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Do You Have Big Eaters Or Picky Eaters To Worry About?

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My dh has a tremendous appetite. He is 6'4" and weighs 240 pounds, he is a truck driver. When he is home he eats us out of house and home. Somedays he will eat 3 lunches and he always wakes up in the middle of the night to eat. He also smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. At one point, I thought I had a year's worth of food put away. He was home for a month and ate all the meat. He complains if I fix beans or casseroles saying, "thats a poor man's meal"! If things would really get bad, he would not be easy to live with. He would complain to high heaven if he did not have his meat and cigarettes. I guess he has a sense of entitlement. I am trying to stock a lot more meat. I don't feel like Im too good to eat anything, especially if times are tight, but I know he would be a bear to live with. Does anyone else worry how a member of their family would fare if times got really bad, and how this would affect them?

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Luckily we don't have any picky eaters here (well except me at times but I'll eat most stuff). They do have healthy appetites though. My brother will be here and is a picky eater though but he'll adjust.... or starve. I'm sure he'll be okay. Its just going to be a lot of food used.

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I have a big man for a husband too, and seven children, two of whom are teenage boys.


When I began to make changes in our diet, I had to take it slow and easy. My dh loves eggs for breakfast and although he usually doesn't eat it the four days that he works in the office, the three mornings he was home he wanted a big, huge cooked breakfast. Finally, and with great effort we now eat oatmeal on one of those mornings each weekend. He wasn't happy, but I convinced him that the health benefits were important. I did my homework and showed him the studies. If I had gone the route that 'we can't afford' these big three breakfast meals every weekend, he would surely have rebelled.


So, I guess what I'm saying is try a different approach if he thinks it is all about money.


Another thing I did was learn to turn my meat into RUBBER... I can stretch a pound of meat if I use it in casseroles etc. Back to the breakfast example, I can make 3 dozen Buttermilk biscuits and one humongous skillet of Country Sausage Gravy using only one pound of bulk sausage and satisfy everyone at my table, all nine of us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im on a special diet. My brothers the one though, he will eat things almost obssessively for a month and then go off them totally.

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