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I wasn't looking, but...


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I got a new job!!!


Some of you may know that I was laid off of my last job in October 2006. I went back to school and got my degree in elementary education, but as soon as I graduated, teaching jobs became scarce. I've applied at the ones I've seen, but there is a lot of competition, especially with the nearby school districts closing and combining schools. So, I've been able to stay at home with my kids. It's been great to be able to be with them in the mornings, drop them off at school and be there when they get home. My youngest only has half day preschool, M-Th, and I've really enjoyed my time with him. Money has been really tight, but we've been pinching the pennies and making due, but it's also been really hard.


So, the week before Thanksgiving, I had to call to an employment agency that I had worked with before. I needed some information from them and was able to speak with the man I had worked with when I got my last job. Just before we hung up, I asked him if he happened to have any jobs available. He said no, so I didn't think anything more of it. I wasn't really looking for a job, so it wasn't a big deal. Well, apparently as soon as we hung up, a job came across his desk that he thought would be perfect for me. He tried to call me back, but he had an old number...he also had an old email address. He is such a sweetheart, he searched all over online for me and finally found my Linked In account and emailed me through that. When I got the email, I called him back immediately. Long story, not too short, but I sent him my resume, he got me an interview and I started working on Dec 1!! It's not in education, but more along the lines of my previous career. It's also not making nearly as much as I used to, but I still feel so blessed to have gotten it!


I've been worried about how I was going to take care of the kids (child care and transportation to school) once I had a job. It can get pretty expensive, almost to the point that me having a job would not be worth it. Well, my mom and I worked it out and she can take the kids to school, pick them up AND watch my youngest for the half day's he is not in school. My job has flex time, so I can pretty much make up my own hours. So, the hours I chose to work are around 7:30-4:00, which means that I get off work just as the oldest kids are getting home. That schedule is also very flexible, if I need it to be.


After I got the job, DH confided that this has relieved a lot of stress for him. He was feeling that he works so hard, but we still didn't have any extra money for "extra" things that are needed.


God knows what we need, even if we don't. He got me this job, even though I wasn't looking, and He worked out the child care situation for me.


Oh, and I really like the people I work with and I like the job. It's kind of nice to be out in the workforce again. :D

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