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Sheets are on the line....


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Good morning everyone :bouquet:


Yep, I've been :clothesline: sheets and my 3rd load of laundry is in the washer. Those crisp fresh smelling sheets will be sooooooooo nice to crawl into tonight.


DH started planting corn yesterday. Hopefully, with no breakdowns, he'll finish up this evening. The busy time of spring!!!


I planted 3 hills of pie pumpkin seeds yesterday and 2 rows of greenbeans. It got dark on me but I hope to get 2 or 3 more bean rows planted today.


I need to get moving. I'm playing bridge at 9:00 and have 2 gals to pick up on the way. There's usually alot more of this :gathering: than bridge.


What's going on in your world today?


Have a good one! :grouphug:

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I love the smell of line dried sheets too, winknasmile, enjoy your bridge game. Pumpkins and green beans, sounds yummy. Our long green chili plants are blooming, hoping for a good crop, God willing.



I have to do way too much, stresssssing on the priorities. Really, it is not that much, just time consuming and I tend to put "want to's" on my ToDo's.


Yesterday, we watched the electric company put in a metal pole on my property. :buttercup: Picked up a few items on the grocery list.


Plumber is due in today to fix a leak, pending replacing our galvanized pipes. :banghead:



The sky is overcast and it is breezy. We did not get any rain yesterday and the temperature hit 98 here at the house.





I hope you all have a blessed day.

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winkaasmile - good luck on the gardening!


Annarchy - 98 degrees already?!?! - ackkkk! I hate the heat! I guess that's why I tend to visit up North during a large part of the summer. :happy0203:


I've got to get the kids up (spring break for ds so it's hard to make dd have school). Then we have to go to the post office to pick up my UPS package. :soapbox:



Then it's off to get some lunch and then the grocery for the "Cash in your quarters" sale at Albertsons. DS won't be happy, but they have his muscle milk bars, salt, fresh corn on the cob, seasoning mix pack and a few other things for $.25 and several other things for $.50 that I want to get like canned veggies, pasta, paper towels, and aluminum foil. Then to Winn Dixie for $1 eggs.

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Have been catching up on email monitoring , which always leads to sock knitting group emails and I know now that my arthritis pain is diminished with the improving weather that I should also add sock knitting tasks so I can finally do up the first pair.

Probably will do some clutter clearing today.


was sitting here enjoying my morning coffee however...... I just need to decide which section of my place to work on first, lol..... :sHa_sarcasticlol:


post-3311-049135000 1335453344_thumb.jpg

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Good morning~ :bouquet:


I'm going to try this again. I was almost done with my post a couple hours ago moved something or hit something and lost the post so I grabbed another cup of coffee (or 2) and searched on-line for a few things.


DD has taekwondo tonight and she tests on Tuesday for her 2nd degree green belt in the little ninja program. The school that teaches through the Parks Department is offering a nice deal to switch to the school so I need to go check out the school and make a decision. DS1 decided he wants to try t-ball, now, so I need to sign him up. DD is saying she wants to, also since DS is. DH thinks it's time to separate them in things like this so they can gain some independence.


The kids have a birthday party to go to on Saturday so we need to pick up a gift but it might not happen until Saturday morning. I'm trying to catch up on laundry (how do two kids wear so much stuff:blink:) and cleaning. I need to clean a raised bed out and try and plant some additional lettuce, onions and potatoes (maybe some peas or beans, too). It's really WINDY and overcast so I don't know how much we'll be able to do. DH is hoping to fill the new beds this weekend, I guess I should finish plotting the garden out now. :D


My little farmer is telling me about his John Deere (little ones from DD for Christmas. love the JD store) and the fields (a blanket) they are plowing and fertilizing:wub:. I'm so glad he can see all of those things when we go to school and are at my parents. Their backyard butts up to a nice field so we watch them a lot from now until harvest.


Have a great day!:bighug2:

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I , too , have sheets on the line!

The pup and I went on our usual walk through the woods.

Scared a squirrel about out of his wits that did not see us coming<G>

I think he had his head in a hole!

Have not seen the regular turtles now for a week. We were seeing them

everyday and the pup would greet each and everyone. Someone has marked them

and they are easy to identify.

Did not see any deer or the wild turkey hens. Of the three hens I "know", one has

a nest 10 feet from my mowing edge of the yard. One is in the neighbors hay field

and the other is in the woods further away from the house.

Here in Missouri the MDC turned out domestic Bronze with the wild birds

to increase the gene pool. There are some really beautiful Hens and a WOW!

tom out there.

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