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cough, sneeze, sniff....


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there has been a lot of people around here with whooping cough... and where i work (taking care of DH Aunt at her son's home) they are all sick except for elderly aunt. they have been coughing, sniffling, and jsut plain ole sick. one of the five stayed home sick from work for three days, the other went on anti biatics(msspelled), the others drags themself to work. this has been going on for a week and a half now... every time one of them coughs i open the door and blow out and deep breath some fresh air. as sick as they all are... i have been going in later and later so as not to be in as much contact with them. also up my vit C intake... so far so good... i don't want what they have no way... oh yea the one had whooping cough...

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how do you tell whooping cough from a regular old painfull cough?

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What are the symptoms of whooping cough?

The disease begins with a cold and a mild cough. After this, the typical coughing bouts set in. The coughing continues until no air is left in the lungs. After this comes a deep intake of breath that produces a heaving, 'whooping' sound when the air passes the larynx (windpipe) that gives rise to the name of the disease.

The patient will eventually cough up some phlegm and these attacks may well be followed by vomiting. The child's temperature is likely to remain normal.

A bout of whooping cough can be very distressing for both the child and the parents who feel unable to help.

Coughing attacks may occur up to 40 times a day and the disease can last for up to eight weeks.

How does the doctor make the diagnosis?

The diagnosis is usually made from the symptoms and the history of contact with a person suffering from whooping cough. In case of doubt, the doctor can take swabs from the nose and throat for analysis and have the results in about five days.


While whooping cough is very unpleasant, there may also be other complications, such as bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections. These complications may cause a high temperature, and change the course of the disease. If one or more of these problems occur, they will usually be treated with antibiotics.

How is whooping cough treated?

Most cases of whooping cough require no specific treatment. Infants and small children with other conditions such as asthma require constant monitoring which, at least for a while, is best done in a hospital. The effect of antibiotics is uncertain but they are sometimes used in the early period of the disease.

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My area has a very high rate of pertussis, due to the vaccine wearing off as people get older. It can kill babies and small children, so that is why it is so serious. My aunt almost died of it when she was a baby. It makes me so steamed that anyone who knows they have it would not make an effort to isolate themselves to avoid passing around a potentially fatal disease to children!!

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Last year a friends son had it after being watched at another friends home. The family didn't know it was whooping cough until after that. Our friends were quick to keep their son in and take care of him. None of the other kids got it. It took a long time to get over, but I think after a certain amount of time on antibiotics they are no longer contangious.

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