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Well it was sunny


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Just as I got some laundry done to hang out our glimmer of sunshine moved on to cloudy with chance of rain and maybe a rumble of thunder.dry.gif


I was going to go to the store but my car would not start. My WONDERFULL DH come home from the busy day he had planed to fix my car.:wub:


It was a bad night for me and I didn't get much sleep so I think I will take a nap this afternoon.

I was going to make Chicken Marsala tonight when my neighbor called and said he is learning to cook ( His wife has early Alzheimers) and invited us for dinner.

Well Dh needs lunch so he can get back to his plans.



Have a great day.

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Hope you got that nap. ;)


Did you hear or see the fighter jets that rumbled over this area? Two went over our house, and later we saw 4 near the Notre Dame game. I'm hoping they were only doing something for the game for Veteran's Day... :huh:


I cleaned out some of the old stuff from the freezer so I could fit a turkey and a couple of roasts in.


Meat place had rolled rib roasts for $3.99 a pound, and if I bought $50 of stuff, I'd get my turkey for 58 cents a pound. Since most of them are currently at a sale price of 88 cents a pound, and DH wanted beef because of the low-carb diet, and they also had steaks buy-one-get-one-free, we went.


So now I'm set for quite a while.


I've been secretly stocking a cupboard in DD's house, too. Found some sales this weekend that helped. They tend not to think very far ahead and the closest stores are miles away. Hey, when you're hungry, Ramen noodles at 10 cents each are pretty good! :happy0203:



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I've been a little under the weather --sore throat for the last few days. Taking plenty of Vit.D and multies plus a zinc a day. Haven't done much but some baking and cooking. Have ham and scalloped potatoes in the oven for dinner with "Muffins that taste like Donuts" for dessert. I go back to work tomorrow for 4 nights and then off for 8 days in a row. Right through Thanksgiving! Just gonna watch some recorded shows on TV tonight and play on the computer--been printing some recipes and info. And get my rest.


Hope you have all had a good day!

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I did get to nap a bit.DD2 has been very needy lately.

I didn't hear the Jets go over but I know that they have flowen over Notre Dame games before.


Good deal on the meat.I think my DD2 lived on Ramen noodles when she was younger.

I had some apple cider today it was sweet. I don't think I bought any last year.


When Dd2 and I went to the store she asked if we need more water for when the power goes out.

Then when she was watching Hanna Montana I gasped and all she said was "You want the pizza oven in the background don't you?"

She knows me to well.



Miki I hope you feel better. They changed how we do things at work and now I 'm having a lot of arm , shoulder and elbow pain. Almost to the point I can't use it .I wouldn't trade that for a sore throat though.


Recipe for "Muffins that taste like Donuts" ?

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DD's put all the cushion's from the outdoor furniture in the garage, stacked the chairs and covered them. It's time to store them for the season. While they did that I cleaned out the fridge and wiped it all out. The 3 of us did a little light housework and that was about it.



I don't know what I did yesterday, but I woke up this morning with a strained lower back and a migraine. After we cleaned a little, I had to lay on the couch with a heating pad on my back and a cold compress on my forehead. The pain has eased off a little. At least I can walk upright now instead of hunched over!


Speaking of "donuts"... Anyone ever made home made ones from canned biscuits? The cheapest generic ones make the best donuts! Fill a pan 2-3 inches deep with oil (med. heat). Cut holes in the biscuit centers (coke bottle cap is about the right size). Drop in pan, flip over to brown both sides. Remove and quickly drop into a paper bag with powdered sugar and shake, shake, shake. Eat while still warm! YUM!!! :feedme:

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My mom used to make those!!!! we used sugar and cinnamon to shake them in! Have you ever dropped raw refrig. biscuits in w/ chicken and broth? They make great dumplings! And fast!


The recipe link for muffins that taste like donuts is here: http://thepioneerwoman.com/tasty-kitchen/recipes/breads/muffins-that-taste-like-donuts/

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