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One of my cousins has been doing some work in Saudi Arabia, while there a local resident told him about Astragalus. My cousin started taking it and he's convinced it is doing the job. Now, my mom and my sister are trying it and I'm considering doing the same.


Anyone know about this one??


Here's one of many links that I found when I googled.



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Stephanie, I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner but was gone for a few days.


Astragalus is one of the herbs that can be used alternatively with Echinacea (two weeks on one then two weeks on the other is effective) for immune enhancing. It shouldn't be used by people with auto-immune diseases like Lupus and Crohns disease.


It is often used as an anti-viral but it is one of those herbs that might be counter indicated in Avian Flu or other flu's that ramp up the cytokine storms as it could cause a worsening of the symptoms though there is still a lot of controversy over that yet.


Here's another site to check out : http://altmedicine.about.com/od/herbsupple.../Astragalus.htm


And still anther more in depth one: http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/69128.cfm


I have seen others get great results with this herb but don't personally use it because of the above counterindication for auto-immune diseases. I advise using it cautiously at first as I've seen others have reactions to it. Also, it's not a good idea to use this herb long term as it can loose it's effectiveness just as can echinacea without a break.



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The subject of Government verses alternative healing has come up before here in the Nature's Prescriptions. I normally ask that those subjects be taken to the Edge forum for members only as it often turns into a government bashing thread. I will not allow that to happen in NP, not only because it's detrimental to the welfare of Mrs. S members and it's owner but because it is often one sided. I am, however, going to point out a few things that members often do not consider. Please bear with me.


While I am not always happy with our Government's seemingly inclination to ban all natural and herbal healing modalities (I'd be glad to see this discussed in the private member's only section) I want to caution those who read the link about Dr. Weil and astragalus and other links like it.


If you go to the Natural News link and click on the FDA link in the article you will be able to read the actual letter sent to Dr. Weil. It is not saying that he can't mention Astragalus and the studies done on it. The FDA is saying that he cannot MARKET his Immune Support formula, that is, SELL his formula with claims that have not been substantiated and accepted by the FDA. They are, in essence, saying that he is not legally allowed to make money on something that hasn't been well documented to their guidelines.


I believe that Dr. Weil is a respected alternative health professional and do not like it that our Government feels the need to warn him but I would NOT like to have people believe other's claim for some product they are selling if it's not been substantiated. The government is supposed to follow the guidelines set for them by their rules and regulations regardless of who is selling a product and I'm assuming that this is their way of keeping J. Q. Public from buying a product with fraudulent claims. There are a LOT of products out on the Internet today that are patently worthless and yet people are spending thousands of dollars on those products simply because of their desperate need to be well.


Please, remember that a study can be found for almost ANY product, herb, medicine, etc. It is up to the buyer to do the research into who FUNDED those studies and what their ulterior motives might be for that product. We (meany) and complain about the pharmaceutical companies who do a lot of research and get their product approved for a certain use only to find later down the road that the product is not nearly as safe as was thought. Yet we are quick to believe some undocumented study sited by someone whose name is familiar because we have been led to believe that he can be trusted. But can we really trust anyone today that we don't know personally?


Studies can be and usually are, slanted towards what the study intends to find out. It is the nature of studies to be that way. Dubious organizations or persons or companies often fund them even if a prestigious college is actually doing the study. We read that Dr. Weil says on his web site "The Immune Support Formula contains astragalus. . . . Astragalus ... is used traditionally to ward off colds and flu and has been well studied for its antiviral and immunity-enhancing properties." Perhaps there are places on his web site that give links to the specific studies but I couldn't find it if it's there. If I had, I would have tried to find out who did the studies, who funded the studies or who backed the funders for that matter and who was going to profit by the information. I have followed more than one study back to it's supposed funder only to find that there was a connection somewhere with Monsanto or a big pharm company or that some of the corporations had interests in the sales of some product that the study was suppose to support. Even if the study is legit, often a product seller will utilize a study done on an herb as proof that his product works when he may have taken only ONE component of that herb to place in his product without knowing if that one component works as well as the entire herb. Or perhaps there is no specific study done on a product that has a combination of different herbs and components to see if they work synergiscally together or against each other. Our ancient herbalists, Native American, Chinese, German, and et al, all recognized this and used it for effectiveness while our "modern" scientists seem to want to break everything down into it's minutest components. I might add that the reason they DO that is because a natural herb cannot be patented and therefore can't be as exclusively profitable. On top of that, often a 'study' is sited again and again, word for word, all over the Internet with little or no actual way to find out exactly what the study indicated.


While I am not happy with a government that takes away our rights to make informed decisions about what we buy or use, (that includes natural and allopathic medications both) I am also not happy with the idea that someone I love or care about might be spending money on a useless product. Worse yet, someone I love and care about might be harmed by a product needlessly simply because they assumed that a product that was advertised by someone as well known as say Dr. Weil would be safe and would work as it said it did. I like Dr. Weil. I have most of his books and have had almost since he first went public. I am not aiming any of this against him personally just using this as an example.


I was trained in natural healing and herbology. I use herbs. Astragalus, in my opinion, is a powerful herb that can do wonders in healing for a lot of people but I do not believe it is a one size fits all herb any more than an RX from a doctor is helpful for everyone who takes it. I also do not believe that it comes without side affects and possible harm.


Now to the real reason for my post. We are so quick to bash our government yet we rely on that same government to keep us safe from fraud, to keep our food and medicine safe and we are overjoyed when they go in and shut down a plant that is selling tainted products. We were especially glad when our government stepped in when China was sending our manufacturers tainted dog and cat food additives. We even have a section here at Mrs. S on recalled products that might harm us.


We can't have it both ways. Either we are willing to take responsibility for our own safety, which would probably mean raising all our own food, and medicines and building all our own products from materials we grew, harvested, and manufactured ourselves or we allow the government to be the watchdog, as imperfect as they are. I would LOVE to be able to do that very thing. If I could that would mean that I was not dependent on ANYONE for ANYTHING. In today’s world that's pretty difficult to do, for whatever reasons, but I sincerely hope that we never have to GET to that place in this world for that means TEOTWAWKI. As knowledgeable as I am, as prepared as I am,,,,,I am NOT looking forward to that.


Please, let's stick to discussing the pros and cons of natural and alternative healing here in Nature's Prescription. There is a wealth of interesting information to be learned and shared. We can go to the Edge for that ‘other’ discussion. Okay?


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