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TEOTWAWKI Reality Check Test


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The scene is this:


!!!The world has gone crazy or at least your part of the world. For some time the rising oil prices have caused all transportation and heating costs to be almost unattainable for most people. (Does this sound familiar?) The stock market had been climbing by leaps and bounds but suddenly has cashed due to rumors of economic unrest and war around the globe.( Does this resemble what we've been hearing lately?) Even if you don't have interests in the stock market, you suddenly find your bank closed and your funds are unattainable. Businesses are folding daily and people out of work, perhaps even yourself or a loved one. The prices of gas, food, supplies, medicine and almost all goods have gone out of sight and what you can afford is now in scarce supply. On top of that, now the threat of avian Influenza has become a reality. People are falling ill by huge numbers, hospitals are overflowing, schools are closed, hungry rioters are starting to amass in the streets and now the electricity has gone off and you have just heard that it will not be on for many months to come, if at all. The National Guard has been called out but there are not enough of them to handle the chaos; Society, as we know it, has totally broken down!!!



This will be a crucial answer to your well being if the pandemic does hit. Be specific. Tell us exactly what preparations you have made for handling a pandemic. What supplies do you have on hand, how do you plan on avoiding the virus, how will you handle a family member becoming ill, how will you handle it if you yourself becomes ill?




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This is an area where I am sorely lacking. Other than being a mom and common knowledge of treating the flu, I would have to come up with makeshift everything.


I have room to do a 'sickroom'.


If I came down with the flu, I think I'd be in trouble.


Am really interested in hearing others responses on this--especially the 'basics'.



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There are really so many issues its complicated to go into detail over which plan, depends on what exactly is happening locally, and how nuts it got.


BIrd flu- We'd shelter in place, wear masks if we had to go out. I'd pull the kids out of school and if DH couldn't telecommute he would live in the master bedroom suite for the duration and the kids and I would be on our own in the other part of the house. It has it's own entrance and I could leave him his meals outside the door on disposible plates. He takes out the trash, so I wouldn't be exposed that way. Water would have to be purified from the stream nearby, I have ways to cook without electricity. I have masks, flu meds, gloves, a room for a sick room, OTC meds like hydration fluids, easy sick foods like canned soups, crackers etc.


I think the hardest part would be dealing with the long time in isolation. I have lots of books, puzzles, etc but the kids might go a bit stir crazy


Unfortunately if I become ill the situation would be very dire. I have asthma and I would probably not survive the avian flu. I have a notebook with info in it, and have to hope my DH could manage without me!

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There are really so many issues its complicated to go into detail over which plan, depends on what exactly is happening locally, and how nuts it got.


BIrd flu- We'd shelter in place, wear masks if we had to go out. I'd pull the kids out of school and if DH couldn't telecommute he would live in the master bedroom suite for the duration and the kids and I would be on our own in the other part of the house. It has it's own entrance and I could leave him his meals outside the door on disposible plates. He takes out the trash, so I wouldn't be exposed that way. Water would have to be purified from the stream nearby, I have ways to cook without electricity. I have masks, flu meds, gloves, a room for a sick room, OTC meds like hydration fluids, easy sick foods like canned soups, crackers etc.


I think the hardest part would be dealing with the long time in isolation. I have lots of books, puzzles, etc but the kids might go a bit stir crazy

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the worst for us is for me to get the flu... so we have made a plan... specially if there is no use in going to the hospital. we have writen instrustion and what would need to be done and when... we have an extra room and masks that i will stay in and DH would wear mask anytime he was to come near me. have in a tote all the food stuff and meds and listed as well. told DH to keep an eye on my temp and push the liguid into me. even if it's only a spoonfull. and then to let me ride it out.

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We are lacking in this area as well. I do have some flu meds, stomach type meds, cough drops, ibuprofen, tylenol, etc put away. I know I need more. We have lots of hand sanitizer. We need masks, gloves. We need more bedding and towels, etc.

It is just hubby and I along with our community, there are kids in the community. They would all be pulled from school and we would quaranteen the community the minute we suspect anything even close to us.

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This is a tough area for me. DH and I both work in healthcare, for the same hospital. We have discussed the matter and both feel that we would report for work as long as possible, maybe on alternating days, so one of us would be home to "hold down the fort". Since we live 40 miles from the hospital, it might be a matter of 18 hours on, 6 hours off at the hospital, or something like that.


This is one area where my preps are lacking. I need to stock up on more OTC meds for nausea, diarrhea, ets.

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