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Judy Moist

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Wow! That is horrible. I am sorry your family is going through this. I can only imagine the roller coaster of emotions your on right now. One word of advice... make sure you keep up with all of that paperwork. If you do take this to court, it is all about the paper trail. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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I do pray to God that the diagnosis was wrong, it is the fact that of the way she went about telling us, without substantial evidence to back it up,, no definite diagnosis. She was just going by symptoms alone, which in this day and time could be the same symptoms to 100 other diseases...

Even though she was wrong in telling us that he was HIV positive without actually having done the blood work, I feel deep in my heart that maybe she wasn't wrong. There have been so many unanswered questions regarding his health lately, he has had EKG"S, heart xrays, chest xrays, he has every type of blood imaginable, he has been looked at inside and out, and no one could find what is wrong,other than the H>pylori, and candidias of the esophagus, and the hiatal hernia....

One of the main symptoms of HIV/AIDs (opportunistinc infections) is the candidias of the esophagus.. they say that people do get candidias of the mouth and throat, but it is rare that it actually gets so far into the esophagus like it is....

I am still praying night and day, that my feelings are wrong, but he just seems to be getting worse day by day and he is still taking his medication to clear up the H.pylori and the candidias... He has been eating alittle better, not much, but a little more than he was before. I got him out of the house yesterday and made him go grocery shopping with me, to show me what he thought he would like to eat.. He couldn't make it through the store...he was too weak. He sits around in the recliner wrapped up in a blanket,even when it is 97 degrees outside and he doesn't have the air on,( the kids are sweating), but he says it isn't hot in here... gets mad, because I turn the air on..

He is getting very tempermental.and moody. His eyesight is so bad, that three times this week he has almost backed into something, when driving the car. So he is not going to be driving much anymore,, that priviledge is going away..He can't see good enough to even read the newspaper.

Quiltsy, I have a question for you....seeing as you work in the hospital,, (I don't know if your a nurse or not) but, on his medical records, it shows on his WBC count that his Lymphs (is) 6..can you tell me what that means? His WBC count was 2.8(low), bands 19, monos10....

If you could sort of enlighten me, It would be appreciated...

I am angry at the doctor for telling us the way she did, but I am more angry at him for putting us in this position.

I am dealing with my anger the best I can and just going on and doing what I need to do.

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