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Wet Wednesday


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Good morning everyone :wave:


Another wet day in store for us here. It's becoming the norm it seems!


A neighbor kids keeps calves in one of our pastures and last night we got a call that a calf or two was out on the blacktop. Man I hate being woken up for that anymore. I called Jake and he was right over so it didn't amount to much but that's the 3rd time so he either needs to gets fence fixed or move the calves. I guess I'll call and tell him that this morning and see what happens. He uses the pasture rent free so I'd think he'd be fixing it quick. :)


Anyway, with the rain I'll be inside working most of the day. What are you doing? Have a great day everyone! :grouphug:

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Today is laundrey day for me and it is raining hard here too! Yay, we always like rain in this area! Last night the water pump went out in the trailer so DH is dealing with that today. I am re-writing lists for DH (bills, passwords, who to contact) so he can read them if needed while I am gone on my excursion. I received a good bit of elk last night but put it in the freezer when the water pump went out so I will can it tomorrow (I hope). Do any of you all know if there are different seasonings for elk than beef? Pressure canning should make it tender, right?


I hope those who don't need the rain are having a sunshiney day!

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We need the rain, generally speaking, but right now it is still warm and dry here...too dry. Can't wait to get past the move and on to our new life in Indiana.


In the meantime there is today. DH broke a tooth while back east and has been suffering with pain for about a month. Yesterday the dentist finally got a look at it and is sending us to the oral surgeon for an extraction. I will be grateful that the pain should stop - but man, the dentist system annoys me! Ugh! Please think good thoughts for DH, that this goes as smoothly as possible.


One last thing...while DH is recuperating this afternoon, I am going to take the new Excalibur for a test run and see how it works. If all is good, then my friend will sell it to me for a little less than she paid for it...and she has never used it. Still in original shipping box that arrived to her place a couple months ago. And it is one model up from the one I was going to get! Figured we had better try it it out while we were still near the factory, in case we need something fixed/replaced.


Have a wonderful day, everyone!



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It's gray here, too, but did see a few brief minutes of sun. We had heavy storms roll through last night and this morning. Of course, they hit while we were out looking for a TV last night.


The TV went out yesterday afternoon so DH insisted that we go get a new one instead of moving the one in our room to the living room and the one in the attic to our room. So, a huge amount of $$$ later and a new TV that we really didn't have the funds for :frying pan: .


Tomorrow is a school day and I'm hoping that the night and morning go better than last night today. DS didn't go to sleep until midnight :blink: no idea what it was about or where it came from but he was up at 6:30 this morning and I was again up with him and a splitting headache.


DD wants to do flashcards so I'm off.


Have a great night!

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I guess all this cooler weather has gotten dh sharpened up. He usually comes in dragging, but today he came home in a really good mood. He saw me on the computer and said "What are you and Violet talking about today? ( He calls the whole forum 'Violet' - Says I'm always saying Violet said...)(I'm sending a big :hug3: to my friend Violet). Any how, I said that we were talking about listening to our instincts and asked his opinion on the subject. 37 years and I've never heard him speak on the subject. He looked at me so seriously and replied " All I know is that when my End-Stinks I just wash it!" That man is a heathen - no manners! But he does keep me laughing, so I guess I'll keep him. :wub: Happy Wednesday to all.



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