things as well. Towel and washcloths are getting bleached also. When he came home early from work yesterday, he didn't go home but stayed here again. He needs to go home but he won't budge no matter what I say. I am over this. He has to go into the military Asap. but right now, I think they would turn him away with mono. So, we wait. He is hoping to be in bootcamp by the beginning of Dec. 


    But on a better note, it's cool outside this morning and I am going to work in yard for most of it. Have already been working in garage. But want to get the weeding done in flower beds this morning as well. I came in to get my morning cup of JO. Started out in garage with no coffee so now I am drinking my coffee before going back outside. And again, I am dog sitting but neighbor's husband is still at home so will be awhile before I go let her out. That man works 7 days a week. Never hardly takes a break. He's a workaholic. He own's his own cement business and always has jobs lined up. One right after the other. 

    As I clean house, I have noticed one thing. We used to have cords galore everywhere. The TV when it was on a TV stand would have loads of cords behind it making it very hard to dust behind the tv stand. The internet and stuff had cords everywhere. Since the construction, I did away with a lot of things and now no cords other than the TV being plugged in and that is now mounted on the wall. I switched the internet service and now the T-Mobil internet just has a box you can sit anywhere and just plug in. Nothing else to it. I am loving that it has made my life much easier to be able to dust without having to move all those cords around and dusting those as well.

    I was going to GD's house today to help her with the baby's room getting clothes washed and things ready for when the baby comes. But now I am wondering if I should with GS and mono. I don't want her to get it. So might not go today. 


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  15. Annarchy, that was a great deal on the tiller. Troy Bilt is what we had. It lasted over 40 years. My SIL has it now and he still has it going. But I think it is on its last leg. I have an electric one that I can handle. It's a small one but works great. I couldn't handle the big one anymore. 

    So, you now have a new pet. Spot. That is so cute. Or I should say Mr. Annarchy has a new pet. 


    Becca Anne, I hope your back gets better soon. I am still struggling with my knee. Sore and painful tonight. Just took some Aleve a bit ago so hoping it will ease up soon. It is swollen tonight. 


    GS came home from work early and plopped down on my couch. His boss said he shouldn't have tried to come in. He has Mono of all things. That does explain why he stayed so tired all the time. I think he has had it for a good 2 or 3 weeks before we found out. Still waiting for the blood culture, the doctor took. Don't know what that was for yet. Is Vit. D and calcium are both low. So, he has to start taking both of those. I started him on milk thistle as his liver counts were way up as well. But he will live. Just not so sure about me. Seems every time he gets sick, he wants to cling to his grandma. He was like that when he was little also. But really, he is almost 21 years old now. He doesn't need me every time he catches a cold.


    I did get a lot done today. Cleaned the patio door and front door as well as patio and front porch. Unpacked some more boxes and got that stuff put away as well. Then worked in garage getting furnace ready for winter just to find out the pilot lights went out. So now I need to relight them, but I still have some time on that. Started moving things around out there as to what goes where. I have garden stuff I need to take out to garden shed as I won't be using those till next spring. Need to take everything off the other shelving unit and go through it. Want to redo that shelving unit for other things. At least I am starting to feel like there is a light at the end of that tunnel. Been a long-time getting things done but now I am making progress. Even with a bum knee. 

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  16. Where my big garden plot is located, I am hoping I can put raised garden beds there. I think I can get 4 or 5 in that area. That will cure my rabbit issue as well as dogs running around at times. They will run through the garden also but not as bad as those rabbits. 

    Went over to let Bella out for a while and will be putting her back in house in a couple of hours and then run to store for a restock of things. Then back to house to finish up on putting things away and getting house back together. It is so nice outside this morning. Windy early this morning but looks to be dying down a bit now. I need to get the containers with my winter clothes out of the living room also. I have a dresser set up in sewing room for switching out summer and winter clothes from bedroom. Though it will soon be time to switch them out in a couple of months. Need to get those numbers off the 2 windows that need replacing as well and then call Anderson windows to order the replacements. They are lifetime warranty, so windows are free. Don't think I want windows again with that Aragon gas in them. It does make them much more insulated but over time that stuff leaks out and causes grey spots all over the windows. I have replaced a couple of windows for that reason before. Need to get windows cleaned as well. I am going to clean the front storm door late this afternoon as the sun is a direct hit on it right now. So, I am going to get the patio door cleaned before I go let Bella back in house. 

    Then off to store and back home to work on this mess of a house again. 

    I told GS last night that in payment for helping him with bills, he has to come over on weekends to help me with yard work and garage. Maybe the sheds as well. He agreed and I think that is a fair trade for helping him get his bills paid. 

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  17. Mt. Rider, glad your cold is getting much better. 


    Jeepers, I understand about putting house up for sale in winter. You do get a lot of snow there. Though you can keep it. 


    I hope you get rid of the e-coli, as you didn't need that on top of everything else going on in your life. 


    I took a load of stuff to Goodwill this morning and then came back and started going through things again. I have more papers to go through than I thought. So will put it all together in a box to go through later when I have more time to sit down and work on it. Getting house back together comes first. GS went back home this morning so now I can get much more done without all the interruptions. For an almost 22-year-old, he is a handful. 

    Went over and paid what bills I had and got that out of the way. Real estate taxes are coming up in November. Yep, born taxed and taxed to death. At the rate it is going they will dig up our graves and tax us for the plots we are buried in. 

    I have almost got the living room cleaned out. That is a good feeling considering it has been months on end trying to get that done. As long as GS keeps coming here, I might just wait on getting a living room suit. I don't need his dirty feet on everything. I just cleaned the bar stool seats from his dirty feet before he got sick again and here, he came putting his dirty feet on them again. Does no good to tell him to get his feet off my furniture. He is sometimes at death ears. 

    I am dog sitting through Sunday again. Neighbor went with friends to Pennsylvania. I think they are doing the dirt bike races there. 

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  18. So glad the chickens did well, and nothing tried to get into the coop. That is great news. 


    Jeepers, if you are going through a realtor, once you put the house up for sale, you should then be able to move to Indy. I think you would only have to drive back to sign papers for the sale when it happens. I know of people here that did it that way. But something you could check into.  I wonder if you put the house up near end of this year, if there would be a chance of it sailing or if it would be better to wait until spring. Something you would need to find out. It does seem like most people sale and buy in the early spring. But there is always that chance of a winter buyer. That shingles shot I didn't get as my BC/BS won't pay for it. Need to try to go through my Medicare which doctor did not do. Said it cost $600. I said no thanks. I will go through the pharmacy first if I do get it. 


    GS and I have been talking about the Coast Guard. He is now ready for it. Reason he backed out of the Army was not the Army itself, but he said he just wasn't ready for boot camp. He was 17 or 18 at the time. I think now he is ready but decided on Coast Guard instead of Army. He has been talking with his sister #2's husband about it as he is now in Coast Guard and has already been through boot camp just a few months ago. So he is helping GS with it. 

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