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Snowy Wednesday


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GoodMorningrainbow.gif eveyone.


It is 18.gif this morning and we have about 1/4 inch or a bit more right now and it is coming down yet. Our temp is 27º and our high is to be 35º today and our wind chill is 16º. So we are still in winter.


For breakfast today we will have, pancakes2.jpgWAFFLES1.jpgbacon.jpgScrambledEggs.jpgfruit3.jpgCEREAL.gifOrangeButterCoffeeCake.jpgORANGEJUICE2.jpgwater3.jpgmilk2.jpgTEAINGLASSCUP.jpg and COFFEEBLUECUP.gif



I do hope you all had a good day yesterday and got done what you wanted to do. smile


Today will be a day for watering my house plants and maybe doing one load of laundry and do the dishes I didn't do last night. I need to do some work in the kitchen and other dusting.


We did go to Pizza Hut for lunch yesterday and then we went to the library for a while and then to Wal-Mart for another while. We got home and about 4:00 we decided it was nap time. Of course by the time we got up it was time for me to start dinner. smile Since we had left overs from the night before, that is what we had. smile


After we ate, we sat down and watched Oprah which I recorded and then I watched a couple other things I had recorded and then dee until after bed time. So it was late when we went to bed, but we didn't have to set the alarm so wasn't woke up at 5:30 like when Old Pine has to go to work. smile


Well, only one week from today and the sign up time for the White Elephant Exchange, elephant.gif , will be over. smile So, if you want to sign up, be sure to do so right away. smile


You all take care and HAVEANICEDAY8.gif . th6dee1705-2.gif


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Good morning Snowie and thanks for breakfast! Snowing here too with a temp of 31.8. We're to get 5-7" of the stuff....ACK!!! smile I know spring is just around the corner...ISN'T IT???


I'll be cooking and doing laundry this morning. I'm taking off tomorrow for 3 or 4 days and hubby is staying home so trying to get things ready for him.


Have a good day everyone! bighug

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Snow, your food always looks so good!


I spent half the day in the basement today doing the clothesline and mending the clothes sewing The other half I spent cooking ahead a few meals for the freezer.


We had a heavy drizzle most of the day. I am so happy because we have been so dry. DH got up early and planted alot of things before the rain came.


I still haven't done our taxes. They will be easy to do, so I don't know why I keep putting it off. Maybe tomorrow.


Have a great night all! sleepy

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