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Monday, Monday


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Morning! I'm not awake yet. Stayed up far too late talking with DH last night. It was the good kind of talking, though, that we haven't been able to do for awhile.


My mom is coming through on Thurs on her way to go visit my grandparents. She said last time she talked to them they sounded really bad (my grandma, for obvious reasons, took the death of my dad really hard, but was so stoic in public, that I was really worried about her then) so she wants to go check on them and spend some time with them, just in case. I am thinking about taking Roan and going with her. My brother is going, so his attitude will determine whether or not I go, I guess. He's a selfish little twerp, and that's being nice. He once told me he couldn't come over to my house anymore because I was breastfeeding and he couldn't stand it. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I told him that was OK (and now would bf my 14 year old in front of him if I was still nursing her just to be annoying), because I didn't need his negativity around.


Well our newER furniture didn't come through, but it went to someone who needed it more than we do, so that's OK. I'm still going to redo the living room. We are getting some newER end tables that are left over from the VFD garage sale and are still sitting htere cause no one wanted them. We have one corner in the living room that is out of the way, the way it is arranged right now, and it sort of becomes the "junk" corner. I hate it, so by rearranging, will get rid of it.


the van also didn't work out, at least not for now. The guy that is selling it doesn't have the title for it. Not sure why he put the word out that he's selling it if he can't, but anywho...


Today is some laundry plus that living room project. Not sure what dinner is, have to look at the planner. I'm already late, LOL. Spent extra time in bed this AM to warm up! I had kicked all the covers off and was an ice cube when the alarm went off!



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This weekend felt like it never happened! We went to my inlaw's 50th wedding anniversary celebration on Saturday - which wiped the whole day out (required traveling several hundred miles each way to attend). Yesterday was spent trying to cram a whole weekend of chores and errands into one day. I am exhausted.


Work will be busy this week - but not horrific. I simply must get a few major items completed though - or the following week WILL be horrific!


I hope everyone has a great day awaiting them.

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Morning everyone. I guess Im the late riser. Ive been up just not been to the computer. Today is a deciently busy day. I have more pears awaiting me. I also have to make a run to the dump so I have somewhere to put my garbage for the next 2 weeks. I have to run some movies back to the movie rental place. One is because I was a flake and forgot to put one of the dvds back in the case I returned yesterday. Oh Well .. I do try to stay on top of things. Then I need to try and finish up the peaks of the house so I can get all this painting stuff put away. It hasnt been the best of weather for painting. Then I need to run and get some rings for canning so I can finish the pears. I hope to squeeze some teaching into today... the girls are normally good at staying on task while Im busy doing other things so we will see.


I hope you all are off to a great start! Have a good one.

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Hello everyone


Today I went out for coffee with my kids Pediatrician. She's also my friend so it's a funny mix of Dr/patient talk and what have you been up to lately. The rest of the day was running to walmart to pick up a sleeping pad for DS to take on the camping trip his school is going on tomorrow. The whole 6th grade is going camping for 3 days! I love my school district they do such fun stuff with the kids. And I have been doing laundry all afternoon to catch up before I get buried in it LOL.

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