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Twice the fun??


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Here's a true one to howl over:


After 10 years of marriage my DW said she wanted to get married again.

I asked "Who to?"


She never forgave me. We still managed to make it to 20 years this September though.




If love is blind - why is lingerie so popular?

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There used to be this game show called Newlyweds..where they would ask one the question and the other one had to quess the answer and then whoever got the most right won a trip or something...I was young! Anyway, I remember watching one time and they had all these older people on who had been married like 50 years...the final big point questions was: "In all your years of marriage how many times has your husband told you he loves you?" Everybody was quessing and the last lady said; "Once, Yep, once!" So the men came out and nobody got it right until the lady who had said one time's husband answered and He said; "Once, and I told her if I ever changed my mind I would let her know." I thought it was so neat that I never did forget it.


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