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Natural Contraceptives


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I've been having trouble finding reliable information about natural contraceptives that would still be available in the event of a long term crisis. I use DepoProvera, which lasts for three months, and keep a big stash of condoms, but even these mostly have a use by date no longer than a couple of years. I have information from my GP about the rhythm method, but ideally I'd like to find out if there are herbs/plants that I could grow which have contraceptive actions. I read that in India, they use papaya for this purpose, but I wouldn't be able to grow that in this temperate climate, especially if the weather becomes more chaotic.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

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You could learn the fertility awareness techniques. There's a bit to learn, but on a daily basis, it comes down to checking your temperature in the morning and peeking at your TP to see if you have mucus. Then you avoid intercourse if you are ovulating.


Unfortunately, if you are 'coming off' of Depo, the method won't be reliable until your cycles resume. But, then I guess that's what your condoms are for. I'd still look for a book.


I don't know anything about herbs, though, so maybe someone else can give you information in that area.

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Most herbal "remedies" are really nothing more than substances meant to induce an abortion. They are highly toxic and can cause serious damage to the women taking them. (Sorry to sound so strong on this, but a friend of mine was... beyond stupid. She's lucky to be alive, and it makes me very nervous to think of anyone going through what she did.) Best options? Stock up on condoms, ask your doctor to prescribe more than month to month pills, choose a long term option - the shot, ect - or try the rythem method. Heck... momma (in her wilder moments) once suggested to a friend that a well placed laugh and some pointing works wonders!


Just be really really careful in whatever you do.

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  • 1 month later...

I know I'm late on this post, but I have heard of another option to birth control for long term use. This is kind of blunt and strait to the point, just a warning . It's called an IUD, I thought about it myself because there are no hormones involved so it's a more healthier option. I have problems with the pill. They've switched me about 5 times since my daughter was born. The IUD lasts up to five years, and is made from a piece of plastic shaped like a T and has copper on it. They say it kills the sperm. It is easy to have put in and is removable in case you want to try to have kids. And if you want kids there is no waiting for hormones to wear off. they say the only side effects are some cramping, and you could have heavier periods. I had a friend that just had one removed though and she said that she never knew it was there. The only thing that she complained about was that on occasion she said that her bf said that he could FEEL it sometimes during intament moments. There is two strings hanging from it kind of like fishing line for removal purposes. they arnt long or anything, and she said that he didn't feel them all the time, but on occasion he did. I had another friend that has one, and she said that her husband said he could taste the copper at times. That is the only negative things I've heard though. It would be a good option for long term birth controle though. And it seems as though it would be cheaper in the long run, and no exporation date.

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A lot of IUD's these days have hormones, too.


And there is that old wives tale about babies being born with IUD's in their hands.


I asked an herbalist once what she would recommend and she said a healthy woman on natural contraceptives would almost always become pregnant. Our bodies WANT to conceive.


The Bradley method was recommended to me, when I posted here that I was considering a tubal ligation, and mentioned above with the mucus. There is more research on it online.


And, of course, my dad would always suggest an aspirin. Place it on the top of one knee, and hold it there with the bottom of the other knee.


Depo can lose it's effectiveness after you're on it for awhile, and as you age.



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I was told by a "professional dancer" who died at over 100 that the girls that she worked with used to insert copper pennies into themselves to prevent pregnancy...now how they knew that it would work, I don't know. But it would seem to me that it would be the same thing as an IUD without the removable option. Also hard to tell where the penny would end up once inserted...it could inplant itself and remove itself with the next cycle...she did imply that they had to do it more than once...but I really don't know for sure. I've had everything cut, burned, tied and knotted; so I'm hoping that this is something that won't concern me, but I'm sure that there will be younger girls around that I will have to be concerned with. If it were dangerous for the girl to have another child, I would at least give the penny thing a chance.


IUDs are to be replaced every 5 to 10 years, but my Sister kept her's in for 30 years with no problems...her doctor could have had a heart attack when she found out how long it had been there.

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Mo7 , the asprin thing works... my dad says so too. To this day when my dad comes to visit us and see the grand kids before he leaves and is saying his good byes he'll look back at me and grin and say "keep your knees together". lol...I think it's cute.

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