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What do you do to keep your teeth strong and healthy?

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I am in my late 30's and I have had 6 teeth break in the past 3 years. Of those, I have had 3 pulled,had one fixed, need one pulled and need the other one(that just broke about a week ago) fixed.I don't know what is going on but it is sure getting old! Any ideas? Vitamin supplements? Foods?

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I always tell my husband he should have checked my teeth before he married me. They have cost him a lot of money through the years.

Ever since I switched to healthier eating, my cavities and gum problems have practically disappeared. Sugar is the main culprit, but just brushing it off of the surface of your teeth isn't good enough. Sugar causes a chemical imbalance in your body that creates the perfect environment for tooth decay, osteoperosis, and multitudes of other ailments.

Research the topic at Dr. Weston A Price's website. I'm sorry, I don't know how to do links.

I gave up sugar and refined foods just to lose weight, but one of the side effects was better oral health. I'm sure if I had done done bone scans, I would find them healthier too.

If you have any questions, just ask. I've studied a lot about this and may be able to help.

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Prevention is the best cure.


I have four kids...11 to 18...and none of them have any cavities because I have been a maniac for brushing and flossing and waterpic-ing since they were born. They do eat snacks and candy, but they know they have to brush each time. And it works!


Plus we go for checkups twice a year.


I do this because my teeth are so bad. I didn't want to see my kids have the same problems with their teeth as I did. Actually, it's worked for me, too....my dentist has given me a car, and he's also fixed my teeth for almost nothing, because, as he says, I cared about the kids' teeth and that should be rewarded.

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#1. Loads of trace minerals in the diet. Leafy greens, good quality eggs

#2. Make sure you get enough calcium in an absorbable form.

#3. Avoid your food allergens. Those will destroy your teeth faster than anything else.

#4. Avoid commercial toothpaste. Use pure soap or another cleaner that does not have glycerin in it instead.

#5. Avoid foods that are empty in nutrition, since that doesn't add to your trace mineral stores.

#6. Avoid fluoride. Fluoride makes teeth brittle in the long-run, and can cause breakage.

#7. Fat soluble vitamins, especially D and K, are critical. A daily dose of cod liver oil and plenty of leafy greens accomplishes this.


Edited to add: I have used this method to actually heal cavities in mine and my children's mouths.

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Thank you for your responses.


Susie~I am not nursing at this time but am considering it for this new baby on the way due in April.


Percygirl~I am familiar with Vitamin D but how does Vitamin K help?

My dh has been claiming for a long time that he thinks commercial toothpaste can actually contribute to cavities and such. I am actually beginning to think he may be onto something there. What do you think? Also, do you mean just brushing my teeth with regular or some special tooth soap?Where would I get it or is it something I can mix up at home?


Homemaker~I have finally come to the point where I know that I need to make diet changes. So, we are slowly making changes to healthier eating.

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I read somewhere that all toothpaste, even the Toms brand contains an ingredient that coats your teeth and prevents it them from being able to form new protective layers of enamel. If you brush with salt and baking soda that will not be a problem.

I can't remember which ingredient it is.

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Could you tell us more about reversing tooth decay in your family. I have read on Dr. Weston A Price's site about that being possible using high vitamin butter oil and the cod oil along with a healthy diet.



Yes, please. I currently have 7 cavities that need filling :o With this economic crisis I'm really worried if dentists disappear so will my teeth.



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