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Monday 9 June


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Man alive more rain coming in but at least its going to warm up a little. Were supposed t o be in the 50's this afternoon. We were back to wearing winter coats over the weekend. crazy We made 8 lbs of mozzarella cheese and a 2 lbs of butter over the weekend.

We got the rest of the fence up to make our garden fence 7 feet in height to keep out deer and elk. I have laundry going this morning but still feel like a zombie. I got up with a headache and its a little better. Hope y'all have a good day.

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Ought to be an interesting week here... DH is on pager all week until next Monday a.m. and it is supposed to rain a lot this week. That means he will have callouts all week, and a ton of OT, but it really wears him down. I already know he has a 10pm callout tonight scheduled.

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bouquet Good Morning all!!


Well I was able to step outside without absolutely melting this morning, I'm thankful for that. We need one of those little smiley faces that is melting...it would apply to many of my coming summer days in the South!


sarawolf, that's so neat about making the cheese, one of the many skills I hope to develop one day. feedme


Can I admit something...I hate Monday's. As a stay at home mom, you wouldn't think it would matter, but it does... shrug



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Morning everyone! Thanks for getting us started sarawolf.


Like you, we've had too much rain, wayyyyyy too much rain. Our pastures are flooded and so are alot of the fields. Thankfully DS's and our houses are high enough the water isn't close yet but it may get in the barn soon.


Today is to be nice so I have laundry going to hang out and we'll start on a few gardens pulling weeds. We'll never get finished because the rains to start again tomorrow and chances of rain all week..... eek


Here's a picture of our horses yesterday in what was left of their pasture. This morning even the little island is gone. The horses are happy though, we've moved them to higher ground.




You all have a good day! bighug



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Oh my goodness Dee, my prayers are with you. And Mondays are always hard no matter what prayed2bamom. Good luck to you dh Vic.

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I don't know how you guys do it down south Prayed2baMom, its 92 here and we are all complaining. The cat is so hot, its laying with its head in her water dish. Teenager son went in the wading pool with baby sister and is now watching NickJr. Says he "likes Franklin & Little Bear" ROFL The fans just make it feel like a convection oven....


Haven't worked outside of the home in years but still have the Monday mentality, so I know where your coming from smile


Sara, your cheese sounds lovely. I'm hoping our house will sell, and I will join the ranks of cheesemakers!


Vic & Dee, prayers that your weather improves.

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Suz you made me laugh with the picture in my head of your poor cat! My border collie is laying prostrate on the cool tile floor right now at my feet...and we've got on the a/c.


I have GOT to make some of those neck coolers that were posted...blasted, I can't find the thread. I know those would help so much! I feel so sorry for the people working outside and this is only June. It's much hotter in July and August!!!



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Dee, I do hope you get to dry out soon. I saw the news re Racine, WI and the floods there. My heart really goes out to all those suffering from all the various disasters.

Sat., DH and I are taking a rain barrel workshop that our county is putting on. We will make 2 (and I'm hoping that we will be given the opportunity to buy a couple more barrels to take home and complete). As so excited.

I have the blinds all closed, the fans all going and the thermoset set as 78. As long as you don't do anything to exerting, it's fairly comfortable. Just don't go outside. I cannot take the heat.

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