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Kidney infection


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What is the best recommended treatment for a kidney infection? I do not do doctors period so would appreciate tried , tested and true suggestions. Last year I went down fast with an acute case in both kidneys. This year I am keeping it at low grade but this has been going on for two weeks. Last years methods are not working. I have tried the garlic in vegetable juice that knocked out the fever last year. I have been drinking tonics that have ginger, ginseng and other herbs. I have been taking cranberry /buchu(sp?) capsules. drinking cranberry juice, blueberries, and lots of water. What am I missing.

I am tired all the time and have so much to do. I feel better if I do nothing.......



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As one who suffers kidney infections only too often... The only real solution is going to your dr and get anti-biotics.

In the past, before modern medicine, people mostly died after a long period of pain and misery from this.

A dear friend of mine just spend 3 weeks in hospital and nearly died with this. She thought she had a flu and hadn't drank enough. Needless to say her kidney is shrunk and down to 65% function now.

Since an infection may damage your kidney and its function permanently, I really hope for you to reconsider and get medical help asap.


Second would be to find out why you have recurring infections there.

Preventing infections with alternative remedies is another story. There is much you can do.

But since you are already peeing pus probably, it's a bit beyond that point.

No wonder you feel tired all the time. Your body can handle only so much.


Take care.

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The cranberry is for prevention and to help keep it from getting worse, mostly. Many kidney infections are caused by, or worsened by, infection backing up from the bladder. You get bladder infections when a certain shape of bacteria clings to the lining of the bladder in sufficient numbers to overwhelm your defenses. The cranberry makes it harder for that shape of bacteria to attach to your bladder lining.


One thing you need to do to stave off the next infection is to keep your fluids running through in quantity, and never "hold it" so that liquid with any bacteria in it stays in place long enough for the bacteria to multiply out of bounds. Bladder infections are very common among people who put off visits to the bathroom, whether because they're only allowed to go at break time or what ever.



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Thank you for this information. Last year, the acute infection came from dehydration, overwork and overheating. But this year I wondered why I got this infection and now it is all coming together.

As a general rule I only take showers but over the last month I have taken long soaks to relieve tired aching muscles so have absorbed contaminated water infecting myself.

Our water leaves much to be desired and we only drink filtered(Berkey) water. We do not have enough filtered water for bathing. Guess I will work on that!

To explain our water- we have a well which is on a running stream. This morning I smelled bleach in the water- not put in by me! If I shock our well it never comes through the pipes but if someone upstream shocks their well I can get some of it. So if I get their chlorine , I can also get their bacteria. This well has tested positive for e-coli.

Thank you for your concern but I will stick with herbs, in the past I have suffered some rather violent reactions to antibiotics.





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Twilight, it's your body and you're an adult but would you reconsider about anti-biotics? There are different kinds and if your dr knows which one you had the bad reaction to, it can be avoided.

I'm worried that is this remains untreated it will at least damage your kidney and it could potentially kill you.


I have Bechterew and bladder and kidneyinfections are sadly part of the parcel. Believe me when I tell you that permanent pain in your side is a hinderance in life and limited kidney function not to be underestimated.


A concerned mum (as you can tell) :blush:

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Twilight, it's your body and you're an adult but would you reconsider about anti-biotics? There are different kinds and if your dr knows which one you had the bad reaction to, it can be avoided.

I'm worried that is this remains untreated it will at least damage your kidney and it could potentially kill you.


I have Bechterew and bladder and kidneyinfections are sadly part of the parcel. Believe me when I tell you that permanent pain in your side is a hinderance in life and limited kidney function not to be underestimated.


A concerned mum (as you can tell) :blush:


Look into cinnamon. Yes, common right out of the cupboard cinnamon. The internet will give you information.

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Cinnamon sure has it's place in the medicinal world. I use it to lower bloodsugar spikes.

In high concentration it can damage kidneys though.


Not sure how much is too high. All I know is that it does what it says on the info that's available.

But Skagitgal, you probably don't mean it's an alternative to anti-biotics once a kidney is infected? Cos that does not clear up any other way I know of and believe me, I've tried.

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Uva ursi leaf and take lots. You cannot take cranberry or any other herb that acidifies the urine with this. I can usually clear an infection if caught in time, but sometimes I have to do antibiotics after all. My kidney problems are from Lupus complicated by a congenitally malformed kidney so I have frequent infections.

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I really appreciate your concern. Right now I am now taking chlorophyl which has worked wonders for me before. My herbalist knows that I do not do doctors but she also knows I do not hold her accountable and though she has trembled at times she gives me the best care possible and calls other herbalist if need be. She knows I am willing to go for long herbal treatment rather than a quicker but maybe more harmful for me medical treatment.


My problem with antibiotics is that I had never used them so have a virgin body in that regard. When the doctor prescribed for me it was as for people that have always have depended on medication. The results were less than good and I had long acting complications.


Chlorophyl purifies the blood and when I got gangrene in my finger it cleared it up.

I am feeling better but will not stop treatment until I am thoroughly healed. One of the herb mixtures I am taking includes cinnamon



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  • 5 months later...

There is a wonderful product on the market which works wonders if you don't have the herbs handy. I make this up for myself and encapsulate them. It takes care of infection, stones, UTI, everything. Antibiotics are NOT necessary. Dr. Christophers Herbs makes a Kidney formula which has Juniper Berries, Parsley, Uva Ursi, Marshmallow Root, Lobelia, Ginger & Golden Seal Root. If your local health food store doesn't carry Dr. Christophers line (but most do), you can order it online from many places. A young man runs the DrChristophersHerbs.com where I get mine. He sells them below what other do. I don't get any kickbacks, and I don't own the site. Juniper berries are a great cleaner and are astringent. Parley encourages the kidneys to work well, Uva Ursi is another great cleaner and Marshmallow helps things move along (like stones) without pain. Goldenseal will get rid of the infection and tone up the kidneys. This is for the whole urinary tract area, so it will help out the bladder as well. Remember lots of water (kudos on the Berkey) and cut out sweets (even juices with added sugar) and try a little Apple Cider Vinegar and (just a bit) honey in some warm water to help your body ph balance it self. This should help. And although it isn't technically "herbal" Colloidal Silver will knock out anything.





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