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TEOTWAWKI Reality Check Test

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The scene is this:


!!!The world has gone crazy or at least your part of the world. For some time the rising oil prices have caused all transportation and heating costs to be almost unattainable for most people. (Does this sound familiar?) The stock market had been climbing by leaps and bounds but suddenly has cashed due to rumors of economic unrest and war around the globe.( Does this resemble what we've been hearing lately?) Even if you don't have interests in the stock market, you suddenly find your bank closed and your funds are unattainable. Businesses are folding daily and people out of work, perhaps even yourself or a loved one. The prices of gas, food, supplies, medicine and almost all goods have gone out of sight and what you can afford is now in scarce supply. On top of that, now the threat of avian Influenza has become a reality. People are falling ill by huge numbers, hospitals are overflowing, schools are closed, hungry rioters are starting to amass in the streets and now the electricity has gone off and you have just heard that it will not be on for many months to come, if at all. The National Guard has been called out but there are not enough of them to handle the chaos; Society, as we know it, has totally broken down!!!



Tell us about your kitchen. Take us through a day of food preparation. Do you have enough food stored? How many meals will your preps actually provide? What are your means of preparing and preserving foods? What if your cooking fuel source is depleted? How will you keep your cooked foods safe? (refrigeration, cooling) How will you do clean up?



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I think I may be fairly well prepared here.


Cooking would be done on woodstove or grill.


I freeze, can and dry food. If I had to I could probably can everything in the freezers.


I only shop every 3 months to begin with, so would be quite set on food for at least that long.


Refrigeration would be a problem, I guess. Would have to only prepare enough to eat??? Have a root cellar.


Clean up-have plenty of soap and if this ran out I would have to learn to make my own.


The only problem I see with cleaning is gray water if inside sinks and such were used. We're on public sewer and this would eventually back up if the drains were used. Would have to divert it and use for the garden or something.


Here's a question: if on public sewer and we don't use the drains, but others do-would our drains still back up? Maybe this IS a silly question, but I'm askin'.


As I stated-I know that I have enought food for quite a while and if it WERE to run out I already know where I could get dairy, grains and meat. I already grow nearly all my own vegetables and am planning on getting chickens for eggs and meat and other animals for meat sources. I believe it's all good to be stocked up on food, but has anyone else thought about where they would aquire specific foods when/if their supply runs out?

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Gray water. I know very little on it but here is a little

something I do know.


I few months back my stopper broke. The part that you push

down or pull up broke. I went to the camper and got a

dish pan. I started using it, no biggie, I could have even

used a shallow roasting pan. I was thinking to myself if

anything ever happened I would use this water to water

things outside with.


Now, while you still can, get extra stoppers and dishpans.


I am still using my dishpan today. Habit. Summer is almost

here and droughts are coming and those dishpans and

graywater might come in handy.



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