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Chopping Saturday


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DH is helping the neighbors today (along with DD #2) with chopping corn. Their chopper broke, so they've had to hire a custom crew or risk losing most of their feed for the winter. Custom crews here are quite expensive, so we're trying to help out. I made lunch for about 20 (or 10 regular guys!) of stew and cornbread. The crew really appreciated it - it's pretty cool here today. A couple of the guys said that their mom had packed them lunch (they look so young... like maybe HS, and driving that hugh machinery).


Now I'm back at home with DD#3 and trying to work on the garden.... cabbage again - kraut and canned slaw... DD is picking crabapples so I can hopefully make juice tonight and jelly tomorrow. Time is flying by, and still so much work to do.


My new job is going great - I start actually working on Monday. Full-time is three 12 hour shifts a week. I'm really excited about it, because I think it will give me more time on the ranch. Once I get back into the swing of things, I may even try to get a milk goat... we'll see.


Hope all of you are going well. I'm sure you're crazy busy as well.

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Very neighborly of ya'll to help with the corn, and then cooking lunch, too. Know they appreciate it.


Sounds like your life is very busy right now.


We hit garage sales today, and got some nice clothing for babies, small children. Since DD and SIL now have a foster child, we are buying up various sizes of clothing. It is fun to shop for the cute little things again. Canning 3 pints of green beans now. Isn't that pitiful? Can't let them go to waste.

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Good evening everyone! :wave:


It's always nice to help or have help when you're harvesting and need help. I bet your neighbors really appreciate DH.


DH was fortunate to have DS home today to help him change a flat tire on the combine. It's alot of work for DH anymore and DS is in his 30's and young and strong.


I really lucked out today. I got up and 6:00 and started cooking. I browned about 6 lbs of hamburger for the freezer and made a big batch of scalloped potatoes and ham for DH to have for the next 3 or 4 days when he comes in from the field starving.


About 9:30 I headed out for our last farmer's market of the year. A cousin called on my cell saying she and her husband were thinking about coming up for the day. Seems things were not going good at home so they wanted to just get away.


Amazing that I actually had something ready to feed them when I got home from market about 20 mins. before they got here. Along with the scalloped potatoes and ham, I sliced some tomatoes, got cottage cheese and canned pears from the fridge and cut up a loaf of fresh homemade wheat bread I'd bought at market from another lady. Rocky road brownies from another lady at market and lunch was ready. Too cool to actually have something ready for unexpected company when I was busy for most of the morning.


About 6:00 I decided I'd better fix them supper so I fixed bacon (already cooked and in the freezer) and tomato sandwices, cucumber and onions (already fixed and in the refrigerator) and a fresh butternut squash I had left from market that I put in the microwave for 20 mins. Ah, some days things just work out right.


I'm in my sweatsuit and collapsed in my recliner for the night.

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Good evening~


It's been an odd weather day here, rain for a brief time, sun, repeat and WOW is it cold! I put something in the garage and grabbed a soda and was shocked that it was cold.


DH is ill (MIL has been sick for a few weeks, no diagnosis but they just pump her full of drugs) so he is laying low today. I managed to go 2 quarts of pear sauce and have lots more left to do. And Virginia, you are correct, can't let it go to waste. The pears are from my sister and BIL's tree. They don't use them and I won't let them go to waste so I go pick everything I can and keep going back to do the same thing. I make sure they get some of the fruits of my labors as BIL keeps getting laid off. I want to make sure my neice and nephew when he starts eating solids (a month old) have food to eat (sis and BIL, too) but they aren't preppers and don't see the need.


We might have a guest for the evening as my other BIL is working back to back shifts and they live 70 miles from his job and they are an hour ahead of us. Helping our babysitter write a philo paper tomorrow afternoon, too. But other than that it's pretty quiet here.

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wow--what a day!!! went and picked up my mom and we went to the art and crafts show--i got a little bit of jewelry(that's a prep item --right??) then i got several loads of limbs hauled off--a couple loads of trash hauled to the dumpsters, the chimney sweep came and got the wood burning stove all ready to go--i put out the Halloween decorations and then i took some old wood fence post and lined my driveway with them to keep everyone from driving into my yard--i went and drove down some country roads and gathered up some large rocks and outlines one of my future flower beds--I LOVE a good fall day!!! I can get so much done!!!


This place has A LOT of junk sitting around--lots of it junk iron--that we can take in and sell--but a lot of it is just junk that needs to go to the dump--I have noticed that one of the dumpsters is always empty when the trash truck comes, so I decided that starting tomorrow--i am gonna do several loads to it and fill it up every week--that way i don't have to do it all at once to the dump--i sure am ready to get some of this junk gone!!!!

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