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Tues Oct 30


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How did that happen?!?!?!


Today I'm doing my food planning for the next four weeks. Having TGiving in there makes it easier. Here's how I do it:


I have several four week blank calendar grids:








Going through my recipe book, I do breakfast first. That's pretty easy. This month we are having cereal twice. I try for a variety, with fairly large breakfasts on the weekends and then quicker stuff for weekdays.


Next I do dinners. This takes awhile longer. I alternate beef and chicken, with pork or tuna once a week. I usually just plug in meals from my one year meal plan, but sometimes that doesn't work (didn't plan on DH being in school and resources being so limited when I did that plan). My one year planner includes several spaces that say "new recipe-beef" etc so we can try new stuff. Dinner plan includes veggies and a balance of proteins.


Then I do breads to go with dinners. On days when I don't do bread (chicken and dumplings, for example) then I make an extra loaf of regular bread for those days where the plan doesn't go right.


Then I do lunches. Sunday lunches first, as those are potluck at church and require extra planning. Often lunches will be leftovers from a few days ago. Will round out protein for days that are short at dinner time (egg salad or tuna salad, peanut butter, adding deviled eggs or beans, etc).


As I'm doing all of these I'm putting "hamb out" for take hamburger out to thaw on appropriate planning days, on the baking/prep sheet. This month I'm making large batches of both pancakes and french toast for the freezer. Also biscuits get done in large batches, because I don't have space to roll them out regularly. These large projects get done on days when DH or big kids are home, so I have help with littles and the project itself.


Then on that sheet I go through and fill in baking projects, like make cupcakes, muffins, cookies, etc. Also precooking meals like cooking two chickens for cooked shredded chicken and broth. Also doing stuff for DH's lunches. We don't always have enough leftovers and he gets tired of sandwiches. Also he likes stuff that the kids won't eat, so this is a great time to fix them for him (stuffed peppers, corned beef hash, etc).


Snack sheet is pretty basic. Just fill in the plan for afternoon snack. Again a great area to fill out fruit, veggie or protein needs. Sliced apples with peanut butter help add protein and fruit to the daily plan. If it's a busy day, it's cupcakes from the freezer.


Sounds like a lot of work, but it's really not. That 3-4 hours of work each month saves me from standing in front of the freezer at 10 am hoping something will stand up and start saying "Fix me for dinner!" It also insures that I have plenty of bread on hand, snacks, and precooked foods like chicken broth. It helps tremendously for my grocery lists as well. I also do four weeks' of running grocery lists as I do this, with the stuff I will need for cooking the meals that I don't already have on hand, then I fill out with staples I need to replace and sale items (when Dh goes back to work there will be a list of stuff bought each month,s plit into four weeks).


Anyway, that and cleaning the kitchen are about it for today, besides the usual.




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GOODMORNINGDOGONSWING.gif MommyofSeven and anyone else who comes today. smile


Well, I worked on my menu Friday, so that is done for the next couple months. I only do the evening meals as Old Pine is working during the days and breakfast is usuall not a problem, with only the 2 of us, it makes a difference. smile What you are doing sounds like a very good idea and I could have used that years ago too. smile I did make menus out part of the time back then, but not always. Like you said, I would wonder what to make. This makes a big difference for sure. smile


I did a load of laundry yesterday and we did a canning of Country Pork Ribs yesterday after Old Pine got home from work. smile


I do have a sheet posted in my kitchen as to what days I do what things, so will have to check that out and get busy soon. Well, I haven't eaten yet, and I know I have dishes to do too. smile I don't do the dishes in the evenings very often then do them the next day. smile


We have lost a lot of deer around here lately to the traffic, I was told there is another on just south of us, so it sure looks like most of My deer have been hit on the road. frown I counted 5 in one week. frown If we had known about the one by our mail box in time, we could have dressed it out. It wasn't mashed like most of them are. I think it was a trucker that hit it and it was probably killed when it was hit.


Well, must get moving, so you all HAVEAGOODDAY.gif . HAPPYTUESDAY.gifHUGS28.gif



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Tomorrow is Halloween, I have been busy putting up the decorations in the yard. We make a big display for the neighborhood every year.


The area near the front door is always very cartoony for the trick-or-treaters, as you go farther into the yard it gets spookier. I say spooky - not scary or gory...


I need to put a few pumpkin lights out near the curb today to lure the little goblins in - I hope I get a lot this year...


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SNOWMOM IN RESPONSE TO YOUR POST ON MONDAY,,, IT IS SO GOOD TO BE BACK, just wish I could get on more often. Also, don't feel bad about getting older, believe me your not alone.....LOL


It has been pretty chilly around here lately, love the cool crisp air, the kids are all getting ready for Halloween.We are not doing as much as usual and will not be out as late. Especially since it is a school night.


I have been having problems with my oldest Ds, since last year.

I know a lot of it stems from his fathers death, but I believe he needs to be tested for ADHD, I have emailed his teachers and asked them what they think.. For, they have been calling me here at home about how inattentive he is at school, etc.. So am waiting to here back from them...


Need to do a small load of dishes, have done a load of laundry, need to get it out on the line. Also need to decide what is for dinner. I may warm me up some chili.. I made a big stock pot full of homemade chili( absolutely delicious IMHO),,,LOL... put it into freezer containers, so that all I have to do is pull it out and warm it up.. Had enough for 7 meals for the 4 of us....


I haven't been able to do any canning (due to the fact that canning on my glass top stove, and my nephews boyfriend putting cold water on hot glass, busted the stove top on the right side,, the left side is still usable,until I get up the $200 to replace it (my neighbor happens to work in the stove top business. He is going to get me one on discount thank goodness...

but the canning on the stove top weakend the glass....

But,I am making up for the canning,, I have been freezing meals, and this summer I hope to set up my camp stove on the back porch and do some serious canning....I have no where for a garden spot,, but hey, there is always other means.......


Well that is about all for today,, Everyone have a good one and If I don't speak with ya tomorrow,,, Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!!!!!!

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