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Headaches, Hermine, and little sleep...


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Oh, Tuesday is not starting off too well, other my being above room temperature. I was awoken at 3am this morning, by a screaming headache. Took some ibuprofen, and a decongestant, and sat up on the couch so as not to waken DH who had to get up at 4am for his first day at the new job.


4am rolls around, and DH wakes up worried, as I am not in bed (still awake on couch). I tell him why I am there and he asked if I needed anything. I thought about asking for the shotgun to end my misery, but that seemed a wee bit drastic a measure, so I got up and settled for a hot shower. That knocked the headache back a bit, and I loaded up his work cooler and fed him breakfast. Then back to bed--but now the dog won't let me sleep--he keeps yowling about being hungry, and since I was up earlier, he saw no reason for me to go back to bed. Between the dog and the monkeys, I probably got 1hr of actual sleep between 3am and 8am.


Headache is still with me, but not bad currently. However it is now raining, courtesy of T.S. Hermine. At least it is just rain here. Houston folks may see flooding.


So hopefully at least the headache will disappear soon. The rain we need and I don't really mind except that it means I can't mow or clean up the doggie landmines in the back yard.



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Awwww, Vic! Doncha just HATE to be woken my screaming headaches? Are you affected by the storm front moving in? I don't suppose your monkeys have a switch that puts them [and dogs] into "Mommy has headache" mode, huh? Hang in there, this too [storm included] shall pass.


MtRider [ :pray: Help her out today, Lord...please]

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