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Sunday 9-12-10


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Hey Sleepyheads!


Yep it's early to be up on a Sunday. Our bulldog, Chuggs, woke me up to go out. He goes out each morning at about the same time and doesn't care if its the weekend. So now I can't go back to sleep.





Yesterday was busy. DH and I visited the library among our other errands. Free guitar lessons are given on Saturday mornings and he just might take them. (DS2 plays because he got lessons during our homeschool days.) We went to a Folk festival and had a good time. It rained and stormed off and on all day. The chili DH made for supper was delicious. :feedme:


I'm hoping today can be spent doing home things. I'm cooking Chicken n Dressing Casserole with mashed potatoes, green beans, and turnip greens for dinner. We have leftover chili we can have for supper.


Here's to everyone having a good day! :thumbs:





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My dog got me up early today as well. You'd think he was a puppy instead of being 8. Goofy dog.


We're headed to a reenactment of the fur trade era. We go every year, so much fun! Link to the reenactment site. My girls love the trading post. You trade items (found or with you) with the fur traders. They haggle with you as well. The kids get a feel for what it was like - sort of. Along with visiting all the tents & food - food! I can't wait for the food. :P


I better get my work done then wake the family.


I'm cooking Chicken n Dressing Casserole with mashed potatoes
Sounds yummy! Is that recipe listed here on the site?
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Good morning everyone :wave:


I've been so busy with canning, etc. this past couple of weeks that I haven't taken the time to post. I've usually read so though so know what's going on. :)


A friend called a couple of days ago saying, "Hey, let's go to Fran and Bill's next week!". I said, "lets do it!" So we're off this morning and will be gone until possibly Thursday. We've never been to their lake home so we're looking forward to it. I think she said it's at Walker, MN and it's an 8 hour drive north. I'm looking forward to it but I sure didn't know how to pack...summer clothes or warmer clothes. I think I'm taking enough for a month but I should have the right stuff no matter the weather.


You all have a good week. :grouphug:

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Good morning~


I was on here at 7, ready mommafitz's post, stepped away from the computer and am just making it back 2 hours later. LOL!! The joys of life.


We have a birthday party today, second in as many days, but I'm hoping to make peach jam before we leave so DH can work on his beets while we are at the party. The goal is to have the produce out of the garden (carrots, beets, peppers, and leeks) out early this week to let it dry so it can be tilled soon. So shifted from trying to get peaches, pears, and apples done to finishing the garden but soon it will be chicken soup. YUM!!


You all had dogs waking you up and I had a toddler, one up at six but went back to sleep with a drink and the other up at 6:40 ready to go. :mornincoffee:


Mommafitz~ enjoy the day and dinner sounds delicious!

City~ we are "neighbors". NW Ind. Enjoy the reenactment today.

Dee~ glad to see you post. I was going to track you down tomorrow, if you didn't post today. :hug3: Enjoy the trip!


Have a great day~

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Today started out with DH and a friend sitting outside with their guitars playing and singing some old gospel hymns. Great way to start any day! Since then I have been organizing, re-organizing and downsizing closets, clothes and BOBs. It is so easy to have way too much of things I don't need. Been watching those "Hoarders" shows and I know there is a big difference but I have to be careful not to get attatched to things in an emotional way. Except my grain grinder which we finally found today!!! Yay! Carefully wrapped in some strange towels! LOL


So I may start packing soon--kind of difficult with the space issues but I am not a last minute person. Weather has been nice here--lower 80s day and upper 40s to low 50s at night. Made 5 loaves of banana bread yesterday--some for friends. Still having leftover spaghetti for dinners--5th day. Good money saving dinners. Tomorrow a roast in the crockpot.


Hope everyone has had a great day!



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